weekly Allie's "52" for 2013

Getting in nice and early with this one, as I'm sure there will be plenty of watch pics for this theme.

Just fancied a play around in Lightroom4 as I've only done basic changes before, and this is one of my finished shots. I quite like the effect of the added grain and colour in this pic.

Maybe if I had caught all of the shadow in the shot and not clipped it out it might have improved it just a tad. ;0).

Time - Week 8 by Allieowen, on Flickr
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Gluttony: Post edit is very good, good focus, colour and detail. The oversize pigs relate well to theme. A good job done!

Time : Nice attempt at the colour Allie. I think it would have been better though if you had applied the colour but left the watch body in its natural colour (ie. silver?). In other words, applied colour around the extremities / border and the shadow, so that the watch would stand out a little more. The body seems to have a pink shine, i'm no expert with LR pr PS by any means to be honest but for some reason I feel that the watch although it has a clear face and hands it doesn't have the impact that maybe was the intention. You're well in topic though and well ahead of schedule for posting, great timing!
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Nice image, i too like the background colour but cant help but feel the watch should still be its normal colour. Doesn't bother me that the shadow has been clipped.
Hi Allie

I like that...Time...really like it....good pp for me ...my thinking is that the watch is probably silver so would reflect the color of the BG it's on...nice work hun (y)
Can't say I'm a fan of the pink, (isn't it a gent's watch too?), but what really sets it for me is the illusion that it's balancing on it's very end, and the second hand frozen in time echo's this fact.

To include (all of) the shadow would have wrecked your use of thirds, unless you went for a wider crop, which would have lost detail in the watch. Also think the space to the left is more important than the shadow to the right, as that's where the watch is facing.
Thanks everyone for you comments on this one.

The background is actually white card, and I added the colour using Lightrooom 4. This shot just appealed more to me than the others and I was just fiddling around with the dials :thinking:

I have spent hours trying to get the watch in colour and the background as is, but failed :thumbsdown:

Can't say I'm a fan of the pink, (isn't it a gent's watch too?),

This didn't even occur to me....Yes it is a gents watch. Maybe an inner piece of me (being gay) made this decision to use pink with a gents watch... who knows :LOL:

I get now the full shadow would throw out the rule of thirds so will leave that as is.

May try again to change the pink.

Thanks again all :clap:
I have spent hours trying to get the watch in colour and the background as is, but failed :thumbsdown:

You will need a program that can handle layers, photoshop (even CS2), GIMP, PSE.

Create 2 versions of the shot, one with watch natural, one with background (and watch) as you want. Put one layer over the other, and use a layer mask (or even erase) part of one to reveal the one below.

Same principle that's used on selective colour technique, and also on the levitation and multiplicity shots. Not to mention selective sharpening or blurring. Well worth learning about!
Enjoying time, quite an artistic and out there shot but I think that it sets it apart from the others. Nice!
You will need a program that can handle layers, photoshop (even CS2), GIMP, PSE.

Create 2 versions of the shot, one with watch natural, one with background (and watch) as you want. Put one layer over the other, and use a layer mask (or even erase) part of one to reveal the one below.

Same principle that's used on selective colour technique, and also on the levitation and multiplicity shots. Not to mention selective sharpening or blurring. Well worth learning about!

(y) Thanks overbez,

I was trying in photoshop CS5, but any adjustments i did on the face of the watch (darkening and spot removal) in lightroom 4 were undone when transferring to Photoshop to edit the background.:thinking:

Will give it another go and follow your instructions.
You will need a program that can handle layers, photoshop (even CS2), GIMP, PSE.

Create 2 versions of the shot, one with watch natural, one with background (and watch) as you want. Put one layer over the other, and use a layer mask (or even erase) part of one to reveal the one below.

Same principle that's used on selective colour technique, and also on the levitation and multiplicity shots. Not to mention selective sharpening or blurring. Well worth learning about!

Well here they are, only taken me a week to try and get my head around Photoshop a bit more:bonk: I know more can be done to improve the edits, but as my first attempt I'm thinking they are not too bad.

Not everyone liked the pink hue all over so here's the alternatives.
:thinking: I prefer the original upload if I'm honest, don't know why, bit more artistic maybe.

Timeadjust1 by Allieowen,
on Flickr

I can see the grey area within the strap but too tired to adjust anymore tonight.

timecolour by Allieowen, on Flickr
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Juxtaposition-3 by Allieowen, on Flickr

Well where do I start, had an idea that worked out harder than I thought. Would have liked the focus to be more sharp, but here it is.
Hi, Juxtaposition indeed. Nice oranges in the flame, well composed and nice clean BG.

Ice looks a tad blue and the flame is quite close to the RH side,

Good show.

Argh, that's what I'm shooting for this, I was hoping I'd be the only one! :razz::LOL:

Anyway, nice job, I'm going to have to up my game now... :thinking:

Hopefully I'll get mine up in the next three days!
Thanks all, yeah I agree the flames got a bit close to the rhs.

As for the ice looking a tad blue, i took this shot in my office and there are blue curtains up at the window which I guess reflected onto the ice.

Did think It gave it a more cold look in contrast with the red/orange/yellow flames so left it as is.

My first attempt with the lighter fluid, so think it will be something I go back to at some stage for more experimenting.

Thanks again all, for taking the time to comment on my shots.
Hi Allie, a bit of a catchup on your thread from me, apologies haven't commented on it in a while.

Work, a well captured candid moment, lovely vibrant colours in their hi-vis jackets and shovels. Composition is spot on, lots going on in there which tells a story (y)

Wild, again I like the colour tones in here, lots of lovely detail and textures. It could easily be a product shot or in a recipe book somewhere.

Space, B&W really suits the subject, liking the high contrast feel to the image sharp, well lit and compositionally very good. Another good spot (y)

Gluttony, fantastic, a fun image but love the expression captured here. The eye contact with the pig really brings out its character.

Juxtaposition, bang on theme, I particularly like the blue hue to the ice cube it contrasts well with the flame.

Good work all round Allie.
The only change I'd like in Time is to be able to see the whole shadow. The processing really works for me.

Juxtaposition is lovely, one of those obvious things than no-one ever thinks of. As has been mentioned, the flame on the RHS is a little too close to being clipped, but not enough to spoil it at all.
Argh, that's what I'm shooting for this, I was hoping I'd be the only one! :razz::LOL:

Anyway, nice job, I'm going to have to up my game now... :thinking:

Hopefully I'll get mine up in the next three days!

Oooh sorry, looking forward to seeing your shot, i tried a few shots with the ice and flame in the same pic, but I struggled with the exposure. :)
Oooh sorry, looking forward to seeing your shot, i tried a few shots with the ice and flame in the same pic, but I struggled with the exposure. :)
I used a bit of daylight to help out, and getting some flame behind the ice helped too. If I was reshooting I'd try with a low power flash directed into the ice stack but I'm not sure how that will affect the visibility of the flame.

The other complication I had was that the amount of ice removed so much heat that the flame kept going out, and I often couldn't get it to light at all - I didn't have the same problem when I was testing with a single cube. It was trickier than I thought it would be. :)

My shots are here, I'd be interested to see what you think, good or bad. (y)

Allie, very nice, but I did have some trouble deciding the blue thing was ice! Flames are particularly lovely, though.
I like the first one. Great idea and well executed.

I love the way the liquid clings to the letters - Spot on. (y)
I prefer the second - purely for the obvious extra effort involved in setting it up!

Great colours, the deep red set off by the bright orange.

Made me smile so well done.
#1 gets my vote Alison.
As Brian mentioned, the sauce clinging to the letters works well, I think it gives a 3D effect.
A simple yet effective take on the theme. (y) Iain
No. 1 for me Allie. Well composed, great focus and vibrant colours. (y)
First one for me. This was my original idea, but I have just thought of something different (hope to take mine tomorrow if there is a dry spell). The colours and texture come out really well and I like the slightly wobbly letters.
Hi, Letter #1 for me. Nice and simple, well lit, nice colours and I really like how the lighting runs along the edges of the letters.

Week 11 - Electric

Electric by Allieowen, on Flickr

Ran out of time on this one, so quick snap and upload.

Just noticed a dust speck so off to get my cleaning cloth out. ;0)
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Sorry not had time to comment on as many photo's as I would have liked over the past couple of weeks. Been so busy, but hopefully next week will be more quite for me.

Many thanks to everyone for your comments on my photo's to date. It is good to hear others comments and encouragement. :0)
Ooops didn't realise I shouldn't put its a quick snap.

Thanks posiview