Greengo's TP52 2016 - Week 50 & 51 Added

really liking the teeth and carrot, good idea for Artificial. Personal is well shot and good DoF

This has been doing my head in for a while and I really struggled to find an idea... so I'm shoe horning in an example...
My "EFFORT" at photo manipulation using my daughters profile and then a tree as her hair...

003 as Smart Object-1.jpg
I quite like that Colin - good bit of pp work there; creative and bang on for the theme. :clap:
This catch up melarkey is playing havoc with my spare time lol... But I'm glad to say that I am officially as of 15/04/16, up to date...

Week 14 Technology... I thought about electronics etc and how they are today and then I thought about how technology has changed from vinyl to cd etc... but I have this wine bottle holder and I believe the technology behind it is curious... I could have used this for horizontal but I thought it more productive as TECHNOLOGY...
Technology 2.jpg

Thought about horizons etc and had a wee look around everyone elses pics and they were all very interesting... For me this image spoke of the "horizontal" lines in the window contrasted by the verticals to the left plus theres a shot of the horizon through the window... Its how I seen it as HORIZONTAL and I believe that its through the eye of the photographer and I hope you get what I mean and what I was trying to portray...


Finally to bring me up to date is Week 16 VAST
We have a massive bridge where I live... When travelling on it you dont appreciate the size but when you stand under it you get to see the "VAST" size that it is... Again I deliberately tilted the angle to make the image seem more interesting rather than a head on shot...


Thanks so far for all your encouraging words & critique... I know I dont comment on everyone elses pics but I do look at them and always give a wee "thanks" to anyone who take the time out to comment...
Hi Colin.
Effort - Cool piece of PP there, definitely a goof effort.
Technology - Not sure I'd be trusting my wine to that, but an interesting piece no the less.
Horizontal - Yes, I can see what you're aiming for. Also, interesting colour to the light that has shone through the window onto the wall.
Vast - On theme, but for me a little lacking in contrast (try playing with the black and white points if you have the raw). I think that the Dutch angle does work though.
Hi Colin. Nice catch-up. They're all spot on theme but I like Horizontal best for all for the interplay of angles and the added interest of the old peeling paintwork.
That is certainly one massive ( vast) expanse of a bridge, Colin,
( even if the angle did make my brain hurt :D )
Vast, Humber Bridge?

I'd prefer a more conventional perspective; it looks a little soft, and blue?, but on theme and the underside really adds to the vast feeling.

Great catch up I think for me Horizotal is the best of the there love the detail from the peeling paint to the Horizontal window and the view out to the horizon
Hi Colin, well done on catching back up :)

Technology - nice idea... I don't personally see as much connection with the theme myself, but that doesn't really bother me. I'm less convinced by the lighting you've used - I realise it was probably what you had in the room, but I find the bright reflections off the top of the bottle and chain quite distracting. If you'd been able to get softer light (from a window on an overcast day, for example), I think it would have worked a lot better because the subject is an interesting one.

Horizontal is a well thought out image and you've captured it well. Good spot.

Vast - I think this works well. The sky is a bit "meh" but that's clearly secondary to the subject and you've grabbed that effectively... I rather like the angle! I agree with Andy that the white balance does look a bit off and would be worth correcting. Again, good thinking for the theme though and you back caught up (y)
Colin very creative for the effort theme, really like it. The windows works for the horizontal theme for me, the light is very nice on the left side. Vast is huge, maybe a B&W contrasty conversion would suit it a bit better.
Great set of pictures there my favorite is your Effort shot, it really caught my eye and was well worth your effort.
Aw jeekers falling behind again...
Week 17 - ROUGH...
I'm using a past pic for the theme and my idea was "rough" seas... This was shot at Irelands most northerly point namely Malin Head on one of our more favourable weather days... It was still breezy which was whipping the sea waves onto the rocks... bit too ROUGH for swimming methinks...
Rough Seas.jpg

my own home made jam... with custom labels and for that finishing touch my lovely wife cut up an old shirt she had so they had their own wee individual "COVERED" lids...
Mmmm home made Jam :)

Like the look of that !!! the lighting looks a tad harsh, and for me the overexposed top bit could be removed to improve the shot loads Colin, as could a better background rather than a draining board, but must say really like the choice of subject matter :)

Glad to see you catching up too
Looks like the light was *challenging* for your vast shot too.
Spot on theme though and I do love the rainbow lens flare bottom right, it is a nice counterpoint to the bright point (sun I assume) top left.
Rough, wonderful view. I'd have cropped some of the sky out as a lot of the detail has been lost, for obvious reason.

Covered, home made jam and labels as well :clap: Nice chalow DOF, I don't mind the BG as it add context.

I like the lens flare too - lovey scenery but like you say, a tad too Rough to swim in. Oooo home-made jam - all the goodness. Hidden talents. Like the covers and the DoF.
Rough -That lens flare... I thought you had spray painted the gorse. Very nice capture but the sky is blown out. A couple of merged photos would bring in a dramatic sky I think or possibly exposing to the right would be enough?
Covered - That jam just makes me hungry, I haven't had home made jam in ages. As mentioned the surface needs to be different, a wooden chopping board at a squeeze for instance.
Rough really like that rough and ragged coast line what's not to like?

Cover I like the DOF and POV. The bright coloured covers really stand out
Hi Colin

For rough, the lens flare works for me - it's a bit marmite but that's fine. The sky feels too saturated personally and I'd have toned that down, but then the light you have falling on the ground frame left is wonderful. I don't tend to care much about whether an image works for the theme, but if you want it to, I'd prefer to have the sea sharp - since that's the subject. The blown sky is a distraction but you wouldn't want to lose that colour and light on the ground!

Covered - that works well! Well done and looks very tasty :)

iPhone pic for me this week... Wasn't prepared enough to head out with my dslr and as the weather has improved it was time to sort out the garden... Off to the garden centre and when I saw this display my wife said oooh its a very colourful display that... so thanks to her I managed to grab this image for my theme this week... Hope you like it...

I might have been tempted to crop the tops of both rough and covered to help with the light issues. Both are great for the theme though - the jam jars are just charming. I bet it tastes as good as it looks! My eyes are hurting slightly from your take on colourful - so bang on theme, I'd say :)
Colourful - It certainly is I like how there seems to be no organisation with the pots they're just stacked randomly
Wow! They're bright and colourful - like the two front left in particular. Good response to the theme.