Talk Photography Fantasy Football Premier League 2015/16

I had a shocking week. Leicester's stumble is costing me dearly and Captain Ozil had a quiet afternoon :(
To really rub it in, I had Spurs' Alli on the bench whilst Arnautovich only got me a point.

Edit: just looked at the table and seen everyone else had a shocker too! I'm top of the head-to-head league by default!
Woot :)
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I got it wrong well wrong with my changes this week as well but even that only cost me a couple of points. It's starting to look like the wheels are falling off for Vardy and Leicester though and he could soon find himself replaced in my squad.
I think it was a low week for a lot of people, I got the average 40 points, and went up in the Liverpool, England and Overall global leagues. :thinking:

I t looks like they all had a New Year Hangover. :rolleyes: :LOL:

I agree, it looks like Leicester's bubble may have blown. Hope not, because they have been a breath of fresh air. Vardy and Mahrez are not going to be my Captain's for now though. ;)
I dodged another bullet this weekend as my rubbish week was matched by others. Got dethroned in the head-to-head, but I'm still in the game there.

Went all-in and used my second wildcard already to shakeup my team. Kept faith in Mahrez but not Vardy, although in truth all of my strikers are in iffy form ATM. Defoe is hot ATM but I've taken a risk and not picked him, assuming it's a brief spike. Don't think I'll be now be able to afford to put Sanchez back in without incurring lots of transfer fees, so hope he had a rubbish rest of the season :) (sorry Arsenal fans).
Picked the right time to put Payet back in my team but left my City defenders on the bench having had a sneaky feeling Everton (with Berkley and Lukaku) were going to turn them over. Still done well though and really considering transferring Vardy out now he's going through a dry patch.

Also like to add my thanks to Keith as well.
I did better points wise this week than I have done in a while, didn't help me move up the tables though
I had a bad midweek last week. :( I even got beaten by my brother who hasn't touched his team since about week 3 or 4. :( :rolleyes: :LOL:

Last weekend was a bit better. :) Still picked the wrong Captain, but didn't do too bad. Up to 2nd in the Head to Head. :) And everyone above had less points this week too. :)
Kane has given me a good week too (as captain, yay!) Could do with Lukaku and Ighalo having a good night, although the former has already been subbed for Vardy for next week as Leicester's blip seems to have passed.
I'm regretting not using Bench Boost this week - I initially turned it on then changed my mind as I wanted to see if I picked up any injuries from the FA cup ties. Forgot to turn it back on and Dann only goes and bloody scores and Simpson gets a clean sheet. Bummer.
Ozil is in last chance saloon...
Had a good week as well and happy I didn't drop Vardy in the end. Ozil will be getting replaced as soon as Lanzini is fit again. Hope Lukaku scores a hat-trick tonight with assists from Barkley. ;)

Edit: Just seen Lukaku has been substituted at half-time. :(
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Just saw that, so not too shabby in the end with 78 points for the week. :)
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Forgetting to turn on bench boost cost me 29 points.
I've always had someone injured so haven't been able to use the bench boost yet. :rolleyes:
Ditto, and the one week I haven't got any crocked players (cos I used the subs wildcard the week before) I forget to turn the boost on. Typical.

Roll on next week!
I have always ended near bottom in these leagues

When this season started and I stayed at the top for a while and I got all excited, alas though and true to form I have slid down the tables :(
The Toffees came up trumps for the Toronto Toffees. :LOL: Though the wrong one was chosen as the Captain thankfully. ;)

I seem to have an aversion to choosing a midfielder for captain!!
Well after the weekend I lost the top spot in the main League, :( but was still top in the Head to Head, though I think only on alphabetical order. :thinking: :LOL:

We will see how it is after tonight's games. I'm already below the average after last nights games. :rolleyes: