photoman2 52 week challenge- week 0 old

Hi William. Not sure which is the more dramatic shot of the two ha ha. Horizontal is a very novel take on the theme but absolutely spot on and Vast is so well framed and scaled by the trees. Beautiful. :clap:
Good choice for the theme William - all that action and movement demonstrates just how rough a ride.
Certainly well Covered William ... and Rough going too I should imagine so 2 for 1 in this image! Hopefully seen the last of the white stuff for a while.
Horizontal - Well lit and very discreetly posed. (y)
Vast - Some great dynamic range in the shot and it certainly sells vast.
Rough - Not so sure on the processing for this, but I guess it suits the image. It's almost a magazine image.
Covered - Not to the standard of your other photos, but good job getting the snow failing captured.
Hi William. Really like the composition and the subjects. Quite an usual but engaging process. Prefer the slightly lighter/brighter second version. :clap:
Still strugling and am short of timewill try to get to grips thanks fore your coments
Will the second tug boat is interesting to say the least. I like the background land colours and sky just slipping in between, nice

Hi William. I never know what's going to pop up on your consistently varied thread. Of the latest pictures I like the landscapes best - the mountains for Vast and the tugboats (not sure what theme they're for but I like them nonetheless). Some of the processing is fairly heavy but you manage to get away with it.
My gosh! Not only two extremes of size but delicacy too. Lighting in the first is excellent - difficult choice but probably the truck edges it for me. :clap:
I like that William, for Entrance. Great perspective with that central vanishing point. Especially like the drama of the barbed wire fence and the processing. Where is that? :clap:

Horizontal - such a good image and tastefully photographed.
Vast - Huge scale and powerful.
Rough - looks like a tough shot to get, the rider is certainly having a bad time there.
Covered - wow, some snow that.
Colourful, the boats are superb almost painterly.
Size - two great images -perfect for the theme
Entrance - sombre and perfect
A very big thanks to you all that took time to view my work its not every ones cup of tea but you seem to enjoy it thanks againe for your comments
William M
Hi William. Missed your (not) Forgotten somehow. Nice choice, excellent composition - particularly like those flowers in the fg. The processing makes Simple looks like an artists sketch - good composition again having that single droopy tulip for added interest. :clap:
Really intrigued by your Simple photo, honestly I'm not sure I "like" it but I do find it compelling. It's really good to see someone doing something away from the usual in this challenge, well done.
Hey William. That's a novel choice of subject for the theme made more interesting by the inclusion of the wildlife. Nice. :clap: