what is your Photography dream?

I suppose I have two dreams:

1. To master the art of candid street photography to the extent that people buy a book of my photographs

2. That I produce an abstract/art print that people want to hang on their wall

I'm not really interested in the straightforward commercial aspect of photography - portraiture, weddings etc.
1. To have the free time to do more of it.
1) To be really good at it. Would be satisfying to be great at something I actually enjoyed doing.

2) Get picked up by someone like Magnum and get paid to do what I enjoyed.

I'm so far off both of the above it is untrue :)
Just producing an image that I would be proud to put up on here would be a nice start, seems so simple but so infuriating.
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Just producing an image that I would be proud to put up on here would be a nice start, seems so simple but so infuriating.

The problem is that when you take a good shot you look at all your other pictures and think they're crap :razz: :D That's happened to me :crying:

I have always fancied travelling around the world taking wildlife photos and landscape / general travel photos. However, I also want a family and the two do not go hand in hand IMO (lots of time spent abroad travelling, early mornings and lots of hanging around doesn't seem to be family friendly!)

Realistically, I will probably spend some time living in Botswana at some point in the future, where I would be able to spend a 4 - 10 days every month in the bush taking wildlife photos. My goal is to get photos that are Nat Geo / BBC Natural History quality, but I am not bothered about selling them.
Be well enough to work as a photographer. ♥ Don't get me wrong, miles of room for improvement on the photography, but the biggest hurdle is being well enough....I'm working on it though! ;) :LOL: I want to have my own studio (more practical to accomodate my needs) and make enough money to have the business the sole income for hubby and I. I have ideas and plans, just gotta control my dodginess a little better then hopefully set the ball in motion!
To produce an image that will be on the front page of a major photography magazine.
Just to get my camera out in public without feeling self conscious about it.
mine is to have other people want my pictures or their walls.

and if i made a living out of it that would be good too! lol
Be well enough to work as a photographer. ♥ Don't get me wrong, miles of room for improvement on the photography, but the biggest hurdle is being well enough....I'm working on it though! ;) :LOL: I want to have my own studio (more practical to accomodate my needs) and make enough money to have the business the sole income for hubby and I. I have ideas and plans, just gotta control my dodginess a little better then hopefully set the ball in motion!

ideas and plans ............good luck to you ...(y)
I suppose I have two dreams:

1. To master the art of candid street photography to the extent that people buy a book of my photographs

2. That I produce an abstract/art print that people want to hang on their wall

Similar, although book is not the aim - just generally to improve and get 'out' there. But maybe my real dream is just to continue what I do anyway, but at a higher rate...
Great stuff guys keep it coming.

Peng hopr get there fella.

I had a pic of Princess Di on the front page of the Mail once. Was the best feeling.

It was like the time you first pass your test and you sit in the car alone before switching on the ignition. It slowly dawns you and you grin like a Cheshire cat. Before you know it your pushing a fist into the air shouting Yeeeeeeessssssss!!!!!

Great feeling.

Hope you all reach your dreams.

Keep it coming guys...... It feels good to hear your thoughts..... Something postive for a change.
To spend my life taking photos with time to do it. They would not have to be saleable but just to have the time, especially to spend more time with film and dev and also wet print.
i took a B&W film photo in about late 1950s of Tower Bridge

never forgotten it

dream to return to Embankment and do identical shot 50 years later
I have a few

a) to win a major competition - ideally wildlife photographer of the year, but i'll settle for next years TP POTY

b) to have a book of my work published

and tangentally related - to get a promoted/payrised in my day job to the point where I never have to shoot another wedding, and photography can go back to just being a hobby (allowing time for option a)
To attend all WRC events on pay and expenses, I'm sure I'd get bored eventually, but I'd like to test my resilience.
I'd like to be a War Photographer in the style of Tim Page, Sean Flynn and Dana Stone.
I'd just like my shots to be good enough that other people have an active interest in what I've been shooting.

A successful book would be awesome to :D
To competently shoot and process any type of photograph to a professional standard and not refuse to take an assignment from friends because I know I'm not good enough.:(
i took a B&W film photo in about late 1950s of Tower Bridge

never forgotten it

dream to return to Embankment and do identical shot 50 years later

well its a bit over 50yrs already, but as they said on some cheap TV entertainment program - COME ON DOWN!! :D

Mine.... hmmm, it's hard to put into words, but I guess to improve further, and to eventually find my own more distinctive niche and style so that clients book me specifically for that style. Hope that makes sense.... I know what I mean. ;)
To build up my very little business into one that will provide a comfortable life for me and my family and give my kids them opportunity to do things like go to uni and travel.

I want to look at my work and feel proud and for others to enjoy it.

Some other great ideas on here. Yv I know what you mean :)

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To take consistently good pictures that I can look at & be happy with, some ways off at the mo' but with practise I will get there one day :)
mine is to get a phone call from Hugh Hefner along the lines of .... 'could do with you popping over to my place for a few months and get a fews pics of me and my friends' :D

apart from that.. it'd have to be a photographer at either a World Cup Final (football of course) or The Masters as Augusta.
I have no wish to be a professional (not that I have a choice ;)).

I like being able to take pics of what I want to without any pressure, other than from myself. Having to take pics of subjects I had no interest in would be soul destroying for me.

I would like to take consistently good, or better pictures. :) Having people wanting to buy the odd one to help pay for all the gear would be nice too. ;) :cool:

And I mainly want to continue to enjoy taking pictures for the rest of my life. :)
I was chatting to my girlfriend the other day about the things we would do if the lottery were to fall in our laps....

I told her I would love to go and photograph wildlife around the world...What inspired me to do this was the guys that went to South America and photographed new wildlife that had not previously been photographed before...

She said that she didn't fancy that......So I said to her, I would only be away for 6 months or so ....lolol
Based on some sort of financial windfall of a small lottery win proportion (£1M) it would be to live in the same house as im in but pay it off. Buy a shop on the Royal Mile of Edinburgh. Run it with my wife selling my images of Edinburgh and Scotland.

A pipe dream really as i'd never have the guts to do it without the financial comfort of the capital needed to set it all up and have no cash worries for a few years and have the house paid off! I like the regular income of my job too much.

I also wonder if I worked at photography every day... that I would not get bored of it!
Mine was to get images published in Autosport. I managed that a lot sooner than I expected.

Now it is more that I want to have more time for photography, to go on more trips just for photography and to continue to enjoy it!
Make a living solely from photography and get paid to follow F1 round the world! :)
To consistently take pictures that people say 'wow' to. Ok, for now I'd settle for one picture that someone says wow to :D :LOL: