TP 52'ers Class of 2016 Discussion thread Week 52 we made it! time to celebrate /( celebrations)

So on to week 23, can you believe it? nearly half way through the year!

This weeks theme is non negotiable, the subject is set in Stone
Hmmm ... might be on the lookout for a stoned rasta down Portobello Road. :naughty:
Or maybe I'll just lie here in the room staring at the clouds on the ceiling and listen to the growling whales that are flying past the window...
You get them up there too huh?
Where was I... Oh yes, been out today trying out my new bag and stuff ready for the TP Iceland trip in a couple of weeks, I have I shot of some description I hope, planning on editing and posting tomorrow evening :) ... Seen some good ones posted already I must say (y)
Is nearly Thursday already?
I prefer Cola Cubes myself... or Pineapple Chunks :geek:
I seem to remember there is a TP trip to Iceland, coming up, can someone pick me up a frozen chicken, some of those mixed BBQ packs and black forest Gateaux?
Cheers (y)
I seem to remember there is a TP trip to Iceland, coming up, can someone pick me up a frozen chicken, some of those mixed BBQ packs and black forest Gateaux?
Cheers (y)
Haaaaa :p

Well, yes... this time next week some of us will be like MEGA excited :woot:
This weeks theme is a nice and Simple one (y)

( Yes Andy @posiview We'll allow selfies this week :D )

And as a heads up as no re-shoots have been drawn recently,
next week will be + a reshoot
What's the betting this one is not as SIMPLE as it sounds?!!
I think its gonna test our imagination's that's for sure !
What! So early! I haven't done Stone yet! :confused:
"rest day" today, so I thought I'd give you all a nice treat :D

Don't worry next weeks will be a lot later ;)