weekly *manda* updated

It's a bit abstract for me but it looks industrial. The graining adds to it as does the mono.
Hhhmmm well.... eerrr uummmm.. i like it , and it reminds me of something i used to opperate , but that said i've no idea what it is...

Like the shot and the grainy look, but I would like to see a bit more to understand what it is
Part of a bridge? B+W grainy works really well for this shot.
looks industrial to me especially with the pp - looks like a promenade to the bottom right so I reckon it's either the river or the sea, but don't think it's a bridge as the stairs would take you higher than the bridge...yep got me puzzled too lol
I like your grainy, gritty industrial submission but it has left me wondering what it is? it definitely works for me though :)
Hi Manda, think your industry is a bit of a marmite shot and at the moment i'm not sure whether its for me or not, one thing you do seem to deliver is a different take on the themes, and that i do like even if its not something that appeals to my eye
Hi guys, I'm not trying to be mysterious - I just have very little time to create and post different images.

I went to re-shoot this image over the weekend, but the shop was shut Saturday and Sunday!

Welders by M@ndy, on Flickr

So in desperation I took more iphone shots of Westminster underground, the whole sequence is on my flickr site. It is a Marmite shot, the trouble is I can see exactly what it is because I had to go up and own the escalator 4 times to get a sharp shot on my phone!

I'm away next week, so might post a late shot for week 7, have a good week!

HI Manda

flippin heck...how have I managed to miss so many of your posts....SORRY :crying:

In no particular order...

Sigh...the mitten shot for me....great angle & DOF , nice splash of color :clap:

Like the meal shots as well...great colors ...just niggles that the edges of the placemats are cropped

Sweet.... nice...like it...simple , on theme , colors & textures look spot on (y)

Secure...love the montage...the centre image is fab (y) The shot with the shadow I think would stand alone for the theme....really adds to the sense that someones looking to see how secure the door is...good work :clap:

Industry.....hmmmmm...what the hell is it woman :LOL: quite like the grittiness though :)
I like the abstract look to the first industry but think that the welder is my favorite, really like that one, took me back to the days when welding was a huge part of my working week.

Another great week from you, have a great holiday :)
Wow, I love Industry. Wonderful image :)
Interesting root configuration Amanda, I think it was good to get something 'out of the ordinary'.
Love the welder. Difficult to get right I'd guess but you've done it. Nice shot.
I like the root too; you've cought the sun peeping through just right for the dramatic starburst. Great shots.

I'm using my D300 and pushed the settings to f22 - this is the magic number for creating star bursts. I tend to take these shots whenever I see them. The tree was completely underexposed and I'd intended to merge two exposures in photoshop, but had to rush out last night. I pulled back some exposure by using the gradient tool in Lightroom and topped up with fillflash; I think the image lacks contrast and might have a play with it later when I'm on the computer!

Thanks Mandy

Hi Manda. Roots - love it. All the best shots are taken towards the sun (IMHO).
Love the starburst. Please let us know - what camera? - How was it done?
I really like that! I like that the roots don't dominate the shot, but are in context instead.
Another thread that I have looked at but failed to comment on. I'm really liking a lot of your images. You seem to get a lot of atmosphere into your shots. Look forward to seeing the rest of your challenge.
Super shot Manda, I like the way you've framed the shot with the tree and roots and the sunburst adds that little extra for me. ;)
The PP in this is spot on and the start burst is fantastic, one of the best so far.
Great shot (y)