The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

You can do zoo and long distance with Fuji lenses but at a lower cost and weight ;)

Don’t think you understanding my point. The 100f is going be a compact holiday camera if I get one. If I was leave Sony then it be xt4 with 3 lens but I be out of pocket
Don’t think you understanding my point. The 100f is going be a compact holiday camera if I get one. If I was leave Sony then it be xt4 with 3 lens but I be out of pocket

Just get a cheaper fuji with a couple tiny primes for holiday and other, loads to choose from.
Don’t think you understanding my point. The 100f is going be a compact holiday camera if I get one. If I was leave Sony then it be xt4 with 3 lens but I be out of pocket

Why 3 lenses specifically? I've managed to go with ONE lens for long periods, as I don't shoot professionally, it's whatever 'I' choose that I need.
Why 3 lenses specifically? I've managed to go with ONE lens for long periods, as I don't shoot professionally, it's whatever 'I' choose that I need.

What would that be
What would that be

What would what be? depends on the system I'm using at the time. For Nikon after selling off all of the over priced lenses I wasn't using, I used a Sigma 35mm 1.4 only for a bit, on Fuji when I first used the system I did similar, only used the 35 1.4 on my old X-T1 for ages ; on M43, with the Panasonic G80 I used only a 25mm 1.7 for a while to warm into that system, later I used only a 15mm 1.7 for months. More recently, after coming back to Fuji, I used the excellent 16mm 1.4 only for months and really enjoyed it. I think too many options cripples you in ways when you don't really have a specific agenda
What would what be? depends on the system I'm using at the time. For Nikon after selling off all of the over priced lenses I wasn't using, I used a Sigma 35mm 1.4 only for a bit, on Fuji when I first used the system I did similar, only used the 35 1.4 on my old X-T1 for ages ; on M43, with the Panasonic G80 I used only a 25mm 1.7 for a while to warm into that system, later I used only a 15mm 1.7 for months. More recently, after coming back to Fuji, I used the excellent 16mm 1.4 only for months and really enjoyed it. I think too many options cripples you in ways when you don't really have a specific agenda

I agree, when I shot 2 systems and had 3-4 lenses for each it was a real pita choosing what to take out.
Mine would be sigma art 35, but on fuji I liked the 35 1.4 most and got some really nice results with the 23 1.4 and 56 1.2, Fuji lens quality and variety is nice, just well covered.

I just got the 35 1.4 Fuji, and I'm happy I have it, but I've not been active with it just yet. The only other lens I felt I needed right now was a proper, decent macro. I have the Laowa 100mm on the way, and this should crush my urge for close up photography - the 35 will cover for me, pretty much all else. It is the one that will live on cam for the most part.
I just got the 35 1.4 Fuji, and I'm happy I have it, but I've not been active with it just yet. The only other lens I felt I needed right now was a proper, decent macro. I have the Laowa 100mm on the way, and this should crush my urge for close up photography - the 35 will cover for me, pretty much all else. It is the one hat will live on cam for the most part.
I'm a bit annoyed Tokina took over the viltrox prime releases and slapped much higher cost on, at a lower cost they would've been worthwhile looking into but they are now likely to be nearer fuji lens pricing so no point. Basically making 3rd party af fail at the first hurdle.
I agree, when I shot 2 systems and had 3-4 lenses for each it was a real pita choosing what to take out.

The most extravagant set up I had at any one time was definitely with Nikon. I was a bit lot more flush at the time and didn't really think about what I 'needed' Vs wanted. I had just bought the D800E when it just came out, and bought the 24-70 2.8, 70-200 2.8 vrii, 50mm 1.8, 85mm 1.8, 300mm F4 [with a 1.7x TC] and a Sigma 150mm 2.8 OS macro. I wasn't happy ... I ended up selling all but the macro lens and adding the Sigma 35 1.4 and was so much happier. I learned a lot from all that over spending b*****ks - I only need, what I need. I don't need tonnes of gear for show, I need to be practical [more so nowadays when I don't have that same cash-flow] - and for the most part, it's more fun! I am researching any lens I intend to buy like a mad thing, I want to know every mm of that lens, the whole in and out! and I don't mind buying and selling at the drop of a hat, I'm never dedicated to any piece of gear. I'm very loose these days with my photography and it feels so much better [bar the slump I did hit recently, I'm coming back though]
I'm a bit annoyed Tokina took over the viltrox prime releases and slapped much higher cost on, at a lower cost they would've been worthwhile looking into but they are now likely to be nearer fuji lens pricing so no point. Basically making 3rd party af fail at the first hurdle.

Same! I was anticipating those Viltrox primes too, really annoyed at how they went about it. I've been watching the progress on those since well before Christmas. They would have been so good for the budget shooter.
Picked up a second hand X100S a couple of weeks ago and have been having a blast with it. So much fun shooting in manual with auto iso.




Great photos, particularly the 2nd one. I went to the Isle of Wight for the first time on Wednesday/Thursday, and have just finished uploading a b&w too, then saw these. Lovely sharp photos with good clarity and exposure.
Thx Donna, if you pop over again give me a shout and I will tell you the best places to visit :)
This is why I swapped to Capture one. You can add far more sharpening and no artifacts.

:plus1: for Capture One, sincre I moved across I absolutely love doing PP with it.
To add insult to injury, I think the 18-135mm is just about the best value walkabout lens, VERY underestimated IMO. Had one in the past and was going to get another at the £399 pricetag on the refurb store but I also waited that bit too long.

Cheers. :p I’ll probably get one when/if they‘re back in stock at the discounted price. It really appeals as a one-lens solution for long walks and climbs.
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Just moved from a sony A7 to Fuji X-Pro2 and very happy with the shift. I borrowed a 18-135 from a friend and it's a lovely lens, but quite big and heavy. The reviews of the kit lens all seem great (kit lenses have come a long way from my canon 20D), so I'm tempted as a more compact option than the 18-135. I dont want to drop too much money a lens, the 16-80 still looks a bit spendy. So anyone run the 18-135 and 18-55, how does the shorter glass compare, is the OIS comparable? the 18-55 is an older lens, so that is my main concern having not tried one.

Just moved from a sony A7 to Fuji X-Pro2 and very happy with the shift. I borrowed a 18-135 from a friend and it's a lovely lens, but quite big and heavy. The reviews of the kit lens all seem great (kit lenses have come a long way from my canon 20D), so I'm tempted as a more compact option than the 18-135. I dont want to drop too much money a lens, the 16-80 still looks a bit spendy. So anyone run the 18-135 and 18-55, how does the shorter glass compare, is the OIS comparable? the 18-55 is an older lens, so that is my main concern having not tried one.


18-135 has better OIS and WR, 18-55 has better IQ, but is less good at 56mm and above!
This is why I swapped to Capture one. You can add far more sharpening and no artifacts.

I have C1 too, I find it no better than LR when you really want to push your images. There is some hidden smoothing at play I feel too, when sharpening, something feels off about it.
I have C1 too, I find it no better than LR when you really want to push your images. There is some hidden smoothing at play I feel too, when sharpening, something feels off about it.

Lightroom behaves much better with fuji files these days doesn't it, noticed it yesterday. The 24mp sensor is also much nicer than the older versions.
Lightroom behaves much better with fuji files these days doesn't it, noticed it yesterday. The 24mp sensor is also much nicer than the older versions.

Which Fuji you got since you sold a9
Lightroom behaves much better with fuji files these days doesn't it, noticed it yesterday. The 24mp sensor is also much nicer than the older versions.

I only ever used LR when dealing with Fuji RAW files, I had LR 5.7 when I used it to process XT-1 files without much issue. It is definitely better now, there's a couple simple things you can do to improve things further - like I mentioned earlier about reducing the default sharpening and using masking. Helps heaps I ind, no weird artifacts here