photoman2 52 week challenge- week 0 old

Hi @WilliamMarks
A bit of a catchup now I've found your thread.

Nice idea for Miniature (though surely a D Type was a Straight 6, not a 3 Cylinder ;) )
I think I would have tried for a deeper DoF so that the upper piston was also in sharp focus.

Happy - A very happy shot, nicely in focus and good use of a high key(ish) effect.

Abandoned - That is a great image, very sharp and crisp (it could almost be a drawing / illustration).
Slight crit would be I would have cloned out the rock bottom LHS just to make the foreground more uniform

Dangerous - Good composition, but this is a shot where I think the DoF needed to be deeper.

Topical - Don't start me on Rubgy (Grrrrrrr - Having lived close enough to Twickenham all of my life to have to make sure that what I'm doing isn't impacted but the traffic controls for the Rugger Buggers, I have no love of the game).

Living World - Great shot. I espcially like the way you've captured or imparted a slight blue tint to the snow.

Please take a look at:
As far as I can see there are no links to your thread from the main thread.
Add to that the fact that your thread title (photoman2 52 week challenge- week 0 old) is out of date and doesn't reference your member name and only the most dedicated or lucky of us will actually find your thread and comment.
Hi LC2
Minature there are three pistons on the other side DOF not needed as the shot was of the Jag, abandoned the rock is heaped snow to give a stop and the depth of the snow living world as shot sorry you dont like rugby thanks for your comments allways wellcome.
Danger - very dangerous just right for the theme
Topical - very colourful and on theme
Natural World - Lovely shot the flower is very vibrant against the snow my favorite of the 3
Hi William. Can't see a link from the main page to yours for Spiky but I do like that image a lot. That barbed wire is spot on for the theme obviously but it looks brilliantly sharp against that white bg. :clap:
Very emotive, definitely spiky too !

( BTW if you add a link from the post the images here, but no comments thread, back to here, your'll get more comments )
Nice idea to mirror the image like that it really works, simple but effective.

As cobra says a link from the images only thread will bring more comments.
Hi William

Could I repeat the above request - can you link back to this thread when you post a picture in the main "pictures" thread? The reason being is I use that thread to jump off and comment on everyone's photos. I see yours but because there's no link, I can't get onto your thread the "easy way". This is the first time I've seen your thread near the top of the list, hence the reason I haven't commented for a while... it might be others are having the same problem? Then again, maybe you don't want comments? ;)

Anyway, onto the photo. It's a very pleasing image - the composition and lighting work really well for me. I like that there's a bit of detail in the shadows/dark areas but not too much. I also think the shade/ambient has lit her face really well. The only thing that's going against it for me is your choice of focal point and depth of field. I think there's a split subject here (the gate and the person) and I'd like at least some of both to be in focus. Normally the person's nearest eye is essential and at least one of the gate posts - the spiky bit (which is I presume the link to the theme and the reason you've chosen to focus on that). You'll need a wider DOF here, or have the woman move more in line with one of the point bits on the gate.

But it's an appealing image notwithstanding the lack of focus on the eyes.
I like the composition William and the expression on your model's face ... thoughtful and pleasant. Nicely lit with it falling softly on her face. The contrasts between hard and soft, sharp and gentle all make it a pleasing image. :clap:
Hi William that's an impressive Spiky image ....I assume it's a mirror image.

Beautiful shot of the girl and the railings ....composition is perfect.
Thank you to all of you that have comented on my imeges very much appreciated .Trying to find time to get to grips with talk photografy well 42 weeks should just about do it.
Thanks again W M
Well you're definitely getting there William ....just try and put the link on your main post in the photo only thread. ...just click on the # bottom right on the next photo you post on here, select all, and copy, then paste that link into where you put your photo on the main thread.

I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing all your posts so far.
Yeah, what marvellous inventions they are. Nice take on the theme William - great subject nicely treated,
Whoa! That's some image William; such an obviously powerful contrast between power and tenderness, bravery and trust (Gulp!). Wonderful. :clap:
You've got some great shots here William. I especially like your two spiky shots (I'm guessing the girl and railings is spiky too? I love the way the railing tops lead you straight to her lovely eyes). The bear shot is amazing - Carl said it so much better than could have. Where was it taken? (if that's not too personal a question).
You've got some great shots here William. I especially like your two spiky shots (I'm guessing the girl and railings is spiky too? I love the way the railing tops lead you straight to her lovely eyes). The bear shot is amazing - Carl said it so much better than could have. Where was it taken? (if that's not too personal a question).
The shot was takeh in Canada the bear is in the seven up advert he is on the left and heis real, and yes my wife was that close she volunteered to kiss him I am pleased that you all like my shots thank again fore viewing WM
Hi William
I really like your personal shot. Quite envious of your wife being that close!

Would it be possible for you to link back to your thread when you post in the initial "no comments" thread?
I ask because your own thread is titled "Photoman 2" rather than your name, and it sometimes makes your thread quite hard to find.
Just an idea :)
Really nice take for the theme William - like the obvious signs of effort (as well as the pleasure in achievement). Lovely take. :clap:
I don't think my photography past-time would have amounted to much in the pre-digital age judging by the ratio of failed exposures to successful ones. Respect to anyone who can use film. Nice choice William. :clap: