Peter-Ts Photo52 Week 20 Stop + 21 Isolation. Pg 6

Glad the camera is working again Pete... sounds a bit weird that... Anyway... a good shot, that fulfils the theme nicely, albeit a different take. Needs a bit more contrast as has been sai.
+1 more to the "failed Chemistry" club. Quite a few of us in there :)

I think it's all been said for Candid. A tad more contrast would do the trick I think. Otherwise it's a nice "man-at-work" capture.

Hi Pete - Sorry I've got so behind on your thread. I've just had a good browse through and I think Present is my favourite - for the priceless expression on your face! And for getting it done under pressure of time like that.

Photographically, Mechanical is top of the pops for me, and I actually liked the sign post (sorry! :() because it looks as though the figure is pointing at it. It reminds me of the WEEE man at the Eden Project in Cornwall, which I used for one theme last year, but he looks more gritty and mechanical! Excellent shot.

Candid: I like this. The b&w treatment works really well, he's definitely concentrting on keeping a straight line with the paint brush and totally fits the 'Candid' bill. :clap: Did you then put the camera away and help? ;)

Glad the camera's back up and snapping, Pete.
I like your interpretation of candid and thing the b&w version works well.
Sorry its late, and even more sorry its rubbish! I really couldn't think of anything else!


Thanks. Pete
Heres week twelve, got two shots i like the top is my choice for the week, the 2nd one is another one i liked!



Thanks. Pete
Like the concept of produce, a couple of nice shots. I would suggest that the focus on the first pic should have been on the knife amd perhaps lose the watch, my eyes keep settling on it rather than what it should be but nice colours...

I like the reflection of the carrots in the pan on the 2nd one and the action in the shot, I think I prefer that one...
Thanks for your comments Gary. the more i look, i think i prefer the 2nd produce.
Chemistry: If you could bottle this chemical reaction, you'd make a fortune. Definitely bang on theme. I'd lose the watch, but I like the concept and the composition. :)

Produce: Both shots are a bit busy, and I think the first one might be better from a slightly higher point of view, to give more emphasis to the knife and the cutting action. I love the throwing action in the second one, but I would move the hot cross buns out of shot (apart from they're making me feel hungry) they're a bit out of context with all the veg. What did you produce with all those colourful ingredients? :)

Really like the 'chemistry' shot - composition and interpretation spot on :)
Number two 'produce' shot my favourite - love the way the carrots are in mid air - great shot :clap:
Chemistry, nought wrong with that Pete... it works well...

Both are interesting for produce, but I'm gonna say the second for me, the action works better than the angle. Both are a bit busy in the background though.
Thanks for your comments people, Quad will come this afternoon if i get a chance
Hi Pete,

A bit behind with your thread sorry.

Chemistry : Definitely not rubbish :LOL:
Sharp, simple and bang on theme (y)

Produce : Another pair of good sharp shots.
I think both would have benefited from a less cluttered background, but the lighting and the content of the shots is spot on.
I'm not too keen on the angle of the first one, but the second works well. I particularly like the carrots in action.
So EdinburghGary gave me the idea for this week from his thread on passport photos. This week is less of a test of my photography, and more of a test of my photoshop skills. I was going to attempt a warhol style, but i just couldnt work it out :(


Thanks. Pete
Sorry Pete but I think you should have seperated the images with frames and gone for the pop art treatment.

At the moment it just looks like passport pics.

I agree with Andy, your left shoulder just seems to cut off in mid air so spoils the effect a bit.
Not working for me I am afraid BUT I give you top marks for executing it I would not know where to start!
Okay, here we go. I've re-worked it, done some silly edits and stuck them all together! I hop this works better that the previous!

I appreciate that your first quad was more an exercise in Photoshop than in photography, and applaud you for trying something new and for producing a good result, but I don't find much appeal in the actual image. Also, the cut-off left sholder looks awkward where it's offset against the adjacent image.

However, the pop art version gets a definite (y) from me. You have now put visual interest in the image. The different colours in the shirt, along with the framing now stops the cut-off left shoulder from looking awkward. In fact I think that offset now positively contributes to the image.

Nice one.
Thanks for your comments Rob! It would seem I have wonky shoulders! lol
Well done on the ps work. I agree the first one wasn't terribly appealing - I'd have liked catch-lights in your eyes, and the shoulder-to-shoulder bit in the middle didn't quite work, but the Warhol version is excellent. Lots of interest, and :eek::eek::eek: scary eyes bottom left! :LOL:

It gets a big "well done" from me. (y)

Well you went for the passport photo look in the first one, and in fairness you achieved it and achieved it well.
The problem is, as other people have said that it's not the most interesting or exciting presentation (for good reason - passport photos aren't supposed to be exciting)

The pop art version has loads more punch and is a good take on the theme.
I think the PP on the top left is the most interesting and would quite like to see that applied to all 4, but with different colours in each one.
I like your second version of Quad, the original picture is perfect for this kind of treatment. My favourite version is bottom right and I'd like to see this applied to all four just with different colours as Sarah says.

Oh and by the way I wouldn't try dyeing your hair and going for purple contacts like in the bottom left, it's probably not the best look:LOL:
hahaha thanks for your comments guys!! no, i dont think i'll be dying my hair anytime soon and as for contacts... lol
i'm glad this worked better!
The edit is much more interesting, and solves the problem of the shoulders. Both Sarah's and Rudder's ideas are good ones, too - hope you'll have time to try them.
Pete, the second one definitely has more impact... the first is a passport set. Well done on working the processing though, you've done a good job on that.
Thanks for all your comments guys and girls, all very encouraging!
So its a bit of a crowbar this week, but also a practice of my PP skills.
As a follow up from my other thread: Flowers in the garden in which my parents had asked me to get some shots for them, i went to the local aquaduct for part of a photoshoot of the local scenery (some project thing my mum and nan are doing, i dont ask).

So anyway, let me know what you think and if you would be so kind as to look at my other thread, i would be very gratefull!


Thank you. Pete
That's an amazing feat of engineering - I think travelling along the aquaduct on a barge must be quite scary, and you definitely need a head for heights. :eek:

I love the arches and the detail in the brickwork of the viaduct (?). The colours work well and you've got a good sky. It's got a sort of old-fashioned watercolour look about it. I hope your mum and nan are pleased with it. :)

Did you take any other shots from different angles?

Peter, whats a little crowbar between friends;)
I like your shoot image a lot, the composition is great, it leads ones eyes through the image. I like your processing too, as has been said above, it has a water colour effect to it, very pleasing on the eye. Crowbar or not, gets my (y)
oh im so pleased you like it!! i was quite worried about this one thinking it looked too much like a painting! the sky has been PPd in as it was blown :(
the aquaduct is the bridge i had to walk across to get to where i was stood. The bridge on the right is a train line and is considerably higher (although it doesn't look like it)
I really like this, is it the Chirk viaduct? I only ask because I'm pretty sure I've abseiled off it....... and now you've given me an idea :D
I really like this, is it the Chirk viaduct? I only ask because I'm pretty sure I've abseiled off it....... and now you've given me an idea :D

oh your good! it certainly is. I only live down the road, took my bike out yesterday morning :)
oh your good! it certainly is. I only live down the road, took my bike out yesterday morning :)

I'm insanely jealous, what a beautiful place to live.
Next time I throw myself off it, I'll pm you ;)