weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Hi Nick, I love the helicopter pic - it helps to show it's size off!!:)

I also wasn't too sure about the addition of the paper aeroplane but it has grown on me. The lighting is spot on as well as well as the white balance! I've been in the playground helping a reception class make paper aeroplanes all week - I just wish I was allowed to get some pics of the childrens faces when throwing theirs - they were a picture!!:)
I guess it always helps if you can get close enough to take a decent meter reading, especially of aircraft! I decided not to bother trying with my super fast aircraft yesterday and relied on +1 EV!

Yup, up close and personal! I have to ask what ship were you on? Do you know what you are likely to be going on next?

Hi Marsha,

+1 EV is always a good good call. When I took the Sea King image I was standing on the far extreme port side quarterdeck on RFA Fort Rosalie directly below the flight deck as the sea king made her approach to land.

I took this image of Rosie from the bridge wing of HMS Ocean hence the height as we prepared to meet for a RAS (Replenishment At Sea)

I'm still waiting from the call from the big house to find out what my next ship and deployment is but it should be very soon. I hope it's going to be somewhere hot. :cool:


Hi, Nick, just re-read my post and by crop, I meant 'in camera' composition.

Good show...:D
Hi Andy,

I always compose in-camera and mostly through the viewfinder, a throwback from conventional days. That said, there are some occasions where i'm finding the live view very useful for zooming in and focusing.

I think a strong diagonal line in any subject works well. I just got lucky with the lighting here on the starboard side of the Sea King. I think it's ok to crop now and again if you don't have a choice. Used to do it on the enlarger in the darkroom, Photoshop is no different really ! - and thank you again.

Hi Nick, I love the helicopter pic - it helps to show it's size off!!:)

I also wasn't too sure about the addition of the paper aeroplane but it has grown on me. The lighting is spot on as well as well as the white balance! I've been in the playground helping a reception class make paper aeroplanes all week - I just wish I was allowed to get some pics of the childrens faces when throwing theirs - they were a picture!!:)

Many thanks Sarah, thank you :) I think the 'can't photograph kids' rule has gone to far. Whilst child protection should be taken extremely seriously and I support the fact, but because of the stigma these days I would never feel comfortable photographing kids at play or even volunteering to help out with any youth organisations. Shame you could't capture their smiling faces. A sign of the times I guess.
Hi matey....you heard any more about your call up dates yet ?

Simply love the Sea King image....shows it power perfectly & really well exposed...great work mister :clap:

Liking the Map entry as well , WB worked really well for you , like the layout...looks very complicated stuff to read....(y)
The helicopter shot is great, firstly because I love helicopters! I wanted to get a shot of a helicopter for flight but the timings were not right to get up to the helipad (not mine!).

For me thats the one for this week. I like #2, reminds me of 'direction' week. Good indoor shot though for the theme. Another different one :)
Hi matey....you heard any more about your call up dates yet ?

Simply love the Sea King image....shows it power perfectly & really well exposed...great work mister :clap:

Liking the Map entry as well , WB worked really well for you , like the layout...looks very complicated stuff to read....(y)

Hi Lynne,

Thank you :) still no news from the big house. Nothing worse than not being able to plan anything but I don't mind it's the job. I hope I get at least a couple of weeks notice rather than a 24 hours notice to move, it's all up in the air !
The helicopter shot is great, firstly because I love helicopters! I wanted to get a shot of a helicopter for flight but the timings were not right to get up to the helipad (not mine!).

For me thats the one for this week. I like #2, reminds me of 'direction' week. Good indoor shot though for the theme. Another different one :)

Many thanks Alex, I'm pleased with the image but it's a bit of a 'Joker' i have played there, sadly no further opportunities this week to capture anything of a similar ilk.


Hi Nick, didn't realise I was so far behind.
Shiny - Liking the reflection in the window, well caught
Magical - Stonehenge is open to inerpretation but must be magic to see when the sun does its job.
Vice -says it all, bang on theme
Entrance - The tunnel is good especially with the addition of people. The stairs unfortunately suffered from the darkness, good improvement now lightened up. Both on theme and both are winners.
Soft - I like and they tast great as well.
Pride - The second shot of your son is a winner. Has great eye contact although the light is a bit harsh on the neck.
Short - Ice yuk unless this is tea. Second shot a great improvement, colour more saturated. Agree bottom left needs crop.
Flight - #1 made the best of this shot with the weather. I think all the elements of flight planning in #2 is a grand idea. Undecided about the plane though. White balance has worked well.
How much notice do you generally get to go to sea? Nice shot of the RFA ship though. I love the sea but couldn't live on it for so long!

You should have an easy week as well this week with 'authority'? I wish I'd known yesterday as my Station Cmdr was in our place!

I normally get a bit of notice and learn of return-to date, however, I have been on extended leave for a few months so now could be as little as '48 Hrs' to go anywhere in the world. Missed a trick with your Stn Cmdr !

Hi Nick, didn't realise I was so far behind.

Many thanks for popping in John and for your comments. The '52' is great fun, quite a challenge and very time consuming to get around all the threads, I really struggle myself.
Many thanks everyone for all your comments.

Week 19 - 'Authority'

This morning I had no doubts about what I was going to do for this weeks theme. Freshly painted double yellow lines provided me with the ideal opportunity for 'Authority'

Although an immensely dull subject, I was attracted by the wet road and texture of the very new yellow paint, it won't stay like this for long !


As ever, any constructive comments or critique welcome,

Great and glad you included the drain with lettering for adding interest. ;)
Nick, that had a massive :clap: from me straight away.

Cracking idea. Love the low POV, depth, vivid yellow. Nice.

The lighting looks a bit hard; I'd rather the front left grass etc wasn't there.

I like the inclusion of the car and having it in shadow really add to the photograph.

I did a similar photograph for a previous project but you've got much closer and it really works.

I read your description on my phone at work but had to wait for the photo to download so I was expecting something dull. How wrong was I, you've made a rather boring subject, that we all normally ignore, look very impressive!
Cracking lighting, colours and great composition:clap:

I hadn't even noticed the car Andy:bonk:
Last edited:
nice composition and good exposure not as dull as you would think
Brilliant shot Nick. Like the way the lines continue off to the side where your eye picks up the give way lines, then the car. With the drain, good rule of thirds example. Well thought out.
Hi Nick..... what a great idea for authority. It is such a simple photo, but it works brilliantly and you have captured the theme perfectly. I love it!!!!:clap:

Almost missed the car at the top of the photo!!!! Great effort.(y)
Hello Nick....what a great idea, have seen something similar to this before, but yours has come out much better.....nice one:)
hi Nick

Flight - like both images even tho from totally different thought processes. I think that the 'copter could benefit from a bit more of fuselage and rotors.. Paper plane looks ok to me.

Authority - really good idea, well captured pov, focus, car in b/g, super colours and shine. (y)(y)
Alby, Andy, Marsha, Michael, Allan, Mike, John, Victoria, Neil, Peter, Manda and Lynne,

Thank you all very much for your observations and comments and now on to leave....

And on the subject of leave. Still no news on my leaving date so i'm still hanging in......
Week 20 - Leave

At the moment I'm on shore leave and trying to make the most of it. This weekend I travelled across to Liverpool where there are some amazing photographic opportunities. It's a great place to visit packed with history,shops and night life. Forget about all the jokes about Liverpool it is without doubt one of the friendliest cities in the UK and people go out of there way to make you feel welcome.

As a sea port and formally one of the busiest in the world, the departure of shipping has always been intrinsically linked to the City.

So my submission this week is the Royal Iris Ferry leaving Birkenhead for the Princess Landing stage. There has been a ferry service in operation for over 800 years originally operated by Benedictine Monks from the local Abbey who used to take passengers across the Mersey and later immortalised by Gerry and the Pacemakers 1964 !


I'lll be putting some other images from my visit in my Flicr account later on in the week.

As ever, any comments and critique welcome....

Many thanks,

Leave - Good colourful shot but is the sky a bit too blue?

Good to get the Liver building in but I think that the modern block at left would be better out - possibly if the shot could have been taken from further left - but presumably you had to be on dry land.:D

Good shot for theme as the ferry is moving away but nice touch would have been if the jetty could have been part of the foreground , thus emphasising the theme.

Good impression of movement in the capture of the wash.
i like leave though as the last poster says its a bit blue, the skyline doesn't bother me if you went left the new museum would be more in view so there is no way of getting either out of shot there has been a lot of development in the pier head area over the last 5 years. good photo though(y)
Many thanks for your feedback Alan,

Now you mention it, perhaps the sky is a little dark. The modern buildings all reflect the ever-changing waterfront but I have tried a tighter crop. I was standing on the jetty which included unsightly and very modern handrails to stop people falling in the Mersey hence my viewpoint.

I wanted to include the Royal Liver Building in the my shot so I used a small aperture to keep the building some detail.

2. Edit


...and a B/W version.

3. Monochrome

Nice work Nick. I like the monochrome effect. Captures the theme very well and it works. :)
Good set Nick, I like the mono one best but I'm a bit partial to mono so no surprise there.
Hi Nick

Authority - If I had a hat I'd take it off to you - that is an excellent shot, as said by others, the low angle, the colours, the inclusion of the car - Spot on, I like that a lot :clap:

Leave - A great idea, I think the front end of the ferry blends in a bit too much with the background buildings, and wonder if a shallower DOF would have looked better, having said that, I like the 2nd edit best, the colours against the grey buildings help it stand out from the water and sky - well on theme and I also like the ferry leaving the frame
Many thanks for your feedback Alan,

The modern buildings all reflect the ever-changing waterfront .....


No problem with that - it's just that the 2 newer buildings on the waterfront are obscured by the boat and the one to the left looks particularly unbalanced.

Anyway i really like the edits - the boat looks even more powerful and the detail in the buildings is better (y)
Nice photo opportunity and I like the original composition, the edit is too 'blunt' for me.
I very much like the Liver Building included and it fits in well with having the rest of the skyline rather than cropping it out. Yes the original is a bit blue but easily resolved, as in the edit. The B&W doesn't work well in this instance IMO.
Hi Nick,

Have to agree with gramps on this, prefer the original. the modern buildings don't bother me at all...it is the 21st century after all!!! also like the mono aswell but #1 pips it for me!!
I agree with Alan's comment about cropping out the modern tower block on the left but I find your edit is too tight for my liking. Good interpretation on the theme though.