Seaodyssey's 2022 Fifty Two (Critique Welcome) Week52 Showcase

Works nicely for the theme and gets the tech done nice and early.
The post does stand out much better on Flickr.
Nice picture and lovely light too, I hope no one will need that ring in hurry, it looks tricky to get to.
Nice one Pete - that fits the bill.
Thank you Simon.
That is definitely on point for tech and theme.
Cheers Bill
Works nicely for the theme and gets the tech done nice and early.
The post does stand out much better on Flickr.
Thanks Pete
Very nice image.
Thank you David
Nice picture and lovely light too, I hope no one will need that ring in hurry, it looks tricky to get to.
Thanks Simon, the sign says Deep Water, but I have never seen more than a dirty puddle there. It must have been an overflow for a small lake a bit further on, that Egrets and Herons use.
Well taken and ticks all the boxes.
Thanks Peter
Theme and tech posted early this week! Fits both well, and well spotted.
I knew as soon as I saw this theme.

Thank you for taking the time to comment

You've definitely captured the dappled light there... and more than relevant after the past few days!
Week 28 Water

A bit late, but I knew that we would be going to the Cosgrove Canal Festival on Sunday.

TP 52 Week 26 Water by Peter Dyson, on Flickr

This is a veiw of the River Great Ouse as it runs under the Iron Trunk Aqueduct (Grand Union Canal) between Wolverton and Cosgrove.
So its double your water in one shot.

I had to do a double take on this as at first I thought the aqueduct was a crop of another shot! Now I've got my head around it it's a great shot Pete!
Well that's a different handle Pete.
Good use of bokeh to draw attention.
Instinctively I'd say that wouldn't work, cropping the kettle like that, but it does. There's loads of interest in the reflections too.
It makes for quite an interesting shot - reflections bouncing everywhere :)
Instinctively I'd say that wouldn't work, cropping the kettle like that, but it does. There's loads of interest in the reflections too.
It also allowed me to omit lots of other things and concentrate on the handle which arcs between (near enough) lines of thirds

A great handle Pete, although instinctively I thought "I bet that gets hot" (I'm sure it doesn't). Neat reflections too.
I think the handle could be a little more in focus - the far end of the handle near the spout is nice and sharp, the rest less so.
A great handle Pete, although instinctively I thought "I bet that gets hot" (I'm sure it doesn't). Neat reflections too.
I think the handle could be a little more in focus - the far end of the handle near the spout is nice and sharp, the rest less so.
I’d agree with the focus comment, my eye is drawn towards the spout. Nice cropping though and good reflections
A great handle Pete, although instinctively I thought "I bet that gets hot" (I'm sure it doesn't). Neat reflections too.
I think the handle could be a little more in focus - the far end of the handle near the spout is nice and sharp, the rest less so.

The kettle as far as I now has never been used, it's kitchen ornament, we use an electric kettle like most other people, it's a her indoors thing.
I’d agree with the focus comment, my eye is drawn towards the spout. Nice cropping though and good reflections
Re the focus, I agree, I opened the aperature to get a better shutter speed and not to push the iso to far, it was taken on a m43 camera.

My Dusty Week 30 Photo

TP 52 Week 30 Dusty by Peter Dyson, on Flickr

Taken in the same place as week 17 Hole, was walking the dog on his favorite walk and noticed the cobwebs with the light shining behind. It was difficult to block the light itself with the railings.

Nice one Pete :)
It doesn't look like a place that would get dusted very often :). You've captured the light and highlighted the webs very nicely.
Nice one Pete :)
Thank you Dave.
Perfect for theme and much more interesting being backlit.
Thanks Bebop, as soon as I saw it I knew it would work.
The lighting really picks up those cobwebs Pete.
Thank you Pete for your comments
It doesn't look like a place that would get dusted very often :). You've captured the light and highlighted the webs very nicely.
Not somewhere to take a feather duster, thank you for your comments Helen.
Nicely composed Pete, and as others have said, the backlighting works well.
Thanks Simon
The lighting is really good.
No doubt there’s plenty of dust about.
Thank you Peter, it's still very dusty.

That's a good one Pete. Seems like an interesting place to explore.
Playing comment catch-up.

Snappers Choice - A great structure to have nestled in your garden. Lots of patterns in the roof and wood.

One Half - I was going to say I have allium I have just planted but you have been corrected by Joan who is very knowledgeable on gardening. I'm only just starting to recognise a handful of flowers from "trying to grow them"

Nice level of detail in the head.

Post - I'm thinking the lifebelt needs to be cleared of some vegetation so that it's easier to see it. Nice dappled light for the technique.

Water - A clever composition which viewed on my iPad at first I only noticed the top section, so it was a double bonus to see the bottom part.

Handle - An interesting choice of crop that does work, the angle of the kettle suits the image, straight on would not have been as effective.

Dusty - Nice light accentuating the web with great detail in the wood too.
That's a good one Pete. Seems like an interesting place to explore.
Thank you Bill, it's just a cut through under the main London to Birmingham Railway line, which also lets a small stream through as well, the walkway is above the stream.

Playing comment catch-up.

Snappers Choice - A great structure to have nestled in your garden. Lots of patterns in the roof and wood.

One Half - I was going to say I have allium I have just planted but you have been corrected by Joan who is very knowledgeable on gardening. I'm only just starting to recognise a handful of flowers from "trying to grow them"

Nice level of detail in the head.

Post - I'm thinking the lifebelt needs to be cleared of some vegetation so that it's easier to see it. Nice dappled light for the technique.

Water - A clever composition which viewed on my iPad at first I only noticed the top section, so it was a double bonus to see the bottom part.

Handle - An interesting choice of crop that does work, the angle of the kettle suits the image, straight on would not have been as effective.

Dusty - Nice light accentuating the web with great detail in the wood too.

Thank you for your catch up comments Stuart

Thank you all

Week 31Food

Out in the garden for this one, I did try a photo of our fig tree which has loads of fruit just starting to form, buet as every thing is green it is hard to see them, so I went for the Crabapple tree which will be food for the birds and wasps later on.

TP 52 Week 31 Food by Peter Dyson, on Flickr

Good shot Pete. I remember having a crab apple tree on our farm growing up. I never understood why anyone would want to grow them. We never ate or used them and, like you suggested, they ended up as food for the birds and wasps.