weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Hi Nick,

Pride - The second photo of your son is much better! Nice light, eye contact and he looks so much happier too. Did you lift the shadows a little in PP or is the noise in the shaded half of his face down to the high ISO? Either way, it's a minor niggle.
Blank_Canvas said:
It was more of an experiment really as I get to grips with Photoshop. I would like to learn how to make it look seamless but have no idea how to do so.
I've started using Topaz Labs remask 3, it's great for extracting difficult objects (like hair) from a picture! I am still learning though and spend half my life watching tutorials on Google!

Blank_Canvas said:
We do have internet onboard but there is a high demand for it, at times the internet and coms is locked down for operational reasons so it is very hit and miss. Definitely taking my camera though and will do what I can with the 52. - Extended cruise LOL, You won't get me to bite.....:cool:

Honestly I don't know how you lot do it? I visited Illustrious when she was in Cyprus in 2001, obviously I met a load of RAF on board, they weren't happy! But I lived at HMS Gannet for a year, the Navy girls were amazed with how much stuff we had! It's a totally different life.

Blank_Canvas said:
Also I want to get around and comment on other peoples work. The '52' is very rewarding but quite time consuming (y)
No worries, post your address here and we'll all e-bluey our photos for some C&C;)
Hi Nick

2 good images for Pride....2nd version of your son is far better...great eye contact & smile :clap:

Hope you still manage to pop in when you're onboard & hope you make it back for the meet (y)
Another good set of photos Nick and they work really well I think. Well done!!!! :clap:

Your son is a credit to you and is a really good photo. Love your ideas for Pride.
Hi Nick,

I like both your images for Pride.(y)
Your second portrait shot is my favourite of the two portrait shots. I like that you have included more of his shoulders in the frame, also like that he is standing at a slight angle rather than facing the camera straight on, it's much more flattering:) It's definately a keeper for the family album.

Your Flag locker shot is great, did not know there were so many flags on ships, but I just gotta ask, there are a couple of empty compartments, which ones are missing...which ones are flying?

I have enoyed your contribution to the 52 and will miss your posts when you go back to sea. Hope all goes well and we'll see you back here when you get the chance.

Take care

Hi Nick, liking the flag shot, also the 2nd picture of your son is much better than the first.

Michael, many thanks for popping by and your comments.

Hi Nick,

Pride - The second photo of your son is much better! Nice light, eye contact and he looks so much happier too. Did you lift the shadows a little in PP or is the noise in the shaded half of his face down to the high ISO? Either way, it's a minor niggle.

Thanks Nathalie, the noise is due to using ISO 3200, to tell you the truth I miss the days back in the dark room where I used Ilford FP4 and processed my own films and would often push-process to give it a high-grain, high contrast effect. Todays DSLRs are so good it is becoming increasingly harder to do this. Film grain has given way to noise. I wanted to create a grainy retro image so in this case I failed !

Hi Nick

2 good images for Pride....2nd version of your son is far better...great eye contact & smile :clap:

Hope you still manage to pop in when you're onboard & hope you make it back for the meet (y)

Many thanks Lynne, expanding on the above, I used pure window light and no flash. It was only the first exposure of about of about ten frames. CJ gets bored very quickly. As I don't see him very often he grimaces when the camera comes out and doesn't hang about very often. I am also pleased to report his head injury is now better and the steristrips have gone !

Hi Nick

Pride - #1 is a nice bright shot and on theme. The handwritten signs are good too, highlighting the human element in all the technology

#2 of your son is very good. Caught a nice smile - he looks happy

Stay safe.

Thank you, there was a time when every ship had a sign-writer on board, an additional qualification apart from the main job. Again it has largely given-way to e-technology.

Another good set of photos Nick and they work really well I think. Well done!!!! :clap:

Your son is a credit to you and is a really good photo. Love your ideas for Pride.

Thank you Victoria for your kind comments.

Hi nick

I think that it is the 2nd shot of your son for me although I do like the flag room as a joker 2 great shots

Many thanks Marshall - for me it's really does give me a sense of pride. http://www.flaginstitute.org/

Hi Nick,

I like both your images for Pride.(y)
Your second portrait shot is my favourite of the two portrait shots. I like that you have included more of his shoulders in the frame, also like that he is standing at a slight angle rather than facing the camera straight on, it's much more flattering:) It's definately a keeper for the family album.

Your Flag locker shot is great, did not know there were so many flags on ships, but I just gotta ask, there are a couple of empty compartments, which ones are missing...which ones are flying?

I have enoyed your contribution to the 52 and will miss your posts when you go back to sea. Hope all goes well and we'll see you back here when you get the chance.

Take care


Thanks indeed Carol, the signals branch or Coms Department or Bunting Tos*** as they affectionately refereed to by the rest of the department.
They are responsible for this area. I only know what a few of the signals mean.

For anybody interested in flags this downloadable PDF is very interesting and refers to flags at sea in this context that we have discussed.http://www.flaginstitute.org/pdfs/Barrie%20Kent.pdf

Many thanks everybody (y)

Well I'm still here. The latest news I have is I may be going back mid-May so that gives me a few more weeks.....

Week 17 - short

Short (noun) - A strong alcoholic drink, esp. spirits, served in small measures.


Not really a lot to say on this subject but I bet there will be a few more on here by the end of the week.

Cheers Nick:)
arrgghhhh you put ice in it!!


anyway, good shot but it's maybe a wee bit wonky. I like all the chrome and lights in the BG
ok I'll give you ice for making a nicer picture, but that's all :p
I drink my brandy either straight or over ice, but some people are quite particular! Like my Dad won't give his best brandy to someone he knows who will kill it with coke and ice!!!

Nice simple shot, I like the colours of the background. The second shot is better with a slight straighten and what looks like more saturated colours. But I would maybe try and crop the bottom to lose the lower left corner with the edge of the drip tray showing!
Hi Nick,

Good to hear you are going to be here with us for a bit longer!!! Another good idea for 'short'. Quite effective with the ice in the glass. Again, it works well for the subject. :clap:
Hi Nick. Always trust a seafarer to get a drink in.:D

I like the shot a lot. Good colours, quite vibrant - even tho there are no humans present, the shot gives the impression of lots going on. Good composition - I can see why it has been suggested that the bottom left be cropped away but then you would lose some of the bar counter, making the drink look insecure, and most of the 'G' of Grolsch. So I would be tempted to let it be.
Good work Nick (y)
I like your edit, the colours seem a bit more saturated, the dof is perfect with the lovely oof background. You caught some nice detail in the condensation on the glass. The photograph has a nice feel and depth to it.

I can't comment on the with/without ice debate, I am teetotal and I am a Jock!! :cautious: Iain
Hi, Nick, you had me at the 'G' in Grolsch :D

I viewed this morning and wasn't keen on the BG but thought I'd revisit.

Hmmm, they are quite distracting but do add to the context so it's a (y) from me.

One thing, I'd prefer no ice because it would add the the shortness of the contents.

Nice one for a quick post.
Soft – Nicely lit. I thought of marsh mallows as well but had to eat them after going for the chocolate instead.

Pride – I’m loving #1 with the flags. Great abstract.

Short – On theme and nicely taken with the oof background
Hiya :wave:

Neat shot for Short...like the oof BG , the condensation on the glass & the colors reflecting in the glass , the edit is much better :clap:......as for the ice....maybe just lose the very top cube , I think having some in the glass add's something...struggling to explain what or why though :LOL:
Hi Nick..

Well captured...on theme, but have to agree with Andy...no ice!!...thats how Short's should come;)
Summer, Marsha, Victoria,Alan, Iain, Andy, Peter, Allan, Lynne, Neil, Michael, DK thank you all very much for dropping by and for leaving your comments, it's very much appreciated.

'Week 18' - Flight

Well, this week I was hoping to go out and photograph something relevant and interesting like one of 814 Naval Air Squadron's (The Flying Tigers) Sea Kings:


However, the weather this week is not going to get any better, with this in mind I thought I would try to capture the theme indoors and stay warm and dry.

This weeks submission:

Concept: A Southern England Civil Aeronautical Chart forms the backdrop, log book and a few tools and some information as a paper plane flies overhead.

Here's the result:


The technical bit:

ISO 200, F/22 (+1 E/V) 1/60 sec, tripod, self-timer.

I have also been experimenting with the Custom White Balance this week and for my lighting I used an incandescent lightbulb mixed with ambient available light as opposed to flash.

If I get a chance to photograph any aircraft in the week I will.....

As ever, any constructive C & C welcome.

Many thanks,

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Definitely fits the theme. I can't decide about the addition of the paper aeroplane. I've thought yes and I've thought no. That said all the elements are there and the map makes a great backdrop.
Hi Nick, looks great. I think perhaps the plane should have been further above the chart to convey the idea that it's flying over, but it looks great even so.

Missed your shot for short too. It's great; I like the edit best, as I think it needs the saturated colours as much as the straighten. Lovely shot :)
Great way of dealing with the terrible weather this week, nice clear colourful pic.
Hi Nick, it fits the theme well. I like the map as the BG, you obviously know your stuff:)
nicely on theme and well exposed and i like the paper plane to make the point.
Hi Nick

Scrolling down I thought the Helicopter shot was your entry - my god I like that shot...

So to your real shot, at first I was disappointed, I went back to it without looking at the other shot first, and It has some great strengths, Great background, good WB with the plane, and in all well set up - so in the end a nice thought out take on the theme :)
Sea King...nice.

Was the crop intended? If so, big :clap: from me. It really emphasises the size. I suspect B&W was the only choice and it works.

Hi Nick,

Nice Sea King shot. We have one of those visiting us this week too!!!

I think your map shot is superb. It's pin sharp and the lighting is perfect. A great effort for playing the custom wb :clap: As for content, I've seen what pilots need to fly, this is clever(y)

posiview said:
I suspect B&W was the only choice and it works.

Andy I think this is actually colour, if you look closely the tail light is red and the wheel casing nav light is green! It's a grey aircraft against grey sky!!!
I like both of these for differing reasons Nick.

#1 Great processing on this, a bold choice of crop too which I think works particularly well. The perspective really gives a sense of scale taken from a position which I would imagine not many people have access too.

#2 In a single image it really tells a story. Like the vivid colours in there too. I am not sure about the inclusion of the paper plane, it does add humour to the shot though. Iain
You've certainly captured the theme well for flight Nick!!! I liked the helicopter shot and thought that was it!!! Then scrolled down and saw the photo. Works really well for 'flight' Well done!!! :clap:
Hi Nick, really like that, nice and colourful bg which all works very well. A great bit of thinking that.

Many thanks Michael (y) I think the composition was the hardest part, I tried many permutations but settled on this one.

Definitely fits the theme. I can't decide about the addition of the paper aeroplane. I've thought yes and I've thought no. That said all the elements are there and the map makes a great backdrop.

Hi Peter, I thought about it but one of the principle reasons for including it in the scene is that I wanted to try out the custom white balance, something I perviously haven't used. The paper plane (Cue the old Status Quo record!) was an ideal subject to experiment with so for it's been a good week and i'm moderately pleased with the result.

Hi Nick, looks great. I think perhaps the plane should have been further above the chart to convey the idea that it's flying over, but it looks great even so.

Thanks Mark, Yep I considered raising the height of the plane with a view to focusing on it with a small depth of field to blur out the background somewhat. However, failed miserably to make the plane balance on the end of coat hangar, bamboo cane and a few other implements. Had I little more time on my hands, a garage that didn't leak I think I might have accomplished that .

By the way there is an interesting 'free' event down in HMNB Portsmouth that you may be interests in this weekend. "Remember the Falklands' Both HMS York and the new T45 Destroyer HMS Dragon are open to the public, the Royal Marries band are playing to the backdrop of HMS Vctory. More info here:-


As your in the vicinity and if time permits may be of interest...

Great way of dealing with the terrible weather this week, nice clear colourful pic.

Many thanks Gramps, I wish the weather was better it's still as dishwater in the East Midlands, good call staying in I think....

Hi Nick, it fits the theme well. I like the map as the BG, you obviously know your stuff:)

Many thanks Neil, I know nothing, but every day is a school day, in particular where photography is concerned !

Hi Nick

Scrolling down I thought the Helicopter shot was your entry - my god I like that shot...

So to your real shot, at first I was disappointed, I went back to it without looking at the other shot first, and It has some great strengths, Great background, good WB with the plane, and in all well set up - so in the end a nice thought out take on the theme :)

Thanks DK, nice comments. I probably learnt more during this exercise than photographing rotary-wing aircraft and I managed to stay dry. I did want to bring something a little more interesting to the table though. If i get a chance then I will (y)

Sea King...nice.

Was the crop intended? If so, big :clap: from me. It really emphasises the size. I suspect B&W was the only choice and it works.


Hi Andy, I try to never crop images post-exposure. I always concentrate on framing at the point of exposure. The tight composition was a deliberate act to convey the power of the aircraft. I wanted to show the detail in the structure of the aircraft. The image is acutely in colour, the Sea Kings' are painted grey and when flying very low to the sea are extremely hard to spot with the Mark 1 eyeball. Many thanks for your comments.

Hi Nick,

Nice Sea King shot. We have one of those visiting us this week too!!!

I think your map shot is superb. It's pin sharp and the lighting is perfect. A great effort for playing the custom wb :clap: As for content, I've seen what pilots need to fly, this is clever(y)

Andy I think this is actually colour, if you look closely the tail light is red and the wheel casing nav light is green! It's a grey aircraft against grey sky!!!
Many thanks

Many thanks Marsha, Using the spot meter on the side of the aircraft is in my humble opinion is the best way to record the exposure to bring out the detail. I'm glad you liked my still life too (y)

I like both of these for differing reasons Nick.

#1 Great processing on this, a bold choice of crop too which I think works particularly well. The perspective really gives a sense of scale taken from a position which I would imagine not many people have access too.

#2 In a single image it really tells a story. Like the vivid colours in there too. I am not sure about the inclusion of the paper plane, it does add humour to the shot though. Iain

Many thanks Iain, the Sea King was taken wile I was on the quarterdeck, under the flight deck looking up as it was about to land directly above me whilst on Ops off the coast of Libya last year. It was taken with a little compact camera that I always carry with me at sea. A DSLR can be really intrusive and get in the way at times.

You've certainly captured the theme well for flight Nick!!! I liked the helicopter shot and thought that was it!!! Then scrolled down and saw the photo. Works really well for 'flight' Well done!!! :clap:

Many thanks Victoria for your kind words (y)
Many thanks Marsha, Using the spot meter on the side of the aircraft is in my humble opinion is the best way to record the exposure to bring out the detail.
I guess it always helps if you can get close enough to take a decent meter reading, especially of aircraft! I decided not to bother trying with my super fast aircraft yesterday and relied on +1 EV!

the Sea King was taken wile I was on the quarterdeck, under the flight deck looking up as it was about to land directly above me whilst on Ops off the coast of Libya last year. It was taken with a little compact camera that I always carry with me at sea. A DSLR can be really intrusive and get in the way at times.
Yup, up close and personal! I have to ask what ship were you on? Do you know what you are likely to be going on next?

I've just been talking to one of your S/Kings, I say 'yours' as in the Navy yours! For any plane spotters out there Northolt/ London seems to be the place to be this weekend!
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Hi Andy, I try to never crop images post-exposure. I always concentrate on framing at the point of exposure. The tight composition was a deliberate act to convey the power of the aircraft. I wanted to show the detail in the structure of the aircraft. The image is acutely in colour, the Sea Kings' are painted grey and when flying very low to the sea are extremely hard to spot with the Mark 1 eyeball. Many thanks for your comments.

Many thanks

Hi, Nick, just re-read my post and by crop, I meant 'in camera' composition.

Good show...:D