weekly Blondies 2012 52 wk52 BUSY - Finished !

#3 for me Lynne, just the candles and flames.
#2 the reflected flames I find distracting as there is no order to them.
#1 just doesn't inspire me, nothing wrong with it, just not inspiring me.

Hope you feel better soon (y)

Thanks Gramps...more I look the more I'm inclined to agree about the reflections.....ah well , live n learn :bonk:

Here you go...linky

Hope you recover soon.

OK, I like #1 best. One thing that was pointed out to me when I posted light painted flowers was that I needed to get even light. I like the composition but I'd like to see the bases of the top 3 candles. I like the starbursts from the flames. Looks like a well read (and racy) book...:D

The other 2, well I'm struck with the DOF which works really well for me...often people put the rear objects totally OOF. Detail in the flames is good and I actually like that I can't see the bases of the candle holders.

Good show, lady (y)

Cheers Matey....got so many pills in me I rattle but the link made me laugh (y) ( which has now given me a headache ! )

The light painting was purely to highlight the text & edges of the book..think the top candles needed to be a tad further away though...agree with you mister
DOF worked quite well....used the Tamron macro,f stop was high if I remember & getting better with the DOF preview button...wanted it mostly in focus but tailing off gently

Lynne, out of these its 3 for me as well, 1 is just a little uninspriring, and i agree with Gramps about the reflections in 2, because you can't get everyone, they're a bit disjointed and don't add anything to the photo at all. 3 is nicely lit and does say soft to me

Thanks Liz....think I maybe gonna re-do the 2nd one ..more of a straight line to get even reflections...agree with what you n Gramps say about them looking a little dis-jointed .#3 is pure candlelight & longish exposure...quite pleased with it so glad you like it (y)

I like no2 for me simple and great reflection.

Cheers DR....glad you like it :)
Hi Lynne,

You poor thing, I hope you feel better very soon. The candle lighting is very 'soft' in ambience and bang on theme. I like number 3 best and the subliminal - 'S' in your composition suggests 'soft' - very clever concept ! I also like your choice of aperture, the diminishing focus also adds charm. Number 2 and 1 are also really good. nice light painiting too, but 3 is my favourite.

Nice work (y)

Number 1 for me, I think you have managed to get just the right amount of lighting to suit the theme, crops on all are also good.
With # 2 I wonder if they would look better with a slight movement to the left with your camera, this would put foreground and background in a straighter line.
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Hi Blondie, hope you feel better soon:)

Out of all 3, I prefer #2!! I like the reflections and I like that there is no order to them aswell...How did you get the reflections? Almost looks like the candles are on water!!!
Good shots all but I do agree about the reflections in 2 being distracting.

I cant honestly decide between 1 and 3.

1 I like as it's a nice set up and the fact that you identified something wrong with the setup and figured out how to get round it through light painting the book makes me like the picture more than the content itself almost, if you see what I mean.

3 I like as it's a good composition, the lightings just right and the crop works really well too.

If I'm forced to choose I think I'd lean toward 3.

Well done.
I like no. 1 candles but not sure about the book. I also like no. 2 candles, especially the reflections, but would have looked even better if the candlelight had been the same as no. 1 - with the starburst (I had no idea of the technical term lol) but it certainly says soft to me, just need a bath and some bubbles now hee hee :clap:
.....feeling totally carp......

Sounds a bit fishy to me!

I like number 3 best; lovely colours and exposure, and it looks wonderful seeing just the candle tops and flames.

Number 1 I find the book distracting (good light painting though), and number 2 is just a little too fussy I think.

So number 3; fantastic!
Hi Lynne, hope you feeling better, bit of a catch up for me here.

Magical - the first one of the 3 is the winner for me, really cracking shot and catching the rainbow too.

Vice - brilliant idea, quite a few vices in there.

Entrance - for me the car park entrance is the winner.

Soft - just truly wonderful set of shots there.

You certainly got to grips with the D7000 (y)
Ooooo nice soft shots. #1 looks like a good night in if teamed with some of the vices that were posted :D

I like #2, not sure many others have chosen that but I like the setup of it and the composition. The candle like in all of them does say soft. Well taken, well setup and good lighting balance. (y)
Hi Lynne,

You poor thing, I hope you feel better very soon. The candle lighting is very 'soft' in ambience and bang on theme. I like number 3 best and the subliminal - 'S' in your composition suggests 'soft' - very clever concept ! I also like your choice of aperture, the diminishing focus also adds charm. Number 2 and 1 are also really good. nice light painiting too, but 3 is my favourite.

Nice work (y)


Thanks Nick...slowly begining to feel better , more pills today so hopefully by the weekend I'll be 100%...well . as close to as can be expected at my age :LOL:

I set the candles out in the s shape but never made the connection...I can be sooooo dim at times :LOL:

Number 1 for me, I think you have managed to get just the right amount of lighting to suit the theme, crops on all are also good.
With # 2 I wonder if they would look better with a slight movement to the left with your camera, this would put foreground and background in a straighter line.

Hi ya...glad to see you're still around...even if I do have a bone to pick with you re panorama's :D Glad you like 1....my fave I think
#2...will probably do this as a reshoot ...we must be about due for one & take on board your comments about positioning...cheers (y)

Hi Blondie, hope you feel better soon:)

Out of all 3, I prefer #2!! I like the reflections and I like that there is no order to them aswell...How did you get the reflections? Almost looks like the candles are on water!!!

Hi ya....I liked the idea of reflections but now it's been pointed out that they are a little jumbled I'm not sure...try again I feel . The candles were on a glass table top with black card underneath...worked a treat (y)

Good shots all but I do agree about the reflections in 2 being distracting.

I cant honestly decide between 1 and 3.

1 I like as it's a nice set up and the fact that you identified something wrong with the setup and figured out how to get round it through light painting the book makes me like the picture more than the content itself almost, if you see what I mean.

3 I like as it's a good composition, the lightings just right and the crop works really well too.

If I'm forced to choose I think I'd lean toward 3.

Well done.

Thanks muchly Paul....really appreciate your comments on #1...must be starting to get the hang of this tography lark....thought about what was needed & managed to do it & it worked...woohoo
I like no. 1 candles but not sure about the book. I also like no. 2 candles, especially the reflections, but would have looked even better if the candlelight had been the same as no. 1 - with the starburst (I had no idea of the technical term lol) but it certainly says soft to me, just need a bath and some bubbles now hee hee :clap:

Hi ya...thanks for commenting...have no idea how I managed to get the little star bursts on the flames but suspect it may be to do with the anlge I shot at...#2 & #3 were practically level with the candles whilst #1 was from above slightly.....candles , bubble bath , glass of wine & soft music....thought about it for the shot but no way a selfie :eek:

Sounds a bit fishy to me!

I like number 3 best; lovely colours and exposure, and it looks wonderful seeing just the candle tops and flames.

Number 1 I find the book distracting (good light painting though), and number 2 is just a little too fussy I think.

So number 3; fantastic!

Cheers SD.....I wanted to do an image of reading by candle light as in the good ole days before electrickery....not feeling well enough to set it up though , thought about a book open with reading glasses on it lit by candlelight but no glasses so plumped for this...the title linked to the theme as well...a caress is soft . #3 I think it's the jubled reflections that make it fussy...possible reshoot with better set up me thinks

Glad you like 3....might even get it printed:)

Hi Lynne, hope you feeling better, bit of a catch up for me here.

Magical - the first one of the 3 is the winner for me, really cracking shot and catching the rainbow too.

Vice - brilliant idea, quite a few vices in there.

Entrance - for me the car park entrance is the winner.

Soft - just truly wonderful set of shots there.

You certainly got to grips with the D7000 (y)

Hi ya...glad you like the images...think I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this lark...famous last words :LOL:

Hi Lynne,

Soft - For me it's got to be #3. I think the composition and crop are both good! (y)

Thanks Nathalie...glad you like #3 (y)

Ooooo nice soft shots. #1 looks like a good night in if teamed with some of the vices that were posted :D

I like #2, not sure many others have chosen that but I like the setup of it and the composition. The candle like in all of them does say soft. Well taken, well setup and good lighting balance. (y)

Hi Alex........like your thinking re teaming the vice's with #1....cracking book & author
Liking no 1 a lot Lynne with a good interpretation on the theme. Lighting is done well on the candles and the book with the starburst on the flames making them stand out and an odd number too.

Would just like to see the left bottom of the book binding darkened as it just sticks in my eye once I’ve noticed it v v v very tiny point.
It's probably all been said so I'll just say - I like them, #3 is my fav.
They remind me of the candles I shot in the 2011 52, I forget the week, but I was surprised at how many different shots I could do with candles (um, is that another 101 I could take on?!?)!

Hope you feel better soon, if not already, I ain't been on TP for a few days, been away for Easter - uploading several hundred pics to the PC as I type, hopefully there is one I like!
3 for me too i don't think the reflection are adding anything. I imagine capturing flame is quite hard exposure wise you seem to have nailed it.
Liking no 1 a lot Lynne with a good interpretation on the theme. Lighting is done well on the candles and the book with the starburst on the flames making them stand out and an odd number too.

Would just like to see the left bottom of the book binding darkened as it just sticks in my eye once I’ve noticed it v v v very tiny point.

Thanks Zeb.....glad you like #1....it's turned out as I imagined it but just needs a few little tweaks....your's is duly noted & will hopefully be applied in a reshoot...we must be due for one very soon (y)

It's probably all been said so I'll just say - I like them, #3 is my fav.
They remind me of the candles I shot in the 2011 52, I forget the week, but I was surprised at how many different shots I could do with candles (um, is that another 101 I could take on?!?)!

Hope you feel better soon, if not already, I ain't been on TP for a few days, been away for Easter - uploading several hundred pics to the PC as I type, hopefully there is one I like!

Hay up matey....trust you're gonna post some holiday piccies ? I'm sure there'll be plenty that you feel happy with...where abouts did you go ?
Now there's a thought...not sure I could manage 101 ways though :LOL:

Lynne I really like number two, I think the reflections look great. But number three is the one that best fits the theme with the lovely soft candle light!

Oh I forgot to say I hope you're felling better now. Some of these bugs really string the misery out. I feel your misery.

Thanks Marsha...now got a reaction to the anti-bionics ....part from that I'm just fine :bang: Glad you like the shots

3 for me too i don't think the reflection are adding anything. I imagine capturing flame is quite hard exposure wise you seem to have nailed it.

Thanks Aj.....finding that long exposure's for candle light seem to work well....several tries with differing exposure times & it seemed to come together...dunno if I could do it again though :LOL:
I hope you are keeping track of all the votes on your photographs Lynne ;)
If so, then its another vote for #3.
I like the simple composition in this, the gentle 's' shape in the composition draws my eye through the image. The others are good too, #2 is just a little busy for me. All round good work though, you are keeping a high workrate up even though you are poorly so (y) for that. Iain
So there you have it.......feel free to rip me apart :D[/QUOTE]

Hi Lynne


#1 - On theme and well composed. I like the curve that you have captured and the processing is good - kind of urban grainy feel. Also it seems to have a very unused feel to it(y)

#2 - doesn't capture my attention at all I'm afraid

#3 - a plain scene on topic. It has a 50's faded postcard feel to it which I think suitd the scne admirably.

#4 - as per #2

Soft - #1 - for me the best with one qualification - i would like the back candles to be a little further from the book. i like the illustration on the cover - the female shapely back echoes the theme, the starbursts on the candles are excellent.

#2 - for me the least liked of the bunch - possibly the s- shape is too sharp

#3 - good shot The s - shape is sinuous and the focus and dof emphasise this and i really like the way that the candles seem to 'float' on the black ground
blondie606 said:
Thanks Marsha...now got a reaction to the anti-bionics ....part from that I'm just fine :bang: Glad you like the shots
Amazing though drugs are, the side effects or reactions are sometimes worse than the bug:nuts: I hope you're better soon.
So there you have it.......feel free to rip me apart :D

Soft - #1 - for me the best with one qualification - i would like the back candles to be a little further from the book. i like the illustration on the cover - the female shapely back echoes the theme, the starbursts on the candles are excellent.

#2 - for me the least liked of the bunch - possibly the s- shape is too sharp

#3 - good shot The s - shape is sinuous and the focus and dof emphasise this and i really like the way that the candles seem to 'float' on the black ground

I have to agree with the above comments, I've been trying to work out how to word it but can't better what Alan has said.:)

I hope you're feeling better Lynne!:)
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So there you have it.......feel free to rip me apart :D

Hi Lynne


#1 - On theme and well composed. I like the curve that you have captured and the processing is good - kind of urban grainy feel. Also it seems to have a very unused feel to it(y)

#2 - doesn't capture my attention at all I'm afraid

#3 - a plain scene on topic. It has a 50's faded postcard feel to it which I think suitd the scne admirably.

#4 - as per #2

Soft - #1 - for me the best with one qualification - i would like the back candles to be a little further from the book. i like the illustration on the cover - the female shapely back echoes the theme, the starbursts on the candles are excellent.

#2 - for me the least liked of the bunch - possibly the s- shape is too sharp

#3 - good shot The s - shape is sinuous and the focus and dof emphasise this and i really like the way that the candles seem to 'float' on the black ground[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the feedback SP........agree with the points you've made...always learning (y)

I really like #1. Yes maybe there could be a bigger gap between book and candles but overall the image is spot on with some lovely lighting.

Thanks Peter...really want to reshoot the book image :)

I have to agree with the above comments, I've been trying to work out how to word it but can't better what Alan has said.:)

I hope you're feeling better Lynne!:)

Cheers Sarah ....& yes...finally on the mend (y)
Pride.....apart from flags & war memorials the only other thing that sprang to mind was " Homepride "...cook-in sauces & flour :eek: Tried that shot tonight...got the lighting right but not the bg so packed up & made tea with it instead :LOL:

Meet up with Andy ,Liz & James in Leeds on Monday eve & , thanks to Andy for pointing out the flippin obvious ....there were some flags...I can be so dense at times (y)

Spent last night working on my image ...only to see Andy beat me to it with a superb shot of the same thing...only his is far better than mine :razz:

So fall back to 2 images...


Pride 2 by llj666, on Flickr



Pride by llj666, on Flickr

Self crit......#1...not overly happy with the pp...think I over cooked the red a bit but I did want it to stand out...quite pleased to drag some detail from the very bland early eve sky though

#2 shoud've left more room to the right & not clipped the strap at the base of the pole :bang:

TTFN..catch up tomorrow eve with everyone else's threads & good to see you all still hanging on in here (y)
Hi Blondie,

well think you've criticised yourself enough, but have to agree with you..

the red in #1 is a tad harsh...#2 to tighter crop....but both bang on theme;) and the sky is good;)
Hi Lynne

Soft - No:3 for me - Has a real nice look to it, and flows smoothly, I also prefer the colour too compared to the others

Pride - Of the 2 I'm preferring the 2nd shot, the flag colour on 1 is nice, but it looks too lost to me... The second shot is just right, a nice bit of movement, nice shiny brass, and a bit of a stormy sky
Hi Lyne. I love that second shot, especially with the sky as it is. Fantastic.

The first is good too, but yes, the red is a bit off. Stunning sky though :)
I love the soft light candles - I can imagine you placing them of so very carefully to make sure you get the composition just right. Thanks for being so supportive and encouraging with in the 52TP - I think we all need those kind words, sense of humour and gentle nudges at some point! Mandy
Both of these for Pride are good, but I think the pole in 1 is too tight for my liking... and whilst the sky is great, there's a bit too much of it... Therefore, I'm going with 2, and I'm gonna agree on the strap... my only crit on it, is the halo effect around the flag and pole... picky I know how hard it is to avoid on a shot like this to bring out the shadows and highlights.
Hi Blondie,

well think you've criticised yourself enough, but have to agree with you..

the red in #1 is a tad harsh...#2 to tighter crop....but both bang on theme;) and the sky is good;)

Hi ya....if nothing else I'm getting better at ripping my own shots apart :LOL:

Hi Lynne

Soft - No:3 for me - Has a real nice look to it, and flows smoothly, I also prefer the colour too compared to the others

Pride - Of the 2 I'm preferring the 2nd shot, the flag colour on 1 is nice, but it looks too lost to me... The second shot is just right, a nice bit of movement, nice shiny brass, and a bit of a stormy sky

Cheers DK.....:)

Hiya Lynne, firstly sorry I missed soft, image number 1 for me, quite like it. As for pride, out of the 2, it is going to be number 2 for me, like the movement in the flag, but I do love the background in the first.

Thanks Michael...quite liking the sky's myself....for a change they had some interest :)

Hi Lyne. I love that second shot, especially with the sky as it is. Fantastic.

The first is good too, but yes, the red is a bit off. Stunning sky though :)

Thanks SD....yup , overcooked the red a touch :crying:


Loving Pride no2.....shame the british weather couldn't be better.....

Cheers FF........the weathers rarely what we want :shake:
Hi Lynne, I like the movement and detail in number two as well(y)

Thanks Marsha :)

Hi Lynne

Pride - in the British weather.:D Very good. Whoops, sorry suppose you meant the flag.:thinking:

i think that your self crit says it all. howeve i do think that #1 has a good painterly feel to it and on the long flagpole it stands more proud.

Cheers SP....the more I look at #1 the more I like & for just the reasons you mention (y)

I love the soft light candles - I can imagine you placing them of so very carefully to make sure you get the composition just right. Thanks for being so supportive and encouraging with in the 52TP - I think we all need those kind words, sense of humour and gentle nudges at some point! Mandy

Thanks manda...spent a while placing.....& still didn't get them spot on :bang:...this is gonna be my reshoot...I keep saying it but we must be about due for one

Lynne liking number 1 for pride, even the colours are blown out, it makes the flag stand out. Detail you have got in the sky looks cold.

Hi Darren...thanks for popping back....how's the pano's going ?

Both of these for Pride are good, but I think the pole in 1 is too tight for my liking... and whilst the sky is great, there's a bit too much of it... Therefore, I'm going with 2, and I'm gonna agree on the strap... my only crit on it, is the halo effect around the flag and pole... picky I know how hard it is to avoid on a shot like this to bring out the shadows and highlights.

Thanks JG....that flipping halo is well annoying...didn't spot it on my screen till you mentioned it ...my pp skills are sadly lacking :crying:
your pride shots are brilliant, both of them, well done :clap: