Twycross Zoo Meet 26th August

Marcel said:
IIRC It's going to take around 2-3 hours for me personally to get there, and that's from Manchester. There are a few people coming from further arent there?

Tomtom says just under 2 hours for us from Bradford so we'll set off aroung 8ish.
depends on what time the taxi driver wants to set off (that would be me) as to what time we will get there. But i dont have control of the alarm clock so I guess it will be whatever time Matt decides.
Oh so you're not planning on taking any photos yourself then? you're just driving over there are you? :p
I might take a couple while I am there, to pass the time.
My shifts have been changed at work so I now have that weekend off :D I MIGHT make an appearance but will let you know nearer the time as I'm meant to be going on girls night out but don't know whether it will be Fri or Sat :shrug:
Pah, real women can do both ;)

Just kidding, hope you can make it :)
oh you're not still going are you Dan? :p

Are you sure you're going to be able to go without World of Warcraft for more than 8 hours?
Got a last minute week away to Brid so I won't be back on the forum until Friday - unless I manage to get hold of a 3g data card of course which is a distinct possibility.

see you all a week tomorrow, any more info text me or something (CT has my number).
I'd go but the kids would have me run ragged that i wouldnt get time to even look for my camera let alone pick it up. but have fun its a great place that specializes in monkey preservation. the gorillors are beautiful.
Monkey preservation? I'll feel right at home then :D
got a shoot in the day, work in the evening & I have no munee :(
And it's a bit far :(
tigger said:
the gorillors are beautiful.

Oooh.. a Silverback male too. I can see me spending a lot of time there! They fascinate me even more than the big cats.
The last time i was there CT there was a nursin mother (gorilla) that is she was so proud she was sat at the window showing her baby off but they wouldnt allow any photography as it would upset the SILVERBACK that was watchin over them.:crying:
I'll be the young one again :D
Awww... you're still a baby Jonny. The scary thing is I'm old enough to be your mum :eek:
lo guys, still hear promise!

Yay, I'm not the youngest *cheer*

My mobile number is 07949675281, what time are we meeting and where etc?
If anybody wants my mobile number, feel free to PM me.

How about opening time @ 10am in the carpark? Once there are a few of us met up, we will be noticable to the rest ;)
Just looked on multimap, and it's 1hr20mins from me (Herefordshire!) so i might come, i'll wait and see what the weathers like before deciding :)

Is there a list anywhere of who's going? I'd quite like to see if i'll know anyone there.
There was one somewhere in the thread..

Marik, would you like to pick out the names of those who are definites and add it to your first post?

Pwetty please :D
Sorry guys but it looks like I may well have to give this one a miss. No2 Son has orders he's struggling to meet deadlines for, so we're going to be spending the next few days and most of the weekend catching up. Jan's off for two weeks then so we may well catch up with that Silverback belatedly.

Hope you all have a great day and the weather stays fine.
Don't think I can make it mum and dad are coming down to see me from Scotland, so it might be a tad rude to say, look after yourselfs I'm off out. Haven't seen them since Feb, so i'll be out and about with them all weekend. Have a nice time everyone!