weekly Snorton's 52 2012 - WEEK 14-17 ADDED OPERATION CATCH UP

This is what I'm seeing. Odd!

Fantastic, and a really nice picture too!

Leicester Square has a 4 floor store dedicated to M&M's; God knows why, but if I'd known this theme was coming up I'd have paid more attention when I was there!

DSC02101-2.jpg by MarkBerry1963, on Flickr

DSC02098-2.jpg by MarkBerry1963, on Flickr
Love your first shot for 'Sweet', Very colourful and the DOF is spot on. Look forward to seeing your coming weeks shots.
The first picture is Lovely and well executed with good colours, you have noted your mistake with the m so say no more,
as everyone said, good shot, nicely focussed and bright colours :clap:
Bugger!!!! Just noticed the M on the blue one, centre of pic, is bloomin upside down :bang:

I did notice that Simon and decided I like it upside...it looks more natural that way....if you follow what I mean?

Great Colours. :)
Great colours and composition, the upside down M on the focused M&M is the only let down but this is me being critical.
Many thanks so far for all your comments, really enjoying this 52 :D

Tonight and tomorrow I promise I will go through my subscribed threads and have a look at what you wonderful peeps have done this week :clap:
Hi Simon

Sweet...yum yum....peanut M&M's...scrummmy...love the shot , great colors (y)

Sigh...2 great takes on a hard theme....think I'm liking the crosses better...poignant & on theme...but then again that fire makes me sigh...looks all warm & inviting....great work mister :clap:
Hi Simon
So many threads that I have fallen well behind and am now beingselective from a particular week.

Sigh - agree with what has been said by others about some context for the fire. You idea for a poppies shot is an extremely good idea for the theme and I just think that it could be better executed. But obviously not one that you can revisit at the moment.
Lots of nice bold colours - a classic sweet shot!
Well to say I've struggled with this theme is an understatement, not just with the subject matter but also time wise, and not wanting to use a joker so soon into the project.

I have 2 I'm putting forward for this week, but tbh I'm not really happy with either. Would love to read what you fine people think.

This first one represents the satisfactory sigh one gets after a hard, cold day at work and comes home to a warm roaring fire.


This second one is to represent the collective sigh of despair over the country every November as we remember those who have paid the ultimate price for serving this nation past and present.


the fire one's not saying sigh to me Im afraid, and neither is the second though I can see where you are coming from on it
Sorry I don't think I've commented here before!

I love your fear shot for the very cute dog! Although it doesn't scream fear, perhaps if she was jumping up trying to eat the post it might have fitted the theme better?

I prefer the poppy shot, anything of the great war makes me sigh. I went to Thiepval memorial last year and it brings home the scale of loss, summed up here with a sigh of sadness!

Sweet, it just makes me want to eat M&M's, so it works for me! Lovely vibrant colours too.

Secure is simple and to the point, the enter passcode below the little padlock draws the eye. Although the little areas of light to the right of the phone are a little distracting, an all black background is needed I think.
The goblin said:
Sorry I don't think I've commented here before!

I love your fear shot for the very cute dog! Although it doesn't scream fear, perhaps if she was jumping up trying to eat the post it might have fitted the theme better?

I prefer the poppy shot, anything of the great war makes me sigh. I went to Thiepval memorial last year and it brings home the scale of loss, summed up here with a sigh of sadness!

Sweet, it just makes me want to eat M&M's, so it works for me! Lovely vibrant colours too.

Secure is simple and to the point, the enter passcode below the little padlock draws the eye. Although the little areas of light to the right of the phone are a little distracting, an all black background is needed I think.

Thank you for your comments (y)
Hi simon,

I have just seen another 'secure' iPhone in the 52's but agree this works well and great use of Depth of Field.

I really do like the remembrance crosses with the snow. Very very poignant when you think how cold the trenches were during the Somme


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I like your sigh poppy shot. Absolutely agree with your interpretation and it's a nicely composed pic.
M&M shot gives me the urge to go buy some. The I-phone shot has nice dof as has been said already.
Nice and simple for secure but still effective (y)

I'd track back and give feedback for previous entries but I'm going to comment from now on instead :LOL:
Hi Simon,

I do like the simplicity of this shot, very well composed, the eye is drawn to just the right place to emphasise the theme. The colour is also very good, how did you get your whites so white? ....and don't say Daz! lol How did you light the shot?

Great job.

Carol :)
cazagee said:
Hi Simon,

I do like the simplicity of this shot, very well composed, the eye is drawn to just the right place to emphasise the theme. The colour is also very good, how did you get your whites so white? ....and don't say Daz! lol How did you light the shot?

Great job.

Carol :)

Lol I won't say Daz then hehehe. That was lit using the sun coming through the kitchen window, and a little play in Nikon NX2 to get the white of the phone :)
Joshwain said:
Nice and simple for secure but still effective (y)

I'd track back and give feedback for previous entries but I'm going to comment from now on instead :LOL:

Lol thanks for your comments. It is hard to keep track of all the threads ;)
Nice addition, I was going to try something similar but changed my mind last minute.

Sweet - nice shot, could it be rotated so the blue sweets are M's not W's?

Secure - again, a nice shot. Good crisp edges on the "Enter Passcode" bit and nicely monochromatic . (sort of)