TP 52'ers Class of 2016 Discussion thread Week 52 we made it! time to celebrate /( celebrations)

Oh come on, a few selfies should do it :p
Absolutely (y)

I'm liking this lady's style...

I'm liking this lady's style...
My favourite "close up" lens (y)
far better served attached to the camera, than drinking out of :D
My new close up lens: And to be fair, it does focus fairly close!
I'm not sure if you've tried this, but stick a 30mm extension tube on it, and it should focus at less than 30 Cm.
I tried it on my 70-200 and it focus's at "mm's" instead of 1.1m (y)

Sounds like boys and their toys! [emoji12]
Its called Phallic measuring Anita :D
I'm not sure if you've tried this, but stick a 30mm extension tube on it, and it should focus at less than 30 Cm.
I tried it on my 70-200 and it focus's at "mm's" instead of 1.1m (y)

Its called Phallic measuring Anita :D
That's a bit interesting... close focus is 1.5m but obviously for a tele that's not terrible. A tube could turn it into a proper macro :)
A tube could turn it into a proper macro :)
It certainly does, and being a prime, the image should be bloody sharp too!
I've not tried it on my Canon f/4 300 ( it needs looking at TBH, and I keep forgetting to send it off :rolleyes: )
but the results are pretty damned good on my 70-200 :)
It certainly does, and being a prime, the image should be bloody sharp too!
I've not tried it on my Canon f/4 300 ( it needs looking at TBH, and I keep forgetting to send it off :rolleyes: )
but the results are pretty damned good on my 70-200 :)

Just had a quick look and I'd only need 550mm of extension tubes to get it to 1:1 :eek:

But closer focusing could still be handy for stuff so I might look at a Kenko or something...
Ooo look at all and their new lenses :clap:

Yours looks a bargain Paul, look forward to seeing what you get from it :)

Don't forget I can edit a complete post and no one will I've done it :p
Ahhh good point :cautious:

Nope, I'm ogling the cushions :rolleyes:
Yeah right :LOL:
:) Looking forward to giving it a whirl! Arrives in just over 2 hours time according to DPD. Just in time for my daughter's dancing display and my wife's midnight marathon tonight!
Mine arrived earlier this morning so will hopefully get my shot for Simple done later today :)

Looking forward to seeing what you get with that beast, Paul. Careful you're not accused of anything at the dancing display if you intend to use that thing there [emoji33]

Wouldn't want to see you being the latest photographer ran out of town with pitch forks etc [emoji14]
Careful you're not accused of anything at the dancing display if you intend to use that thing there
It really annoys me TBH, A little point and shoot with a 52x zoom is acceptable but a parent trying to get a few decent images of their kids with decent kit can end up "labelled"
or at the very least, please don't do that sir!