Wedding Photography Help

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Some really good advice coming out on this thread now :)

My two penneth for what its worth (and in no particular order)

Remember to *pee
p.s did I mention - remember to *pee :)

:nuts:*Nice to think you could possibly forget :nuts:
All the best George, I hope everything runs smoothly for you...

Keep a list of shots in your pocket. Maybe write on the list some of the big tips you have got from this thread and I think it has been mentioned before but:

Shoot RAW (y)
chivers67: It would be brilliant to come along to another wedding, as it is very close...
I will take along a reflector. I can always leave it in the car.

PapaLazarou: I can take around 4000 photos, so I will be able to just take lots and lots of photos. If there is avaliable natural light surely it is better not to use a flash...

I do think that the biggest problem might be people not taking me as seriously because of my age... so I will have to speak out a bit.

I have to say, It does sound like photographers like me must get in the way quite a lot at wedding ;)


Are you even aware what fill in flash is ?
you seem intent on buying a reflector but dont seem to have the 1st idea what to do with it
I seriously fear for this wedding
you are heading for a disaster
Go and learn with someone before you ruin someones day
dont suppose you have any public liability insurance either.........
Are you even aware what fill in flash is ?
you seem intent on buying a reflector but dont seem to have the 1st idea what to do with it
I seriously fear for this wedding
you are heading for a disaster
Go and learn with someone * before you ruin someones day
dont suppose you have any public liability insurance either.........

*The job is this Sat at 11.15 :bonk:
Are you even aware what fill in flash is ?
you seem intent on buying a reflector but dont seem to have the 1st idea what to do with it
I seriously fear for this wedding
you are heading for a disaster
Go and learn with someone before you ruin someones day
dont suppose you have any public liability insurance either.........

I am fully aware what fill in flash is and with the reflector I decided not to buy one as I did not want to faf about with a reflector when I could use a flash gun.

I am NOT heading for disaster and it is only when you think you are going to fail that you do :)

Public Liability Insurance... Who's going to sue a 15 year old? (please don't answer this)

To everyone else, thank you soo much for all the advice. I wouldn't say that I am feeling confident, but I am much more so then a few weeks ago.

Look out for the piccys, I will put a few up on my 365 in General Photo Sharing :)

Good luck with it, I look forward to seeing the results :)

PS I agree with the RAW comment! (Just in case those exposures aren't quite right. Especially with the bride ;))
Public Liability Insurance... Who's going to sue a 15 year old? (please don't answer this)

I will answer

if you want to play at being a professional then be prepared to take on the responsibilities that go with it
No insurance = cowboy
There are many in the wedding business
I'm in the same boat as you doing my parents wedding, about the same kit aswell actually. But ive only the first and last page i saw this

This is the biggest day of a couples life and they trust the pictures to the chance of an amateur, crazy people.

My parents don't care about the shots as much as you think ^, at the end of the day the actual being their at that time is the most important thing... not the pictures otherwise why don't they just book a photo shoot and they can get dressed up. If i cock up my parents wedding photo's (which i won't touch wood) its not going to be the end of the world.

Good luck GF Williams
Good luck George! Hope you pull it off.
Please lets not knock the lad

He's doing the best he can.

He's asked for help not a kick in the teeth.

He can't change the situation and neither can anyone else pro or not.

If the end result is liked by the wedding party then good for him.

I look foward to seeing the shots.

good luck:)
Wow, so much for a young lad to take on. But it seems you have more confidence and know how than a lot of people I have seen do weddings. I'm sure you will be just fine :) Good luck!

I will answer

if you want to play at being a professional then be prepared to take on the responsibilities that go with it
No insurance = cowboy
There are many in the wedding business

Give the lad a break! You will have him doubting himself if you carry on and that's not a very good thing considering it's only a couple of days away!
psiFox it happens all the time, when asked for some advice to do my parents wedding all i got is, if you don't know don't do it...
But can a person who as never photograph a wedding cope under the pressure. It's not about having a keen eye, you just don't have a clue. Tell me what is the main tradition in posing a bride and groom ?.

Bride to the right I would assume.

You are right mate-but i have seen some pretty crap so called pro wedding photographers on the net.

those who are real craftsmen and women should just realise they are doing a good job and be happy doing it-instead of slating those who try.

If the bride and groom have looked at their work and are happy with it-they will choose them. if not they might choose you.

Capitalism. Dont you just love it:clap::clap::clap:
Good luck George, it's going to be hard work but keep smiling and people will smile back.

If you have any last minute questions feel free to give me a call, my number's on my site.

Good luck George, it's going to be hard work but keep smiling and people will smile back.

If you have any last minute questions feel free to give me a call, my number's on my site.


What a great post (y)
It's people like you who make this place what it is Duncan :clap:

Good luck George, I hope it all goes well on the day :)
Public Liability Insurance... Who's going to sue a 15 year old?
I guess the 93 year old aunt that you catch with the lens as you turn, and the 3 cousins that she lands on at the bottom of the stairs, and the passing niece who trips on them, and ...
(please don't answer this)

It's me again, I just hope the Bride and Groom don't see this forum.
I think they would run a mile if they saw the photographer they have doing there wedding, asking people what to do.
Why don't you test your gear out on friends and family, have a go at doing the fill flash and posing.
Also do full length shots and also head and shoulders of the main party, shoot loads.
Master the fill in flash it's a major thing you need to learn, and watch out for blowing out highlights.
Look forward to the pics though.
PapaLazarou: I can take around 4000 photos, so I will be able to just take lots and lots of photos.

George, I've been dipping in and out of this thread so sorry if this has been addressed already, but I would be seriously alarmed if you were planning to shoot 4,000 images. Over an 8 hour day that is 500 per hour, or about 8 per minute, or about one every 7 seconds non stop.

When I shot my first wedding I captured 672 images over a day lasting from 07:00 to 21:00. That's 14 hours, which makes my shooting rate close to one per minute. Now I was only a guest, and an amateur (still am) but there was no pro hired for the event so I stepped in to do the best I could.

It took me a bloomin' age to go through them, weeding out the duffers and duplicates and trying to cut them down to about 100 and I ended up with a bit over 200 keepers in the end. The keepers then needed fine tuning for WB and exposure, plus any other minor tweaks - I keep my photos natural, not gimmicky. If I was a Yervant I would have been kept busy on PP for several days.

Anyway, the point of this rambling tale is that I wish I had paid far more attention to my histogram and shutter speeds, and capuring perfect moments, rather than firing away a bit too freely. This would have reduced the volume of dodgy photos to plough through. Quality, not quantity, or "Less is more"!

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you pull it off. Keep things simple and I'm sure you will :)
Over 4000 you will need about 2 weeks to get that amount of images ready.
You should be looking at around 600 tops for all day, but more like 400.
Please lets not knock the lad

He's doing the best he can.

He's asked for help not a kick in the teeth.

He can't change the situation and neither can anyone else pro or not.

If the end result is liked by the wedding party then good for him.

I look foward to seeing the shots.

good luck:)

Here here, Good luck George(y)
I was about two years older than GF when I did my first wedding where I didn't know anyone, but I'd done a few family, friends weddings prior to that. This is a major jump into the deep end, and props to the lad for having the balls to do it. As I've said many times, you don't have to be an exceptional photographer, you need a good grasp of the basic skills, or you're crazy to even think about it. It's the lack of experience of what to expect and of managing large groups of people which can be a huge hurdle initially, and it's easy for nerves to hit you big time on the day. Being an outgoing sort of person helps a lot. Shy retiring types might do better to give it a miss.

Good luck to the lad - he'll make his mistakes, but let's give him the credit not to assume it will be a disaster.

Personally, I think he's planning waaaay too many shots, I think he'd do better to write a list of formal shots he intends to do, so at least those are in the bag on the day.
George, I've been dipping in and out of this thread so sorry if this has been addressed already, but I would be seriously alarmed if you were planning to shoot 4,000 images. Over an 8 hour day that is 500 per hour, or about 8 per minute, or about one every 7 seconds non stop.

When I shot my first wedding I captured 672 images over a day lasting from 07:00 to 21:00. That's 14 hours, which makes my shooting rate close to one per minute. Now I was only a guest, and an amateur (still am) but there was no pro hired for the event so I stepped in to do the best I could.

It took me a bloomin' age to go through them, weeding out the duffers and duplicates and trying to cut them down to about 100 and I ended up with a bit over 200 keepers in the end. The keepers then needed fine tuning for WB and exposure, plus any other minor tweaks - I keep my photos natural, not gimmicky. If I was a Yervant I would have been kept busy on PP for several days.

Anyway, the point of this rambling tale is that I wish I had paid far more attention to my histogram and shutter speeds, and capuring perfect moments, rather than firing away a bit too freely. This would have reduced the volume of dodgy photos to plough through. Quality, not quantity, or "Less is more"!

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you pull it off. Keep things simple and I'm sure you will :)

4000 is the number of shots I could take on my cards, I don't think I will though :)
Good luck George, it's going to be hard work but keep smiling and people will smile back.

If you have any last minute questions feel free to give me a call, my number's on my site.


Excellent post and wow, what a site/portfolio you have Duncan - positively amazing work...

GF, you have an outstanding pro in your corner! I hae just gone through your flickr account and am most impressed. Even after a ropey start PapaLazarou has come onside and has also offered some excellent tips!

I'm quite near you, so if you need a hand sorting through images etc - then feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do for you...

Once again, have fun on Saturday. (y)

Step ladders, so 80's: I use a jet pack.

Have you still not mastered levitation yet.

Been following this thread, and just wanted to say good luck.
With a possible 4000 images on card guessing your not shooting in RAW then??? Might be worth considering it as an option to help rescue and duff shots you take by mistake!
4000 is the number of shots I could take on my cards, I don't think I will though :)

Wow are you shooting in jpeg then young man or have you got about 50 2meg cards.

i hope youll be shooting in raw-as you may need this to rectify any problems.

But good luck-youve got balls. Just remember if all else fails-get good composition dont rush and use a good iso for bad light and take a reading from neutral areas.

Good luck tomorrow, I have one at the same time as you – but it’s not my first nor am I just 15. :baby:

Just remember to keep calm, smile and check and re-check your camera setting (iso, compensation etc) it is all too easy to get carried away with it all and be shooting at iso1600 outside :bang:


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