Sarah's 52 for 2010 - Now continued in part 2

Oooooo shiny :LOL:
Yes this was well and truly crowbarred in wasn't it? :LOL: I really like the orb but I'm not too sure about the background. I don't know how best to describe it, er, busy? Maybe if it went from dark blue to a lighter blue, like something floating under the surface of deep water. Or maybe light blue to white, like something ascending to the heavens. Does any of that make sense? :LOL:
wow, is that what too much lemsip does to you? ;)

stunning image.. like the crystal ball effect, your PP skills are fantastic, wish I knew where to start with something like that.. the tones and light rays are great.. hate marmite, like this :D

hope you're feeling better soon x
You know your way around photoshop :D. As a crow bar I'm going to say..............I like it, I really like it.

Its certainly a talent you have there with your PP skills, as a creation its pretty eye-catching and a really nice peice of work.

I dont feel I can comment on it as a photograph though but a nice image none-the-less

Well done.

P.S Might need to borrow your crowbar this week
Crowbar? Yes, borderline at best, given that every image we bung on here could be argued to have been produced.

Marmite? Almost certainly, but as with Marmite I like this loads.

It certainly goes beyond the bounds of being a photograph but as I think that we have to accept and embrace digital imaging as a further development in the history of photography, then that ain't an issue with me.

I love the imaginative work and skill you have put into this image, Sarah, and can't see any need for a reshoot.

I hope you are feeling well again:)
Well it is very different from most of this weeks produce photos and you have just about managed to squeeze it into the theme. Its a stunning picture, more 'art' than 'produce' though

Thank you Sue . . . and I agree with you re: the art vs photo thing,

I can't quite work out if I like the 'produce' shot or not! It's certainly different, I think I do but I'm not sure why!

Good stuff getting on with it despite illness, get well soon (y)

Thanks Chris. Feeling loads better this week and I've actually got a "proper" photo this week.

I have no idea what I'm looking at, and I don't see even the smallest idea of a branch, but that being said, I love this picture. It's something I could look at for hours. Looks like I could hang it over my desk and look at it all day long. Not sure I would get any work done though!!! :D

Am impressed by the PS'ing as well8 Real great to look at!

Thank you Vicky. That really means a lot and FWIW I have no idea what it is either!

certainly proves you can produce interesting / strange things photoshop !

Strange things indeed LOL

Oooooo shiny :LOL:
Yes this was well and truly crowbarred in wasn't it? :LOL: I really like the orb but I'm not too sure about the background. I don't know how best to describe it, er, busy? Maybe if it went from dark blue to a lighter blue, like something floating under the surface of deep water. Or maybe light blue to white, like something ascending to the heavens. Does any of that make sense? :LOL:

Thank you and some interesting points there about the background.
I think I'll be sticking with real photos for a while though, so probably won't be revisiting.

wow, is that what too much lemsip does to you? ;)

stunning image.. like the crystal ball effect, your PP skills are fantastic, wish I knew where to start with something like that.. the tones and light rays are great.. hate marmite, like this :D

hope you're feeling better soon x

LOL. It's when you start mixing Lemsip with Marmite that you really get problems.

You know your way around photoshop :D. As a crow bar I'm going to say..............I like it, I really like it.


Thank you - and I appreciate your comment on PS too.
I hadn't even taken it out of the cellophane until last July, so good to know that I'm making progress with it.

Its certainly a talent you have there with your PP skills, as a creation its pretty eye-catching and a really nice peice of work.

I dont feel I can comment on it as a photograph though but a nice image none-the-less

Well done.

P.S Might need to borrow your crowbar this week

Only just got my image for week 13, but you're more than welcome to the crowbar.

Produce - great colours and effect - I really like it.
Hope you are feeling better :)

Thanks Liz.
I'm feeling loads better this week.

I can see where you are coming from as this is a product of labour and toil in front of a computer screen. I like the pleasing colors, but what I do not like is the white area behind the orb, it tends to take the eye there almost immediately. A very good effort Sarah.


Thank you Allan - and I appreciate the comments on what was a pretty carp week for me.

Crowbar? Yes, borderline at best, given that every image we bung on here could be argued to have been produced.

Marmite? Almost certainly, but as with Marmite I like this loads.

It certainly goes beyond the bounds of being a photograph but as I think that we have to accept and embrace digital imaging as a further development in the history of photography, then that ain't an issue with me.

I love the imaginative work and skill you have put into this image, Sarah, and can't see any need for a reshoot.

I hope you are feeling well again:)

Thank you Rob and I'm glad that you found something to like in it.
Week 12 is a belter! :D I agree with your suggestion of Marmite, but I think it's really good....(y) Lovely colours, nice abstract feel to it, and when I look at it, I can't help wondering what processes you've used and in which order....:thinking:

On the whole, your 52 is coming along very nicely indeed IMHO. I think you are producing some really great stuff! :clap:
:eek: Sorry that this is a day late. I've been waiting for the right weather as will be apparent from the shots.
Back on track now though and I'll start catching up on the other week 13s soon.

Anyway, this is a bit of a special one for me.
As soon as the theme was drawn I breathed a huge sigh of relief because it fitted in nicely with something else I needed to do this weekend.

Perhaps not the most exciting shots, but they're special for a good reason.
This is the first time I've been "commissioned" to do anything photographically . . . and I use the term very loosely.
A friend of a friend is just setting up his own car window tinting business and asked me to provide some shots for his website.
Not exactly paid work, more an exchange of services. He gave my OH a discount on his window tinting in exchange for the shots. These are just a couple of samples for him to preview - if he's happy with them I'll be providing some more and might even get some paid work for shooting some of his other customers' cars.

Week 13 - Quad I

Week 13 - Quad II

I know they're not perfect . . . quite a few niggles. Particularly the sun haze over the water in the first one which happens to fall right along the line of the car roof :bang:
The DoF isn't quite right. Background too sharp in the first and too soft in the second.
And I hate the pixelated number plates . . . but he specifically asked for that.

Given that . . .

a) I've never photographed a car before in my life!
b) what he currently has to go on his website are camera phone shots
c) these are just "samples" so he can tell me if this is the sort of image he would like of our car and decide if he wants to pay me for some more work.

. . . I think they're OK - and all part of the learning curve if I do get to shoot some more for cash :D

Oh and the link to quad if it's not obvious . . . this is a 4 wheel drive of course!!!!
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Good shots and congrats on getting a commission Sarah :clap:. Lovely and sharp and I love the sky in these. My only crit would be the uneven horizon in No.1.
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. . . Quad is back over on the bottom of page 19 . . .

Reshoot No.1 : Street

Not strictly a reshoot.
I wasn't quite happy with the way the original of this looked. A touch soft and it needed a bit more oomph which was why I added the ghostly figure in the original.
Been playing a bit more with the IR filter though and my PP has improved.
This is the same shot with a slightly different crop and more experienced PP.

Reshoot No.2 : People

Just to show that I really did go out and do some proper street / candid stuff.
The original of this just left me a bit cold and bored (as does most candid stuff) so I've tried to give it a "poster" type feel.
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Hi Sarah, It sounds as though you're fully recovered from the lurgy and back on top form. Congratulations, getting your first commission is soooo exciting, and you never forget it! Mine was photographing 6 rough collies in their owner's garden. On film (before digital!) :eek:

So on to your 'quad' shots. First of all the main aim is to show off your client's tinted windows, and I think this works much better on the second shot. Secondly, your client's potential customers are likely to be the sort of people who are interested in their cars, like to be stylish and are perhaps aspiring to a certain type of lifestyle. I'm sure you know this, but the point I'm making is I think the background doesn't do justice to the concept. Positioning the car in a more dramatic location, eg off road, on a headland, with a stunning sunset or amazing building behind it etc, etc, would buy in to that look the customer is probably after. I know nothing about photographing cars - except it's hard, :LOL: and I like the dramatic sky, but for what they're worth, those are my thoughts. They're not intended as criticism, and I hope you'll show us the end result. :)

Reshoot of Street: Oooh - I love this. When you posted the original it reminded me of a tree-lined road near Blanford Forum in Dorset, and this reinforces that impression. :love::love::love:

Reshoot of People: The 'poster' look works well - even to the point that the figure on the right looks 'drawn' rather than photographed! At first, I thought it would be improved by cropping out the top a little, but I've changed my mind, because there's something very appealing in most of the interest being in the lower half of the shot and the metal brackets (?) in the pier lead the eye up the picture, and their brightness feels like a reflection from the water. On a practical note, of course, for a poster you always need somewhere for a banner headline and probably other text, so this composition works perfectly. (y) I know candids aren't your favourite thing, but I think this shows you've brought your togging and ps talents into a new genre. (y) More candids on the way, perhaps. ;)

hi sarah just catching up first quad shot is spot on which for me to say about a picture of a landrover is something as i hate the bl**dy things (sorry if it's yours) really good image i think the sky makes it i don't think it would have the same feel if it was bright blue skies
Once again I am stunned. I'm going to have to stop visiting your thread, your images make me wonder why I bother !!

Ok so the images of the Landy are a tad 'odd' BUT 'odd' is good and if you'd done these for me I'd certainly be employing you for the simple reason they're far from the usual automotive images I've seen. The sky is very dramatic and I really like the 'fininsh' you've managed to obtain on the car. Sure the horizon is a little squint on #1 but the car is dead level, would it have looked better the other way round? Probably not.

As for your reshoot images, I'm sad to say Street doesn't really do it for me but once again you pull some magic out of your bag ...... Your people shot is beautiful I can practically see the light dancing on the water and the two people are placed perfectly.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to put my camera gear in the loft and take up knitting ;)
Hi Sarah, It sounds as though you're fully recovered from the lurgy and back on top form. Congratulations, getting your first commission is soooo exciting, and you never forget it! Mine was photographing 6 rough collies in their owner's garden. On film (before digital!) :eek:

So on to your 'quad' shots. First of all the main aim is to show off your client's tinted windows, and I think this works much better on the second shot. Secondly, your client's potential customers are likely to be the sort of people who are interested in their cars, like to be stylish and are perhaps aspiring to a certain type of lifestyle. I'm sure you know this, but the point I'm making is I think the background doesn't do justice to the concept. Positioning the car in a more dramatic location, eg off road, on a headland, with a stunning sunset or amazing building behind it etc, etc, would buy in to that look the customer is probably after. I know nothing about photographing cars - except it's hard, :LOL: and I like the dramatic sky, but for what they're worth, those are my thoughts. They're not intended as criticism, and I hope you'll show us the end result. :)

Reshoot of Street: Oooh - I love this. When you posted the original it reminded me of a tree-lined road near Blanford Forum in Dorset, and this reinforces that impression. :love::love::love:

Reshoot of People: The 'poster' look works well - even to the point that the figure on the right looks 'drawn' rather than photographed! At first, I thought it would be improved by cropping out the top a little, but I've changed my mind, because there's something very appealing in most of the interest being in the lower half of the shot and the metal brackets (?) in the pier lead the eye up the picture, and their brightness feels like a reflection from the water. On a practical note, of course, for a poster you always need somewhere for a banner headline and probably other text, so this composition works perfectly. (y) I know candids aren't your favourite thing, but I think this shows you've brought your togging and ps talents into a new genre. (y) More candids on the way, perhaps. ;)


Thank you for the really detailed feedback Jean . . . hugely appreciated as always.
And I absolutely hear you on the stunning backdrop, sunset, headland etc etc . . . but have you seen our weather lately? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Stormy skies and a lay-by in between showers was about the best I could hope for this weekend - I think even the 4x4 might struggle with the liquid sludge that's off-road at the moment - not to mention the mud splatters over the shiny black paint.
It's a seriously good point though and I'll bear it in mind for the next set that I do.

I'm glad that you like the reshoot of people - it's still really not my thing, although I do prefer this to the original "straight" photo that I took.
I don't think there are going to be many more candids coming along TBH.
hi sarah just catching up first quad shot is spot on which for me to say about a picture of a landrover is something as i hate the bl**dy things (sorry if it's yours) really good image i think the sky makes it i don't think it would have the same feel if it was bright blue skies

No it's not mine!!!!
Belongs to the OH and it wouldn't be my first choice of car either.
It is practical though. Ideal for getting off the beaten track with the dogs.
Glad that you like it . . . and the sky. Although you would have been completely out of luck this weekend if you'd wanted bright blue and sunny.

Once again I am stunned. I'm going to have to stop visiting your thread, your images make me wonder why I bother !!

Ok so the images of the Landy are a tad 'odd' BUT 'odd' is good and if you'd done these for me I'd certainly be employing you for the simple reason they're far from the usual automotive images I've seen. The sky is very dramatic and I really like the 'fininsh' you've managed to obtain on the car. Sure the horizon is a little squint on #1 but the car is dead level, would it have looked better the other way round? Probably not.

As for your reshoot images, I'm sad to say Street doesn't really do it for me but once again you pull some magic out of your bag ...... Your people shot is beautiful I can practically see the light dancing on the water and the two people are placed perfectly.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to put my camera gear in the loft and take up knitting ;)

Rob you are being far too kind!
Believe me there are tons of imperfections in these that I'd love to not have there, but thank you for the words anyway.

As for quad being "odd" : I don't usually do car shots (either looking at them or taking them) so I have no idea what they're "supposed" to look like. But you should know by now that whatever I do, I just can't help putting my own spin on things :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Seriously, thank you again.
Now go get the camera gear back out of the loft and get shooting for week 14.
What a stunning sky Sarah! Superbly on theme.....nice car! I think I like the first one most...I love the depth it has and that light patch of sky seems to be radiating light down onto the car ...I agree with you about the pixelated number plates...have you tried blurring the pixelation ? Might just make it less noticeable to the eye.......and well done for getting comissioned:clap:

Edited to say: I love your reshoot of people!! It really is quite magical!
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And I absolutely hear you on the stunning backdrop, sunset, headland etc etc . . . but have you seen our weather lately? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: The New Forest is sinking under the torrential rain, so I sympathise! :LOL:
Stormy skies and a lay-by in between showers was about the best I could hope for this weekend - I think even the 4x4 might struggle with the liquid sludge that's off-road at the moment - not to mention the mud splatters over the shiny black paint.
It's a seriously good point though and I'll bear it in mind for the next set that I do.

... and what happened to all those creative ps skills you've been employing to such fantastic effect. :bat::bat::bat: :)

Seriously, I do understand and sympathise. I was thinking more to the future, or if you were doing any more shots in this set. I'm sure he's going to be delighted with them. :)

Well for someone who has never photographed a car before all I will say is great work.
Really like the concept and moody feel.

Having read Jean's comments I agree, as an 'off road' vehicle maybe parked on a hill incline or sunset would set it off better, or driving through some water!!!

Having said that it is a great shot and one to happy with - you are always gonna see niggles in your own work, that what drives you to be better ;)
Trust you to use a car for this week too :)
Far better then my attempt and the lighting just give the image that extra uumph that's needed, and I really do apologise for making up words :LOL:
Il edit this post with more critique later, off to work.
Oh and the link to quad if it's not obvious . . . this is a 4 wheel drive of course!!!!

I was tempted to go 4 wheel drive for my quad shot this week until I went in a different direction. I really like your straightened shot, I think it does what's needed as an image let alone as an advert, the background is interesting enough without being of more interest than the vehicle, the only thing I might have done is pp'd out the white lines on the road (although I'm not sure why I think it might improve the shot)

I much prefer your new version of your street shot, I wasn't overly keen on the ghost in your previous edit but the new version is definitely strong enough without it.

I also prefer your new shot for people (this one does say people to me) I love the (presumed) moment of intimacy and the light glinting off the metal and the sea.

So that's (y)(y)(y) from me!
Great quad shot and I love both your re-shoot images - I particularly like the 'street' post processing and your people shot really sets a scene - lovely:)
(y) very nicely done Sarah. I think you've probably caught what he was after, how did he take them, did the shots fulfil the brief ???

As for the two reshoots... Both good, I much prefer the candid shot, there's just something about it, I can see film details across the sea at the top ...
What a stunning sky Sarah! Superbly on theme.....nice car! I think I like the first one most...I love the depth it has and that light patch of sky seems to be radiating light down onto the car ...I agree with you about the pixelated number plates...have you tried blurring the pixelation ? Might just make it less noticeable to the eye.......and well done for getting comissioned:clap:

Edited to say: I love your reshoot of people!! It really is quite magical!

Thanks Sonia. I'm really pleased that you like it.
Good idea with the number plates, I might try that next time arounfd (y)

... and what happened to all those creative ps skills you've been employing to such fantastic effect.

Seriously, I do understand and sympathise. I was thinking more to the future, or if you were doing any more shots in this set. I'm sure he's going to be delighted with them. :)


Thanks Jean . . . I knew what you were getting at ;)
I absolutely love the idea of shooting a car outside an exciting building. That's definitely one to bear in mind for the future.

Well for someone who has never photographed a car before all I will say is great work.
Really like the concept and moody feel.

Having read Jean's comments I agree, as an 'off road' vehicle maybe parked on a hill incline or sunset would set it off better, or driving through some water!!!

Having said that it is a great shot and one to happy with - you are always gonna see niggles in your own work, that what drives you to be better ;)

Thanks Dade. I really appreciate the feedback.
Love the idea of driving through water - but I think a moving car might be slightly beyond me!
I'll keep working on it though and I'm sure that next time out will be better.

Trust you to use a car for this week too :)
Far better then my attempt and the lighting just give the image that extra uumph that's needed, and I really do apologise for making up words :LOL:
Il edit this post with more critique later, off to work.

I was wondering if somebody else would use a car this week.
I'm glad that you like it and FWIW I think yours was very good too.

I was tempted to go 4 wheel drive for my quad shot this week until I went in a different direction. I really like your straightened shot, I think it does what's needed as an image let alone as an advert, the background is interesting enough without being of more interest than the vehicle, the only thing I might have done is pp'd out the white lines on the road (although I'm not sure why I think it might improve the shot)

I much prefer your new version of your street shot, I wasn't overly keen on the ghost in your previous edit but the new version is definitely strong enough without it.

I also prefer your new shot for people (this one does say people to me) I love the (presumed) moment of intimacy and the light glinting off the metal and the sea.

So that's (y) from me!

Thank you for taking the time to write all that and I'm really glad that you like quad and the reshoots.

Great quad shot and I love both your re-shoot images - I particularly like the 'street' post processing and your people shot really sets a scene - lovely:)

Thanks Liz.
Although I'm not totally convinced by the people shot it is starting to grow on me.

(y) very nicely done Sarah. I think you've probably caught what he was after, how did he take them, did the shots fulfil the brief ???

As for the two reshoots... Both good, I much prefer the candid shot, there's just something about it, I can see film details across the sea at the top ...

Thanks John.
I only Emailed him the car shots today, so I haven't heard anything back yet. Hopefully he'll tell me tomorrow if they're what he was looking for and more importantly if he wants more!
Hi Sarah, congratulations on the commission. You must be thrilled.

I would not have any idea how to photograph a car, but you have done really well. The sky really makes the picture (especially with the straightened horizon).

I also prefer both of your reshoots to the originals. I just love the shiny reflections on the people shot.


Work for me has proved impossible to concentrate on photography.

time to catch up...
Congratulations on your first commission! They have come out pretty well, given the conditions (and now that you have straightened the horizon ;)). The moody processing is excellent. I hope your friend is pleased with them, and that it is the start of many more to come.

I'm afraid 'Street' doesn't do anything for me but I like 'People', which looks a bit like a 1950s film poster. IMO it's a pity the jetty in the background cuts horizontally nearly the whole way across but short of extensive cloning there is not much you can do about it, and if it really were a film poster or book dust jacket then the superimposed text would help to camouflage it.

All in all :clap::clap:
Hi Sarah, i have looked at your Quad image a couple of times now and the one thing that keeps catching my eye is the bright white bit of cloud in an otherwise dark sky. The shot is much better now the horizon has been straightened. I like the angle of the shot but I find that the windscreen is a bit off putting because it reflects the white bit of cloud. I also feel that the car could do with being brought out a bit against the very dark BG, I know that is difficult as both car and BG are dark. The lightness over the roof of the car I do not find to distracting because it looks to me as if it is over the other side of the channel.

Sarah, the ocean in your reshoot for people reminds me of my FAVOURITE scene in the little mermaid when Arial gets herself some legs & walks out of the sea in a sparkly dress!
I like the shot, and I like the poster feel you've given it.

Your quad shot I love.. I LOVE! It looks like a professional car ad! My boyfriend wanted me to take some shots of his prized MR2 and they didn't turn out half as good :)

:clap: :clap: Do you have a link to a gallery where I can view all your 52's together? It's tricky going through loads of posts on lots of threads without getting confused :p
I like the Quad shots Sarah - prefer the first, but I do agree with Dade in that as it's a 4x4 it would be better placed climbing a hill.

Love the 'sparkly' sea in you second reshoot.

Well done on the commission too. (y)
i'm not really 'up' on cars but they look great to me.. the sky is fabulous!

like the reshoots.. street, love the lines of the trees and long shadows.. people, lovely light on the sea and the 'circular thingy'
Blimey, a full and mixed bag of stuff to admire.:)

Quad - First of all, many congratulations on gaining a photographic commission. It must be a wonderful feeling. I've not yet had that pleasure in the world of photography but when I had my first poem published I walked round for ages with the broadest of smiles on my face.
Given the amount of work you put in to not only improve your own photography but to help all of us as well, I'm so pleased for you.


As usual your photographs are wonderful and leave me full of admiration yet this is a leap into commercial advertising. It's a big step up and means we have to assess your images on a completely different level, rather than just as photographs. I think there needs to be more oomph and sparkle (very professional terms...not:LOL:) in your images. They somehow seemed to lack real impact for me. I see Jean has suggested a more dynamic background and I totally agree with her.
Also I don't think there's enough contrast between the background and subject to make the all important subject stand out enough.

Street reshoot - Not one of my favourites of yours but this is very much an improvement. Much more clout to it and that rather distracting out of place ghostly figure has now gone to haunt somewhere perhaps more befitting.

People - YAY! you can do it(y) I'm with you on not finding candid photography particulary inspiring but I like this. I like the poster effect, composition, colours etc.
For some reason, the one thing I think it is lacking is a caption of some kind top left or top right.:thinking:
Hi Sarah, congratulations on the commission. You must be thrilled.

I would not have any idea how to photograph a car, but you have done really well. The sky really makes the picture (especially with the straightened horizon).

I also prefer both of your reshoots to the originals. I just love the shiny reflections on the people shot.


Thanks Jenny. I did have to do a separate curves layer on the sky because it was a bit bland in the original. Glad that it was worth the effort.


Work for me has proved impossible to concentrate on photography.

time to catch up...

Thank Graham.
Been wondering where your thread had got to. Looking forward to seeing you catch up soon.

Hi Sarah... I have to say I like the reshoot of Street the best there but people draws my attention too.... very dreamy.....


Thanks Terran.
That street shot is one of my favourites. Still not too keen on people, but it seems to have gone down well.

Congratulations on your first commission! They have come out pretty well, given the conditions (and now that you have straightened the horizon ;)). The moody processing is excellent. I hope your friend is pleased with them, and that it is the start of many more to come.

I'm afraid 'Street' doesn't do anything for me but I like 'People', which looks a bit like a 1950s film poster. IMO it's a pity the jetty in the background cuts horizontally nearly the whole way across but short of extensive cloning there is not much you can do about it, and if it really were a film poster or book dust jacket then the superimposed text would help to camouflage it.

All in all :clap::clap:

Thank you Tracer.
Surprisingly I enjoyed the car shoot, given that I'm not into cars that much. Kind of like a very big still life!
Agree with you on the jetty in people, but I'm kind of stuck with it.
From a different angle and with different crops the foreground looked poorly composed.

Hi Sarah, i have looked at your Quad image a couple of times now and the one thing that keeps catching my eye is the bright white bit of cloud in an otherwise dark sky. The shot is much better now the horizon has been straightened. I like the angle of the shot but I find that the windscreen is a bit off putting because it reflects the white bit of cloud. I also feel that the car could do with being brought out a bit against the very dark BG, I know that is difficult as both car and BG are dark. The lightness over the roof of the car I do not find to distracting because it looks to me as if it is over the other side of the channel.


Thank Allan - especially for taking the time to go back and look twice.
All taken on board for next time and keeping fingers crossed for better weather next time too :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Sarah, the ocean in your reshoot for people reminds me of my FAVOURITE scene in the little mermaid when Arial gets herself some legs & walks out of the sea in a sparkly dress!
I like the shot, and I like the poster feel you've given it.

Your quad shot I love.. I LOVE! It looks like a professional car ad! My boyfriend wanted me to take some shots of his prized MR2 and they didn't turn out half as good :)

:clap: :clap: Do you have a link to a gallery where I can view all your 52's together? It's tricky going through loads of posts on lots of threads without getting confused :p

Hi Louise.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write all of that. People shots don't do much for me, but the reason I kept that one was because I really liked the ocean so I'm glad that you picked up on that.

And a big THANK YOU for your lovely words on the quad photo.

I really need to sort my gallery out for my 52 photos - it's full of other junk at the moment :LOL:
Hopefully I'll get round to it this week and I'll put a link up in my siggie.

I like the Quad shots Sarah - prefer the first, but I do agree with Dade in that as it's a 4x4 it would be better placed climbing a hill.

Love the 'sparkly' sea in you second reshoot.

Well done on the commission too. (y)

Thank you.
I absolutely love the idea of the hill climbing too - will give that a try next time, weather permitting.

i'm not really 'up' on cars but they look great to me.. the sky is fabulous!

like the reshoots.. street, love the lines of the trees and long shadows.. people, lovely light on the sea and the 'circular thingy'

Thanks Mich.

Blimey, a full and mixed bag of stuff to admire.:)

Quad - First of all, many congratulations on gaining a photographic commission. It must be a wonderful feeling. I've not yet had that pleasure in the world of photography but when I had my first poem published I walked round for ages with the broadest of smiles on my face.
Given the amount of work you put in to not only improve your own photography but to help all of us as well, I'm so pleased for you.


As usual your photographs are wonderful and leave me full of admiration yet this is a leap into commercial advertising. It's a big step up and means we have to assess your images on a completely different level, rather than just as photographs. I think there needs to be more oomph and sparkle (very professional terms...not:LOL:) in your images. They somehow seemed to lack real impact for me. I see Jean has suggested a more dynamic background and I totally agree with her.
Also I don't think there's enough contrast between the background and subject to make the all important subject stand out enough.

Street reshoot - Not one of my favourites of yours but this is very much an improvement. Much more clout to it and that rather distracting out of place ghostly figure has now gone to haunt somewhere perhaps more befitting.

People - YAY! you can do it(y) I'm with you on not finding candid photography particulary inspiring but I like this. I like the poster effect, composition, colours etc.
For some reason, the one thing I think it is lacking is a caption of some kind top left or top right.:thinking:

Rob - Thank you too for taking the time to write such detailed critique.
I think "commercial advertising" is overstating it a bit - it really is very low key / small scale :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
But yes I take your point (and who knows where it might lead one day)

Thank you and everyone else who has come up with suggestions for giving the car shot some more oomph. I am definitely going to give them a try and I'm sure that attempt No.2 will be an improvement.

Glad you like people too - still not one of my favourite shots, just because of the subject matter. Any suggestions on a caption?
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Not very inspired by this week's theme. I think I'm going to file it in the same category as "chopped".

I was trying to look on this as an "open" theme. After all anything taken with the camera can be said to be "shot".
I just couldn't get past the concept of Springtime and new plant shoots in the garden though :shake:

It's been a busy week and haven't had much time, so here are my very uninspiring and dull takes on "shoot".
One for the re-shoot week methinks :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Week 14 - Shoot V1

Week 14 - Shoot V2

p.s. He was delighted with the car shots.
They're currently up on his gumtree page, pending the website getting going.
But I'm hoping to hear back from him when he's close to getting the website finalised.
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