weekly 52 in 2013: Post Your Photo's Here :) (No Comments Please)

Sorry for long silence; trying to buy a house. Anyway, here's a few for live:

This one was an interesting experiment as - inspired by Jerry Uelsmann - I basically did a photoshop job without using software. This picture is a composite of about 7 layers, all done with scanners and photocopiers: full details of how are on my blog:

Live for the Weekend
by ReanimatedImagery, on Flickr

That took a lot of doing.

Oddly, the one that is probably going to be my Live shot took 30 seconds to set up and ten minutes to process.

It's Alive!
by ReanimatedImagery, on Flickr

First pass at Reflection. The main interesting thing about this is that there's no editing here - just the toning and grain. All lighting and reflections done in camera with three mirrors.

by ReanimatedImagery, on Flickr

and Melt

Raiders of the Lost Cardboard Box
by ReanimatedImagery, on Flickr

Left to follow on Friday.

Thread link
Week 45 Food

A slightly different take as ive been taking lots of photos of cakes and chocolate recently. Ive been starting my journey regarding understanding light - not particularly successfully but, ive started on the journey


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Week 44 - Left
I am afraid I resorted to my default subject for this one, therefore please move along, nothing to see here.
It keeps me up to date, thats as much as I can say about this.

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Week 45 - Food

Thread link - yum, yum...


Week 45: Food

There's 2 I can't decide which one. First one is my setup shot of some ribs I did for this. Unfortunately it's also first time I focused this close with a 200mm, even at f11, not enough of it is in focus, I think.

52 - 45 - Food
by wuyanxu, on Flickr

Second one is my housemate's cooking, took it as he was getting some water. Really like the steam in this one.

52 - 45 - Food
by wuyanxu, on Flickr
week 45: food.

week 45 - Food.jpg by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr

Meh, not feeling it this week. I'm not thrilled with this attempt from earlier in the week, I wanted to shoot something better to replace it but life got in the way so it's a just place holder for a re-shoot.

Please just move on without comment, thanks :(
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My Thread

Week 45 - Food
This one requires the image title to be on theme. It was one of those weeks where I was thinking through phrases and thought of the Shakespeare quote "If music be the food of love, play on"
I appreciate it needs a crowbar to get it into theme but hey ho :LOL:

C&C welcome as always.

Here's a graphic art shot:

My Little Friend
by ReanimatedImagery, on Flickr

And this is the one I'll probably use - the title is a quote from Einstein, of all people: "True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist."

The Irresistable Urge
by ReanimatedImagery, on Flickr

The images coming out the head are, obviously, all ones produced during the 52 project.