weekly Allie's "52" for 2013

original shot is really good - but the edited version(s) are even better.

Great work for the angles of light and shadow, and the straight lines in the brickwork and his shirt only stregthen the shot.

Excellent choice to go with B&w.

Thanks Chris, I will try and brighten him up a bit :D. There is just a slight black rail appearing in the top left of the first shot, only slightlly but adjusted it now.

ahhh...OK now I'm on my PC I see it, I was on my ipad before, so it was merging in to the edge of the black screen so I didn't notice it!
I'm a sucker for this kind of photograph. The shadows, lines and textures really appeal to me.

How can I put this without causing offence, but I'd prefer your nephew wasn't there.....from a theme perspective. I appreciate it wasn't taken specifically for the theme, though.

Hi Andy, thanks for your feedback,

I too thought of cropping my nephew out, but there wasnt much left of the photograph, so I left him in. Maybe I'll go back at a later date and take the picture again.
Nice, I think the edit is an improvement. Love the simplicity, but think your nephew adds a human aspect to it too, leave the little guy in. :)
Hi Allie :wave:

Angles.....yup , great shot :clap:...like the inclusion of the little fella & his expression but would also love to see it without him...just for a more minimalist take on it.....

Wish I knew someone who had that sort of staircase ....
Alison, I liked the Value shot, which I think I must have missed earlier; simple but the angles make some nice leading lines. BUT (and it's a big but!) I really really like the Angle shot, especially the one with brightened nephew!
Well almost ran out of time on this one, but a quick trip down to Whitstable and bagged this shot.:)

Rustic by Allieowen, on Flickr

Door still looks a bit wonky but I did try to straighten in Ps5 :thinking:
adds to the rustic to look I guess ;)
Very rustic. I see what you mean, still a bit of a lean to the right but as you say, that's just the rustic charm. ;)
Hi Alison

Rustic - like it . You have captured the colours and the textures well. Lots of interest in the shot. Normally I would comment on the straightness but it is obvious from the kick boards on either side at the floor that they are horizontal and the gap under the lhs of the door indicates that it is wonky. and, as you say, it adds to the theme
Hi Allie,
I really like your angles shot, composition, the light & shadow, the eye contact from your nephew all come together perfectly (y)

Rustic, bang on theme, the jaunty angle of the door makes it all the more rustic (y)
a good catch for rustic, the peeling paint on the door wouldnt really be enough, needs the lean to the side to make it work...

the right hand side looks to have been planed to clear the floor as its leaned over time, that's horizontal, so it all works for me!
Nice shot for rustic, nice textures. The wonky door doesnt bother me and adds more feel to it.
Thanks everyone for all your comments again.

My OCD prevents me looking at the Rustic photo too long....it drives me crazy like it does you Lynne, even though it can't be helped.
Well ran out of time on this one, so been frantically looking round all day for something to grab me. :shrug:

Here's what I came up with,


The only "Kind" of flowers in my garden. :thinking: It works for me ;)

3ofakind by Allieowen, on Flickr
Hi Alison,

I realise that the negative space is intentional but the flowers are a bit too far off centre for my personal taste. However, that's just my taste and putting the composition - that will split opinions I'm sure - aside for a moment I really like the colours of this picture and the isolation of the group of flowers against the darker OOF BG works a treat.

Nice one.
Hi Brian,

I did play around with the composition, so have others where the flowers are more central. Only problem with these other pictures, are there are more of the blue flowers out of focus and were slightly distracting for me.

Thank you for your comments(y), something which I must start to catch up on too!

Roll on tomorrow!
Hi Alison

Looking at this abd others, i think the theme should have been Kind (Shoehorn).:D Mine certainly will be .

i agree with Brian about the comp. Just a bit too much neg space. I see what you mean about the blue flowers not all being pin sharp.

However, lovely colours of the flowers and an impresive b/g. Kind of shot that I think suits a table coaster - and i don't mean that unkindly.
BG works - I think the flowers seem too small, too far into the corner, maybe a bit of a crop down the right and bottom??

anyway - bright flowers on the dark BG really helps them to pop, can't decide if removing the purple one would have made it stronger for the theme, (as a shot, I'm ok with them there, just for the 3 of a kind theme.)
Hi, Kind, although a tenuous link, works for me. The blue really is lovely. Composition works, although I'd like to see more of the stem. Looks a tad soft??

Vertical. I wasn't sure about the prominent tree in the FG but it's grown on me and I like the gap leading to the bluebells.

Kind reshoot, yeah, screams kind. Well processed, maybe a little light.

Overall, good show :clap:

Hi Alison

Vertical - #2 is put into the shade by #1. #1 is well composed with really only one vertical tree, the others sloping in a slightly sinister way. Splash of colour of bluebells and dappled light are lovely (y)

Kind reshoot - spot on. Good treatment evokes softness and kindness
Hi Allie

in an odd way I kinda like the placement of the flowers for Kind in the top left with lots of empty space......could see it working as a group of 3 images with a flipped version of the posted one at the other end a more cental one in the middle...does that make any sense ?
The blue stands out really well , slightly more DOF to get al the flowers in focus maybe ?

Vertical............bluebell woods takes the top spot for me ,the carpet of blue works really really as does the dappled light on the tree's (y)

Kind reshoot....spot on focus , good detail in the hand , like the light as is...nice work missus (y)
I like the flowers for kind the only thing is they are a bit soft, excellent reshoot for kind too. Vertical for me is the bluebell woods :clap:
The Kind reshoot works really well for me. An older, craggier hand would improve it a little, but you work with what's available dontcha?

Vertical #1 is lovely, the carpet of bluebells really gives it something special.
The Kind reshoot works really well for me. An older, craggier hand would improve it a little, but you work with what's available dontcha?

Hi Nick, so pleased to read your comment :0)

:LOL: I did mention to my daughter how old I thought my hand looked. They look to me to be hands from someone much older and craggier!! Now where's the intensive hand cream!:thinking:

The flower shot for KIND was taken on a very windy day we had the week before last, so think thats why its a bit soft. Don't like the wind :razz:

Lynne I do get what you mean ;) if I get a spare couple of hours I will have a try at the trio pic.

Thank you to everyone for you comments.
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The first vertical shot is excellent, especially with the bluebells adding extra colour. The Kind reshoot works really well (y)
Taken a couple of shots for pattern, due to similar ideas already being used I've gone with the kitten picture.

This little girl is the one with the patterns on her fur, her sister is all black.

Pattern (2) by Allieowen, on Flickr

My other shot is of a building in Faversham.

Pattern by Allieowen, on Flickr
Kitten image gets my vote Alison.
Great composition, filling the frame (y)
Particularly like the colours in here, especially the eyes.

Building image is good too, I like the perspective but is a close second to the kitten. Iain
Surely posting a kitten is cheating ;) who doesn't love kittens.

Patterns the fur and eyes. Lovely detail, colours and textures.

#2 makes my head hurt, the extreme perspective works well.

great shot of the kitty kat, love the pattern in its fur and the pattern in the eyes compliment that really well..

think you got the crop just about right too, i did think maybe a bit tighter - but then decided no. :LOL: