Hadn't realised a new one was up and finishing tonight- give us a few minutes and I'll put one in although I doubt it will threaten as a winning entry :LOL:
I thought about a b&w but really- those crystal balls were just too tempting:naughty:

Edit41 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

Duplicate layer
Clone out part of other person on the right
Sampled colour of ball and then created new layer and brushed out her reflection
Created new layer and paste eye of sauron and solar system into it- change the opacity a bit and play around with perspective.
Thought she could do with a tough sticker so created layer and wrote some text on it and then transformed to fit.
Created new layer and brushed some low opacity textured black into one of the balls
Create another new layer then added some green mist.
Might have pushed the boat out a bit much when I gave her some red eyes but your eyes would not look human if you were pulling off her crystal ball trick so thought it went with the overall effect- and you do get red contacts:D
heres a quicky

QS on young lady, inverse, motion blur,
QS on ball ctrl j to leave ball x 6,
transform each ball different size and turn 180,
add border
Oooo Dr O I like the eyes and the Lord of the Ring style eye in the balls!

Heres my go:


I blurred the back ground using Gaussian blur.
Selectively sharpened her eys, headress, glitter on her face and balls.
Cropped it and applied an action I downloaded a while back that did this:


And this:
I thought this was going to be an easy one to call but the late rush of entries made it way more difficult than I thought it was going to be.
Well after considerably deliberation and a couple of changes of mind.

Winner is The Goblin

My take on this was done over 4 years ago so I can’t explain in detail what I did. The obvious things are I cropped then cloned out some hair and straps. Looks like I’ve used some softening on the skin as well. Finally I have replaced the reflection of her face to a reflection of her holding the glass balls.

Thank you.

I took this at Windsor Castle last Saturday and have decided to use it


I've had a go. As it was taken at midday the sky is pretty washed out, so I added a blue filter to the sky.
Cloned out my hubby on the left and drains/ chewing gum on the floor.
Straigtened and cropped slightly.
Taken into Topaz adjust to bring the detail out in the archway and the door. For some reason when I saved it as a JPEG all that detail was lost so I took it back into Topaz and over did it! Now I think it's a little too far the other way:bonk:
I sharpened using this technique, but don't know it's name!

Anyhow, here's my go:

Large file

Is it safe to say I'll give it until 8pm'ish on Tuesday or is that too early?
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Well done Marsha(y)

Tuesday is fine- future ref- the idea is that you usually reveal what you did when you call the winner but no biggie:D


Patched the drain lid, cloned and contact awared the person with pushchair inc. shadow. DCE Hdr. blue filter overall
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heres mine

cloned drain chewing gum walker and the blue halo
burn the exposure in the arch higher
added some contrast to the walls
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Hello all! Thought I'd have a first go at this


Most of this is dodging and burning using a neutral grey layer with overlay blend mode (paint on it with black to darken and white to lighten using a low opacity brush (I used about 10%)) to try to lighten the inside the arch a bit and darken down the highlights on the wall.

Once I had done this, the wall had a very green tinge to it so I tried to remove this by copying the layer, adding a b+w adjustment layer masked so just the green-tinged highlights on the wall were effected and then lowered the opacity of that layer to allow some of the colour back through.

I made some levels adjustments on the sky and slightly adjusted the hue and saturation. I then removed the drain with content aware fill and then cloned out the person creeping into the left hand side.

The colours may not be perfect as I did this on my laptop which I would never usually use for image editing as the screen is poor and the colours change depending on the angle I'm looking at it! However, I do have CS6 beta on here so I fancied trying it out on a real image.
Increased exposure on the outside of the image to brighten the brickwork and decreased on the sky to bring back the sky detail.
Cloned out the clutter as others have done and removed the person.
Lightened further using levels.
Added a layer mask and cranked the brightness up higher then deleted most parts of the image apart from the lower left corner to bring back the dark ground.
Some great edits from you lot so far- so much so I've had to do a quick adjustment:LOL:

I was going with this;

Edit43 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

In ACR converted to greyscale and played a bit with contrast
Duplicate layer in CS5
Clone out drain things and chewing gum
Cloned out person which was a bit tricky with all the brickwork higher up behind the body

Looking at some of the entries I felt a bit lazy so a moment of clarity gave me this the actual entry:);

Edit44 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

Created adjustment layer on sky to darken a bit
New adjustment layer to darken overall
New layer and added moon
New layer and brushed in some white with lowish opacity
Looks like I did something now:D
Dr_O said:
Are we still on the 'ish' part of 8pm?:LOL::p

Many apologies we had a minor medical drama with my little boy and I completely forgot until now!

Anyhow, I like something of everyones edit, but the winner is....

ruggie_uk :)

You already know what I did to my edit doh! But I think I'll be having another go using some tips here.
No probs- was only banter, everyone appreciates things crop up- doesn't mean we let people off without new watch hints etc etc:D
Sounds like your son is fine now so that's the important thing(y)

Anyway, well done Richard, liked the colours:clap:

Lets see what you got:)
ill go first then
load in raw boosted blues reds and purples
cropped and straightened slightly
sharpend, boosted contrast etc
ps, brought out details in swan and burnt through

Come on- bit slow here- bad timing this Easter thing:LOL:

Will have some time tomorrow night so will enter then
Come on- bit slow here- bad timing this Easter thing:LOL:

Will have some time tomorrow night so will enter then

mmm- clearly I didn't envisage getting in 10mins ago when I wrote that:LOL:

what a great day- not:LOL:- still, be good to get an edit in- I'll give it a quick go.
Good point Marsha- doesn't look like Richard's set a time. Still I'll prob not get any other time so I'm going with my quick effort:

Edit46 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

In ACR, painted some more blue on the sky although this became irrelevant later:LOL:
Also pulled in the highlights a bit
In CS5, tweaked curves on the sky (selected via magic wand)- probably a bit too strongly as was left with a noticeable line- did try and use a mask to get rid of but it didn't work that well.
Cloned out walkers and duck on very right hand edge- purely because I could:D
Tweaked levels on the swan selected via magic wand using adjustment layer
On the trees and rocks on the left adjusted first the xposure and then used curves.
The curves adjustment looked like a veil so I then used a mask and brushed away the harsh edges with low opacity brush.
Dodgy rush job complete:LOL::D
In ACR, painted some more blue on the sky although this became irrelevant later:LOL:

I just increased the blue slider in raw, would that have worked better for you?
Good point Neil- I often overlook those settings- just used the sliders to change colours on the other thread so will try and remember for future use.
Posting mine now as I will be out at 8 so will be using the phone.


Increased exposure in ACR, apart from the sky which exposure was selectively lowered. Altered white balance adding more of a green tint.
Adjusted levels in photoshop and then using a layer mask, altered the colour balance of the sky.
Well done Neil :clap: was a great edit fella !

Come on, get one up, I've got a free afternoon for once .... rain has stopped play :LOL:
My first post on this thread but I am subscribed to it and thoroughly enjoy so keep it going. Who knows one day I may put a shot up but don't have any RAW.