weekly Sgavenge's 52 Week 7 Sense Added

Yes everything manually (y)

All about experimenting mate, some of the best shots come from experimentation. Hope your finding those PDFs useful (y)
I'm slowly working my way through the PDF's mate. Hoping to get some quality time to read them when I'm next away on a job somewhere.
Been some years since I shot DSLR in manual to be fair, takes some remembering after many years of being pampered in TV or AV mode ;-)
Bubble - Nice photo that's been well handled

Smoke - I like your take on the theme. Very clean photo and absolutely aligned to the edges.
Thanks Peter, You've no idea how much I had to agonise over the alignment of the edges on the Smoke photo. Cheers
I think the B&W makes this shot. I like it a lot. It has a certain Je ne sais qoi about it!
Much appreciated Simon. I thought B&W would work out best as it makes it look a bit retro too.
Bubbles is a cracker IMO. Not much I'd change. I especially like the position of the big blob of froth.

Smoke, again. Like it. Nice and smile interpretation. Uber critical....the symmetry is slightly off.

Hi Ya

Bubble...like that , super sharp , bright were it needs to be ( the yellow labels really pop) & a cracking bubble trail of froth :clap:

Smoke... simple but I like it , mono works well (y)
Bubbles is a cracker IMO. Not much I'd change. I especially like the position of the big blob of froth.

Smoke, again. Like it. Nice and smile interpretation. Uber critical....the symmetry is slightly off.

Hey Andy. That's very decent of you. I'm experimenting with off camera flash now and this is my first proper shot (Bubble). I think you're right about the image rotation on Smoke. Played around with it for some time to get it close but I was trading off perspective correction and rotation. Now I look back at it, slightly off. I'm mostly a perfectionist with symettry and perspective. Cheers for the lovely comments
Hi Ya

Bubble...like that , super sharp , bright were it needs to be ( the yellow labels really pop) & a cracking bubble trail of froth :clap:

Smoke... simple but I like it , mono works well (y)
Hi Lynne, very pleased with your kind words. I'm hoping to get some good practice with the Speedlite this year. I'm very pleased with this for a first go. Smoke was a lucky and well timed find. Many thanks for taking the tim to comment.
Week 6 Mineral
This week's photo was taken in Brighton. They are still truing to clear up after the recent storms that hit the south coast. Much of the beach has been deposited on the Promenade. Not much option for sitting on a bench right now.

After the storm by sgavenge, on Flickr
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Lots of minerals there, and very topical.
Good idea , certainly no shortage of minerals there! (y) As said above, possibly more of the foreground in focus :thinking:
Good idea, bang on theme. Like the colours - wonder whether a lower PoV would have helped?
A good interpretation of mineral, as others have said a bit more of the foreground in focus would have helped to stress the theme.
No, Mineral is on theme and an interesting looking photograph. I'd have been temped to get much closer to exclude all but the bench and some of the pebbles.

Hi Ya

jeez......mother nature is pretty darned impressive & destructive !

I like the shot , tell's a good story & for sure is on theme , like the use of DOF so you get the distance & surrounds in shot for context (y) Don;t often mention crops but I think loosing some of the foreground so your closer to the bench would work....a squareish crop maybe ?
Good shot Gav and well on theme.

Not much more to say that hasn't been covered already, I'd of maybe tried a lower angle and switched the focus point.

Nonetheless great image mate (y)
sense of humour, an interesting piece of carving, fits the theme well :)
Thanks Judi. It's a very unusual piece of stone right near the entrance to the Cathedral. I'm sure most people just walk by without noticing it :)