weekly Week 31 - Mono

Week 11 Electric
This week I thought I'd have a play on PS, not entirely happy with all the marks in the background but running out of time and my deadline is friday night

C&C welcome

DSC_18 by EHD photo, on Flickr
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This is really good - It's a shot I've been thinking about and would have done for this week if I hadn't gone for pylons....

Execution is really, really good. 2 shots combined with the power connection removed and then layered the screw part over the glass of the lit bulb is how I'd have done it. Can't see any joins so I think you've done this brilliantly. (or paint in a glow onto a shot of an unlit bulb - which I think would be harder to make convincing).

Hope you're pleased with the progress you've made since the first weeks, reckon you're a candidate for most improved 52'er so far. (y)

(Would love to see a reveal - unless you want to keep some mystery which is also fine).
Witchcraft I tell ya ;)

I'll opt for used PP to paint in the lighting.

Good idea and well executed. The reflections do add depth. Perhaps a slightly darker BG.

I like this, would be interested to know how you lit the bulb...the glass looks a tad blackened though

Thanks Chris for taking a look and the FB(y)

This is really good - It's a shot I've been thinking about and would have done for this week if I hadn't gone for pylons....

Execution is really, really good. 2 shots combined with the power connection removed and then layered the screw part over the glass of the lit bulb is how I'd have done it. Can't see any joins so I think you've done this brilliantly. (or paint in a glow onto a shot of an unlit bulb - which I think would be harder to make convincing).

Hope you're pleased with the progress you've made since the first weeks, reckon you're a candidate for most improved 52'er so far. (y)

(Would love to see a reveal - unless you want to keep some mystery which is also fine).

Thanks Graham for your kind words and taking a look (y)

Witchcraft I tell ya ;)

I'll opt for used PP to paint in the lighting.

Good idea and well executed. The reflections do add depth. Perhaps a slightly darker BG.

Thanks Andy for taking a look and the FB(y)

nicely done great take on the theme (y)

Thanks Allan for taking a look and the FB(y)

Good one.

Some clean up on the BG would lift this to the next level.
Thanks Brain for taking a look and the FB(y)

I really like the shadowy lines at the top of frame that seem to radiate out from the top of the lamp; were they intentional?

Thanks Tony for taking a look and the FB(y), and no it was not intentional



These are the two photos I used in photoshop, I used the un-lit bulb as the first photo and copy and paste and resize the 2nd, using layers to lighten it, abit of tidying up give me the end result

How for this weeks Theme :)
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Very clever, and quite a spooky result, floating in space and all! As Tony says, the radiating lines do add to it, intentional or not.
Great work on electric Everton (y)
It's bang on theme, a creative take on the subject.
A little more tidying up on the background and it would be perfect IMHO.

Direction again bang on theme, a more literal take but effective nonetheless.
I particularly like the vivid blue in the signs, good work all round Everton (y)
Hi Everton

Electric - neat bit of pp there mister , as others haev said just a bit of tidying on the BG & it's a corker (y)

Direction...good sharp focus on the writing & some vivid colors to make it really pop :) not quite so sure about the Bg though...can't put my finger on what's bugging me about it though :thinking:
Hi Everton :wave:

Electricity: I prefer the 2nd lit bulb for me. The layers od adjustments have in my opinion very much improved the image. Good shadow and a nice bright filament.

Direction: Nice use of processing on the signpost which is nice and clear. but the background is a tad distracting in its present form to me to be honest.
Fairly simple take for direction - well done for posting up in the week. A good way to ensure you keep up and keep going, which is probably more important!

Good work getting a composition which has all tgree directions clearly in shot, wonder if the background is overexposed, causing the branches to disappear a bit... dunno??
Hi Everton, you should have been on your bike. :LOL:

I'm finding this a tough one to critique...

Subject matches the theme perfectly, and as a cyclist myself it's nice to see that you have bike routes... It's nice and clear and well exposed given what looks like a back lit subject... but It's just not grabbing me I'm sorry to say, I think it's the composition, it looks more like a snapshot (taken) than a photograph (made) if you get my drift. Perhaps some selective focus (to blur out the background) would have been better? dunno, or a wider shot to make it the focal point of a bigger scene? sorry.
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Great work on electric Everton (y)
It's bang on theme, a creative take on the subject.
A little more tidying up on the background and it would be perfect IMHO.

Direction again bang on theme, a more literal take but effective nonetheless.
I particularly like the vivid blue in the signs, good work all round Everton (y)

Hi Everton

Electric - neat bit of pp there mister , as others haev said just a bit of tidying on the BG & it's a corker (y)

Direction...good sharp focus on the writing & some vivid colors to make it really pop :) not quite so sure about the Bg though...can't put my finger on what's bugging me about it though :thinking:

Direction - Bang on theme, but the shot looks a little blue to me?! Nice work though!

Hi Everton :wave:

Electricity: I prefer the 2nd lit bulb for me. The layers od adjustments have in my opinion very much improved the image. Good shadow and a nice bright filament.

Direction: Nice use of processing on the signpost which is nice and clear. but the background is a tad distracting in its present form to me to be honest.

Fairly simple take for direction - well done for posting up in the week. A good way to ensure you keep up and keep going, which is probably more important!

Good work getting a composition which has all tgree directions clearly in shot, wonder if the background is overexposed, causing the branches to disappear a bit... dunno??

Hi Everton, you should have been on your bike. :LOL:

I'm finding this a tough one to critique...

Subject matches the theme perfectly, and as a cyclist myself it's nice to see that you have bike routes... It's nice and clear and well exposed given what looks like a back lit subject... but It's just not grabbing me I'm sorry to say, I think it's the composition, it looks more like a snapshot (taken) than a photograph (made) if you get my drift. Perhaps some selective focus (to blur out the background) would have been better? dunno, or a wider shot to make it the focal point of a bigger scene? sorry.

Thank you all for taking a look and for all the feedback you given me, taking it all on-board and I am sure it will help me improve :help:
simple but really effective idea for the theme....

have to agree that it looks like the blur was added (or certainly exxaggerated in PP), I think a more gradual fade to it would have worked more effectively..

Reflected gradient on a layer mask with a blurred layer would be the way to go about this. The further you drag between the start and end point determines the distance over which the gradient is applied.

The blur at the extremes is perfect to still allow you to see what it is, and the sharpness is spot on for the important bit - just the fade between the two strikes me as a bit abrupt.
Damn, wish I'd thought of that, truely nothing tackier!

Totally Tacky. :clap:

Tacky indeed.

Was the OOF added in post?


Hi ya

I'd forgotten about that show....he wears the King Of Tackiness crown I believe...good focus ..suspect blur added in post to a degree ?

simple but really effective idea for the theme....

have to agree that it looks like the blur was added (or certainly exxaggerated in PP), I think a more gradual fade to it would have worked more effectively..

Reflected gradient on a layer mask with a blurred layer would be the way to go about this. The further you drag between the start and end point determines the distance over which the gradient is applied.

The blur at the extremes is perfect to still allow you to see what it is, and the sharpness is spot on for the important bit - just the fade between the two strikes me as a bit abrupt.

This made me laugh, well done on the idea

Thanks everyone for taking a look and all your FB, :|
Tacky does fit the theme, but for me the oof bits look too obviously added in post, no natural gradient. The image doesn't have any other features so I'm afraid it didn't do it for me.

Value I think does work, and you could have the RHS of that for Greed! However, your Greed shot with the gradual out of focus bits works lot better than the tacky one, and does fit the theme too.

Angle also fits the theme, and has some lovely shiny surfaces and colour. Not sure about the top left bit, though.
I do like a Lambo door :) maybe a side on shot of the car showing the door angled up? .......... I just like cars (y)
Tacky does fit the theme, but for me the oof bits look too obviously added in post, no natural gradient. The image doesn't have any other features so I'm afraid it didn't do it for me.

Value I think does work, and you could have the RHS of that for Greed! However, your Greed shot with the gradual out of focus bits works lot better than the tacky one, and does fit the theme too.

Angle also fits the theme, and has some lovely shiny surfaces and colour. Not sure about the top left bit, though.

I do like a Lambo door :) maybe a side on shot of the car showing the door angled up? .......... I just like cars (y)

Hi ya

free bottomless ice-cream....that's surely good Value :D

Angle.....:love::love: it's yellow ,it's a Lamborghini.....nuff said :love:

Greed...think you have the DOF & theme link both nailed in that shot (y)

Thanks Guys, your FB is always valuable and I use it to better my skills :love:
Hi Everton :)

Rustic - Liking the barrels, great for the theme, but don't like the crop (Too tight at the top for me, don't mind the sides) and the 2 flowers at the bottom are making me twitch :D

Cough....last week's theme....cough :D
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I would've liked to have seen both barrels in the frame and perhaps black and white to highlight the grain in the wood.

Good spot though, on theme.

Pity about the flowers and the leaf between the barrels.

Sorry about seeming very negative.
Love the barrels Everton. Well spotted.

As others have said, the dandelions are a bit annoying.
Hi Everton :wave:

keeping up - just....... (y)

not that keen on value tbh - it's on theme and you've got your entry in.

Greed however works really well, good perspective through teh shot, nitpick would be to have the focus point half inch to the left to get Poiont of focus on FATCAT (and his fat face :LOL:) rather than banker.... but that's a minor point

Angle - good spot, lambo's are pretty angular cars, lucky to have got the rest of the car park full of dull, muted colour cars, (helped by the sun and shadows), (y)

Rustic, spot on for theme, agree about the crop. Them dandelions are a bit of a distraction, 10 mins PP can have them removed though. ;) (along with a slight nudge up of the contrast and saturation.
http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/1458/87174911479190b5a649bed.jpg :D

Any ideas for Kind??
Rustic: hmmm. I don't think you could go any closer without it being very unclear what everything is! Maybe out a bit might work better; at least the dandelions might make sense then. Actually, each time I go back to this I like it better...