weekly Superpippo's 52's for 2012 -Week 52 Busy added THE END

I like Liquid nice interesting bg

Like the giant seed pods of duo not too sure om the seagulls

The water is nicely highlighted with the blue bg on flow but would maybe like to see more of what the water was flowing into otherwise just cut it out of the image
liquid - lovely shot, lovely colours and focus :clap:
up - good take on the theme
duo - love this one, weird things, don't think the weather detracts at all

when I saw the organs my first thought was 'up' so your OH was quite right :LOL:

flow - like this one, the can at the bottom really adds something to the photo :clap:
Hi Alan - damn you have been busy :clap:

Liquid - Great background, nice green leaves and drops nice and clear, Nice One

Up - Works well for me, the crop helps the subject perfectly, nice motion in the slipper too

Duo - 1st one for me too, again I like the crop, they appear huge with the pier so low in the background !!!!

The seagull shot make me smile though :)

Flow - great background, a very minimalist image that pulls off flow nicely
A lot of variety again.

LIQUID - nice water drops, very clear and the white bg helps

UP - original idea with perhaps a story in there

DUO - amazing seed pods!! I thought they were small, got quite a shock as I scrolled down to the bottom.

FLOW - I had the same idea more or less, so I'm calling this my favourite of the your recent images! (y)
I like Liquid nice interesting bg

Like the giant seed pods of duo not too sure om the seagulls

The water is nicely highlighted with the blue bg on flow but would maybe like to see more of what the water was flowing into otherwise just cut it out of the image

liquid - lovely shot, lovely colours and focus :clap:
up - good take on the theme
duo - love this one, weird things, don't think the weather detracts at all

when I saw the organs my first thought was 'up' so your OH was quite right :LOL:

flow - like this one, the can at the bottom really adds something to the photo :clap:

Hi Alan - damn you have been busy :clap:

Liquid - Great background, nice green leaves and drops nice and clear, Nice One

Up - Works well for me, the crop helps the subject perfectly, nice motion in the slipper too

Duo - 1st one for me too, again I like the crop, they appear huge with the pier so low in the background !!!!

The seagull shot make me smile though :)

Flow - great background, a very minimalist image that pulls off flow nicely

A lot of variety again.

LIQUID - nice water drops, very clear and the white bg helps

UP - original idea with perhaps a story in there

DUO - amazing seed pods!! I thought they were small, got quite a shock as I scrolled down to the bottom.

FLOW - I had the same idea more or less, so I'm calling this my favourite of the your recent images! (y)

Flow, I like it. The blue bg makes the liquid stand out.

Thanks for all the kind comments. I was quite pleased with these partic the green leaves and the seed pods, altho for the latter I had wanted betted light. Having caught up I need to keep going now!
Week 39 - Friendship

Barossa beach, south western Spain. Big wind, rain and roughish sea. Three ladies and their dog out for some air. Need to be friends to do that.

Difficult light, quite grey with the odd highlights in the sky but not great photo weather. But I want to try to keep up to date so am submitting. May do something else but it is already Friday.

#1 is the best colour that I could get.
#2 is a similar shot with a b&w conversion and yellow filter
#3 is #2 with increased contrast and blown bits to introduce more atmosphere.

Don't know if you feel that any of these work but would be interested in crit and how i may be able to improve them. - maybe the originals are just not good enough.

My pp skils are rudimentary and in any event I have access only to the basic controls on Windows Live Photo Gallery on my netbook. But I would value advice if there is any to be given.

Feel free to go to town:D

Quite small pics as the Gallery only allows basic resizing.



trust me! I like the composition of the 2nd one but the colour in the 1st one! lol otherwise I can't really decide which I prefer but I'd like to see them bigger. The 3rd one has lost the cloudy sky which I think detracts from the image. So, a combination of 1 and 3 :LOL:
trust me! I like the composition of the 2nd one but the colour in the 1st one! lol otherwise I can't really decide which I prefer but I'd like to see them bigger. The 3rd one has lost the cloudy sky which I think detracts from the image. So, a combination of 1 and 3 :LOL:


Thanks Summer. I will try it. Wasn't too sure about the colour version because of the lack of it!!
number 2 for me out of the 3 of them, in 2 they are all going the same way so it just looks better the only thing with number 3 is the sky looks to washed out maybe 3 in colour as the sea in the first shot looks good
Hi Alan , bit of a catch up from me...sorry for missing a few of your weeks :crying:

Friendship.....on theme for sure ...I'm going for #2...I like the sky detail , mono works well(though appears a little noisey in the clouds), like that the walkers & the dog are all facing the same way (y)

Flow......lovely contrast between the tap/water/bg....I'd be tempted to crop out the container top...

Duo.....loving those gulls...like the almost total symetry & the shape of the rails plus the subtle tones....love it (y)

Liquid......love the leaves...great clarity , great colors , lovely DOF....for me would work framed on acrylic :clap:

ps....why do you shoot jpeg as oppsoed to ARW ? Nothing wrong with it just curious :)
number 2 for me out of the 3 of them, in 2 they are all going the same way so it just looks better the only thing with number 3 is the sky looks to washed out maybe 3 in colour as the sea in the first shot looks good

Thanks allan. Maybe I will try to process them again

Hi Alan , bit of a catch up from me...sorry for missing a few of your weeks :crying:

Friendship.....on theme for sure ...I'm going for #2...I like the sky detail , mono works well(though appears a little noisey in the clouds), like that the walkers & the dog are all facing the same way (y)

Flow......lovely contrast between the tap/water/bg....I'd be tempted to crop out the container top...

Duo.....loving those gulls...like the almost total symetry & the shape of the rails plus the subtle tones....love it (y)

Liquid......love the leaves...great clarity , great colors , lovely DOF....for me would work framed on acrylic :clap:

ps....why do you shoot jpeg as oppsoed to ARW ? Nothing wrong with it just curious :)

Thanks Lynne. Friendship is/was causing me some problems with the technicalities. Some more thought needed.

I shoot jpeg cos I have never taken the time to discover how RAW works and how to treat on the pc. Something I think that I ought to do and I assume that all of you do. Maybe something for the darker nights (which are only 5 weeks away!!!!)

Presumably this would allow me to rescue/improve a bit more.
Hi Alan,

Up - There's a clear sense of movement (up the stairs), which I like. I also like the composition. The photo looks quite noisy to me, not sure if that's due to poor light conditions or if it's intentional, added in PP.

Duo - Giant seed pods for me. The people in the frame adds a sense of scale (the pods really are BIG!). Shame about the weather, but nothing you can do about that.

Flow - Very much on theme and I like the background, but I feel there's something lacking (sorry!). I don't think it's an easy task to photograph a running tap in a way that makes it look interesting.

Friendship - My pick would be #2. I do think if they'd been facing the camera, it would have been a better picture, but if they're people you don't know you can't exactly ask them to pose for you. For me, the shadows are a little too dark, looking at the colour version there should be some detail there.

On the topic of shooting RAW, once you get your head around it, you'll appreciate the added control you have over exposure, contrast, colours and perhaps my favourite editing tool; noise reduction.
I really like number 1, but I would like to see the dog as it is in 2 or 3

I agree with that Michael

Hi Alan,

Up - There's a clear sense of movement (up the stairs), which I like. I also like the composition. The photo looks quite noisy to me, not sure if that's due to poor light conditions or if it's intentional, added in PP.

Duo - Giant seed pods for me. The people in the frame adds a sense of scale (the pods really are BIG!). Shame about the weather, but nothing you can do about that.

Flow - Very much on theme and I like the background, but I feel there's something lacking (sorry!). I don't think it's an easy task to photograph a running tap in a way that makes it look interesting.

Friendship - My pick would be #2. I do think if they'd been facing the camera, it would have been a better picture, but if they're people you don't know you can't exactly ask them to pose for you. For me, the shadows are a little too dark, looking at the colour version there should be some detail there.

On the topic of shooting RAW, once you get your head around it, you'll appreciate the added control you have over exposure, contrast, colours and perhaps my favourite editing tool; noise reduction.

Thanks Nathalie. In the Up shot, lighting was poor and the shot a bit noisy, which I could not eliminate so I made it a bit more so.

No2. for friendship. Good shot.

Yeah I like the crop of 3, the sky in 2 and the colours of 1 :D

Thanks Robert and DK
Week 40 - Change

I found it hard to be inspired by this theme and the added constraint of SOOC made it worse - I wish that I had ignored the SOOC theme and concentrated on the main item. As a result I fell between two stools and am not overly happy with either. I tried to steer away from the autumn season influence, but subjects did not come so readily to mind.

#1 SOOC Change


#2 Change, using pp of straighten, crop, sharpen and contrast.

Change - I like your take on the traffic lights by using a triptych.

Natural - A nice shot of some fungi although I feel some "gardening" would have improved. That said it shows them in their natural environment.
Change good idea with the traffic lights not so sure about the for sale sign as for the sooc thing I ignored it and just carried on, it seemed a bizarre idea to me.
Have to agree with Peter above about the mushrooms
Certainly on theme Allan(y)
I like the depth the photograph has to it, my eye is drawn into the scene.
The sun light shining on the rhs is a little distracting though, the bright spot in particular. Iain
Change - I like your take on the traffic lights by using a triptych.

Natural - A nice shot of some fungi although I feel some "gardening" would have improved. That said it shows them in their natural environment.

Thanks Peter. I did a little bit of gardening but I wanted to show the fungi growing in their natural environment. Perhaps I should have done alittle more.:thinking:

...../as for the sooc thing I ignored it and just carried on, it seemed a bizarre idea to me.
Have to agree with Peter above about the mushrooms

Yes, I agree it was a bit bizarre but I seemed to get hung up on it.

Certainly on theme Allan(y)
I like the depth the photograph has to it, my eye is drawn into the scene.
The sun light shining on the rhs is a little distracting though, the bright spot in particular. Iain

Point taken about the light. Going for a dappled feel but that bit on the right is a bit bright. I could crop but I quite like the proportions of the scene. Thanks for the crit.
Hi Alan

Great montage with the traffic lights... no crit to add as you seem to have nailed boht the theme & the shot :clap:

Natural....indeed they are (y) I like this shot as it shows the shrooms in their natural environment , possibly a little trim of the grass right at the front but other than that , yup , good shot mister :clap:
that's a great shot, I think the grass sets them off too :banana:
Natural - very nice shot.

They are Shagg Ink Caps I think.
Quite safe
"When young it is an excellent edible mushroom provided that it is eaten soon after being collected (it keeps very badly because of the autodigestion of its gills and cap). If long-term storage is desired, sauteing or simmering until done will allow the mushrooms to be stored in a refrigerator for several days or frozen. Processing must be done whether for eating or storage within four to six hours of harvest to prevent undesirable changes to the mushroom. The species is cultivated in China as food. The mushroom can sometimes be confused with the Magpie fungus which is poisonous."
Hi Alan
Sorry not been able to review lately, personal problems meant a back seat to the forum.

Up – like the idea with someone walking up. On theme but a bit plain
Duo – Ah Blackpool oddities, love the pods for this theme. The gulls seem too far apart to be a duo. Have done well with lighting on the organ shoot. 2nd choice for theme
Flow – Like this simple idea. Works well with the blue background and tray
Friendship – Yes to #2, works well in B/W. Don’t think colour adds anything and 3 a bit too bright.
Change – Love the idea of traffic lights. Definitely on theme.
Natural – Have read how you should carry tweezers and do the gardening before shooting. In this case I think a more natural environment is right and suits the theme. Just the brightness on RHS distracts, otherwise a good shot.
Hi Alan

Great montage with the traffic lights... no crit to add as you seem to have nailed boht the theme & the shot :clap:

Natural....indeed they are (y) I like this shot as it shows the shrooms in their natural environment , possibly a little trim of the grass right at the front but other than that , yup , good shot mister :clap:

Thanks Lynne - rhs does seem to be causing some concerns

that's a great shot, I think the grass sets them off too :banana:

Thanks Summer - that was kind of my thinking on the composition.

Natural - very nice shot.

They are Shagg Ink Caps I think.
Quite safe
"When young it is an excellent edible mushroom provided that it is eaten soon after being collected (it keeps very badly because of the autodigestion of its gills and cap). If long-term storage is desired, sauteing or simmering until done will allow the mushrooms to be stored in a refrigerator for several days or frozen. Processing must be done whether for eating or storage within four to six hours of harvest to prevent undesirable changes to the mushroom. The species is cultivated in China as food. The mushroom can sometimes be confused with the Magpie fungus which is poisonous."

I think that you may be right. Followed the link to wiki and saw the description. Still a bit cautious on eating them tho :D

Hi Alan
Sorry not been able to review lately, personal problems meant a back seat to the forum.

Up – like the idea with someone walking up. On theme but a bit plain
Duo – Ah Blackpool oddities, love the pods for this theme. The gulls seem too far apart to be a duo. Have done well with lighting on the organ shoot. 2nd choice for theme
Flow – Like this simple idea. Works well with the blue background and tray
Friendship – Yes to #2, works well in B/W. Don’t think colour adds anything and 3 a bit too bright.
Change – Love the idea of traffic lights. Definitely on theme.
Natural – Have read how you should carry tweezers and do the gardening before shooting. In this case I think a more natural environment is right and suits the theme. Just the brightness on RHS distracts, otherwise a good shot.

Wow - thanks for taking the trouble to do all of these John.(y) Fair comments on all of them.
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Hi Alan, it looks like I'm WEEKS behind on your thread:bonk:

Liquid, nice capture of the droplets. I like the texture from the background too, what is that?

Up, wow those stairs look steep. I like the motion blur on the pink slippers it really helps you think up(y)

Duo, I like number one as well, purely for the size of them! They're fascinating looking things.
I do like the gulls as well, they look very hopeful that you've got some nibbles!

Flow. Nice & simple, I like the blue background. I think I'd like to see more of what the water is flowing into, is it a cup? The left hand side of the receptacle is a little bright for me as well.

Friendship, number two for me. The position of the people, the detail in the sky and the bands of light on the wet sand all add to the atmosphere. Number three doesn't work for me, tool bright & the detail is lost.

Change, the sold sign looks a tad OOF to me! A good idea for the theme though (y)
I prefer the traffic light triptych, simple but clever!

Natural, I agree about a little gardening needs doing! I like the natural setting, however, the grass at the front is OOF and a little off putting!

Phew, I'm all caught up!

superpippo said:
I shoot jpeg cos I have never taken the time to discover how RAW works and how to treat on the pc. Something I think that I ought to do and I assume that all of you do. Maybe something for the darker nights (which are only 5 weeks away!!!!)

Presumably this would allow me to rescue/improve a bit more.

Oh yes! You can tweak SOOOO much more on a RAW file! I would suggest shooting in both for now (subject to card space) and stash the RAW files somewhere until you have time to learn about editing them. Once you do you'll go back and think 'why don't I have that in RAW'?:bonk:
This is a really excellent shot. It looks pin sharp and the B&W conversion has been done well as there is a full range of tones from blacks right through to whites.
Hi Alan

The sold board looks a bit soft to me, but I prefer the traffic lights anyway, good to see the 3 side by side

Natural - Great bunch... group.. well whatever their collective is, of fungi, liking the natural setting too (y)

Thanks DK. Yellow board is a little soft cos I was trying SOOC - never again!

Hi Alan, it looks like I'm WEEKS behind on your thread:bonk:

Liquid, nice capture of the droplets. I like the texture from the background too, what is that?

Up, wow those stairs look steep. I like the motion blur on the pink slippers it really helps you think up(y)

Duo, I like number one as well, purely for the size of them! They're fascinating looking things.
I do like the gulls as well, they look very hopeful that you've got some nibbles!

Flow. Nice & simple, I like the blue background. I think I'd like to see more of what the water is flowing into, is it a cup? The left hand side of the receptacle is a little bright for me as well.

Friendship, number two for me. The position of the people, the detail in the sky and the bands of light on the wet sand all add to the atmosphere. Number three doesn't work for me, tool bright & the detail is lost.

Change, the sold sign looks a tad OOF to me! A good idea for the theme though (y)
I prefer the traffic light triptych, simple but clever!

Natural, I agree about a little gardening needs doing! I like the natural setting, however, the grass at the front is OOF and a little off putting!

Phew, I'm all caught up!

Oh yes! You can tweak SOOOO much more on a RAW file! I would suggest shooting in both for now (subject to card space) and stash the RAW files somewhere until you have time to learn about editing them. Once you do you'll go back and think 'why don't I have that in RAW'?:bonk:

Thanks for the catch up Marsha.

Liquid - b/g is spray from hose pipe which was playing over the plant as well.
Duo - I prefer the seed pods for the theme but I too liked the gulls
Flow - points taken - receptacle was a capuccino cup with a wide edge.

Other crit well made. Thanks also for the advice on RAW. I must and will try it - but I already spend lots of time tweaking and concern that i will never satisfy myself if I have infinite tweaking possibilities. :thinking:
This is a really excellent shot. It looks pin sharp and the B&W conversion has been done well as there is a full range of tones from blacks right through to whites.

Thanks Peter


Although it does remind me a little of Thing from The Addams family:LOL:

Sorry that reference is lost on me but I get the feeling that it is a little spooky.:eek:

Hi Alan

lovely mono conversion , nice positioning of the hand , great detail in the skin...:clap: The only bery minor crit is maybe a touch to tight below the fingers...?

Thanks Lynne - agree about crop.
I had the camera on tripod and chair in front and I had to compose without ref to the screen, press remote and hope for best!! Then get up and look at result and then start again...and again...and again.

Some really rubbish ones. :D This was the best position and set of the hand But unfortunately it was at bottom of frame. I went with it because it seemed to portray the theme best

Hi Alan

Excellent shot that, works really well, great detail (y)

Thanks DK

Very nice pic for natural, lovely lighting. Age is very good too, a great choice doing it in b+w

Thanks Michael.