weekly Shiny Side Up's 52

Nicely shaped photo and well lit, only negative is the mouthpiece is connected to anything so just seems to floating there.
Nice idea. I agree about the cropping of the clef. :)

Good idea and I like the back lighting from the monitor. Crit: The lines could do with being a bit straighter and I'd probably try dodge the white so that it is a perfect white instead of a creamy colour, as Mercurius said the clipping of the clef is a shame and also that little black bit on the bottom right corner. Sorry to sound so negative, I mean it in a constructive way (y)
nice idea, but left me wanting to see the mouthpiece of the sax rather than it being a silhouette....the treble clef is a bit over dominating for me and it could do with not having been clipped top and bottom imho, as well as straight and perpendicular to you
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Nice idea. I agree about the cropping of the clef. :)


Thank you Gerry, you appear to be the only one (apart from me).

Edit: Of course I am assuming you agree with my reasons for cropping it but now I think you may be agreeing with everyone else {sigh}.
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Tried that Mandy but then the support of the magnifying glass becomes obtrusive and that's all you see. Here is the original.

Week3_close (1 of 1)-2
by gorgon703, on Flickr

Although, I think now I prefer the original.
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#1 for me. WB loos a tad off though.

I uses the have one if them clamp/magnifying glass things. It well composed and I like how the clamp if holding ghe page open.

Cracking idea.

White balance in the second picture is quite deliberate to give a homely, warm and ancient feel
Great idea, I don't mind the cropped book it seems to work. I prefer the crisp white though.

Great to see the setup photograph. Those "helping hands" are very useful.

Only minor criticism is the enlarged text doesn't seem to me on first viewing to mean anything. It might have enlarged "close" in a dictionary ?
Play, Very different take have got to agree with the person who said that they would like to see the mouthpiece in focus, close, I prefer the cropped version
Close...Liking the uncropped second version over the former. I like the shadows and a few more with the whole apparatus and magnifying glass being higher on the book wouldn't have hurt in my opinion
I prefer the second shot although nothing wrong with the origional either. (y)
Thank you all for the comments. It seems there is a split between the crop and uncropped version so as the photographer I vote in favour of the uncropped version as I like the white balance and the oldy-worldy look of the magnifying apparatus.
Close- like the first one but then on seeing the original version with props I think adds more detail so will go for the original.
Hi Martin

Play...the more I look at the more I like it , the cropped bits are even(ish) top & bottom so that works for me , like the almost but not quite silhouette with a hint of the instruments color....lovely :clap:

Close ....yup , agree with you that the uncropped version works really well , seeing the whole unit holding the magnifying glass , the sepia tone of the paper...like it...original idea as well (y)
Another one goinf for the uncropped version - I think having the words on the opposite page being "smaller" makes the ones in the magnifying glass seem "larger".

Nice processing too. Can't really think of anything major that would improve things.
Nice processing too.

Comments like this please me no end as I try to do almost no post processing at all, I only dodge and burn on contrasty pictures, crop, or change to monochrome. The second picture, the one with the framework in, is totally unprocessed. The original was converted to JPEG from NEF and posted on line. It is always my ambition to make the picture in the camera, it's a personal challenge.
Hi Martin..

Close: A lovely picture for sure. Beautifully clean composition and so tastefully processed. Like the soft textured background too.....but Pheww, looks like some heavy reading material:)

forgot to mention...I liked seeing pic 2 showing off the set-up shot....thats one hell of a "handy" contraption
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Cropped version for me (y)

It might have enlarged "close" in a dictionary ?

I like your thinking Richard, even finding the word 'close' in the book used :)
Hi Martin..

Close: A lovely picture for sure. Beautifully clean composition and so tastefully processed. Like the soft textured background too.....but Pheww, looks like some heavy reading material:)

forgot to mention...I liked seeing pic 2 showing off the set-up shot....thats one hell of a "handy" contraption

The book is Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh and is a good read if you like mathematics but like me you find it hard work.

The handy device was bought for me as a little prezzy by my wife this Christmas, it was not expensive and I have used it several times since.

I must reiterate though, as I have mentioned above somewhere, this second picture is as shot. There is no processing at all, I can't be doing with all that.
Hi Martin, I have only just got around to posting in your thread, sorry!
Great start to the year, (y)
Line, plenty of lines in there, bang on theme, we'll seen and captured.
Play, this got me thinking, "how on earth was that shot?" Then on reading your explanation, ahhh right:D
It kept me coming back to it, I think it is really quite good.
Close, I would choose the composition of #2 with the WB of #1, :D
WEEK 4 Bubble. In this photo I have taken a liberty and called this Bubble and Squeak RAW version (OK it's JPEG now but it was RAW). In case you don't know, bubble and squeak is a leftovers dish made from cooked cabbage and mashed potato.

by gorgon703, on Flickr
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