Bruja's (Themed) 52 2010 Update


Los Cojones del Perro
Just call me Mad Madam Mim
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In this 52 I'll try and replicate the progress I made last year (and probably gain a few more frown lines in the process :LOL::LOL::LOL:)

I'm also doing a second 'Spanish' 52 and will try to give you more insight into what life is like here in Spain.
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Sounds very interesting Jill, I shall look forward to your first post of 52 :)
Good on you Jill... Looking forward to it, will we be rewarded with your Yoda like musings also ? I was going to say something about you getting a custom title, but you seem to already have one ... ;)
I've subscribed to at least 20 of this years' 52 week challenge; and I have to say I am very thrilled and looking forward to this one. Would love to see this challenge done in the Spanish theme.

Now, what's this Yoda musings I hear about? You do know that Master Yoda lives well and happily on the Light Side of the Force! Love him dearly, I do!

Good on you Jill... Looking forward to it, will we be rewarded with your Yoda like musings also ? I was going to say something about you getting a custom title, but you seem to already have one ... ;)
Looking forward to it Jill

The Spanish themed one sounds great too.

Well that one is up and running (y)

Sounds very interesting Jill, I shall look forward to your first post of 52

I'll try not to ;)disappoint

Good on you Jill... Looking forward to it, will we be rewarded with your Yoda like musings also ? I was going to say something about you getting a custom title, but you seem to already have one ... aand have you had the dictionary out?

I think my musings might depend on the theme as I don't want to repeat myself, I say I don't want to repeat myself :LOL:

I've subscribed to at least 20 of this years' 52 week challenge; and I have to say I am very thrilled and looking forward to this one. Would love to see this challenge done in the Spanish theme.

Ah, but apart from when I'm away on holiday all the pictures are taken in Spain. My Spanish themed 52 is not following Simon's themes but trying to illustrate life around and about and will make me take my camera pretty much everywhere

Now, what's this Yoda musings I hear about? You do know that Master Yoda lives well and happily on the Light Side of the Force! Love him dearly, I do!

You'd have to have a look at my 2009 52 to know what John meant. I tended to ramble around a subject in a mini blog :D

Looking forward to seeing your stuff :)

Hope you like it (y)
Well my thread took some finding. There are more than 3 pages of us this year :eek: which is impossible for me to keep up with so apologies in advance if I miss you out, it's not personal. :shake:



Lessons learned this week:

1. I can't blog every week if the theme doesn't mean much to me.

2. I still have a white balance problem when using natural light and shooting against a white background. I've tried AWB, sunny, shady and cloudy with varying degrees of success and this was the best I got :(

3. Souveneirs from holidays come in useful when you least expect it. This ammonite was bought in Morocco when I was there in November last year ;)

4. A JD is still my best motivator, and it's an hour later here so :wave:
Thats a lovely study Jill and the colours are good and earthy - wb looks okay to me so whatever you're doing is working :) That spiral is almost hypnotic if looked at for toow long :D

By the old is it? And how big is it...interestingly the shot has no sense of scale (not a criticism just an observation....:))
Thats a lovely study Jill and the colours are good and earthy - wb looks okay to me so whatever you're doing is working :) That spiral is almost hypnotic if looked at for too long :D I know what you mean John ;).I didn't realise just how hypnotic it was until I saw it on the screen.

By the old is it? And how big is it...interestingly the shot has no sense of scale (not a criticism just an observation....:))

It 11cm by 10cm, so a decent size really. As for age, I've just Googled it and they are from the Jurassic period.
This is another one of those shots that I want to keep looking at. Beautiful, beautiful colours - I can't believe that they're still so vibrant after all this time.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that the spirals in these things conform to the golden ratio, which is probably why it's so appealing to the eye.

Well spotted for this week's theme and very well executed. The WB looks spot on to me so you obviously got that fixed and it's a lovely sharp, clear image.

Great start to your 52.
What a lovely shot! The colours and shapes are gorgeous - my eyes just want to explore it for ages. It would make a great canvas or greetings card.

The only thing I am not so keen on is the large highlight at the bottom, but I imagine it would be difficult to avoid - these things are quite shiny, I believe.

Lessons learned this week:

1. I can't blog every week if the theme doesn't mean much to me.

2. I still have a white balance problem when using natural light and shooting against a white background. I've tried AWB, sunny, shady and cloudy with varying degrees of success and this was the best I got :(

Can you not use a custom WB. This is your way forward!

3. Souveneirs from holidays come in useful when you least expect it. This ammonite was bought in Morocco when I was there in November last year ;)

4. A JD is still my best motivator, and it's an hour later here so :wave:

Ha ha, an ammonite was my fall back for the theme if I could not think of something else, but mine is not as nice as yours!
Nice shot of the curves - lovely spot and fits the theme perfectly. :)

I doubt you'll remember, but you were trying to get me to join the 52 brigade at the York meet - well, I've finally done it :LOL: :)
Ooooh, pwetty colours!
Bearing in mind this is from mrs-contrast-obsessed.
Upping the contrast maybe - just cos they are nice colours.
First of all, thanks everyone for your comments. They are much appreciated (y)

ODE to 2009

Today I looked in the mirror
And saw my reflection staring back
My history, my learning, my hopes and dreams
And what a surprise I found

Life is full of opposites
But we can all feel special
In crowds, among friends
With such wealth in our life

But it's easy to confuse
Our identity with our roles
But with wisdom in our lives
Our relationships matter most

Poverty is relative in all our lives
whether with friends or posessions
And we can feel up when we get
A simple letter of love

A supportive duo can dull
The longing we feel in the dark
When it's simple to believe that life is linear
But our emotions are complex

Given time and inspiration
Our development can lead to freedom
Though in the night it may be
So difficult to see the highlight of the day

But we can still have fun
It's easy when you know how
To bring colour to your life
And provide food for your mind

With enough exposure to life
We can see that things are not mono
Life isn't black and white
So we can season our life

We can take away the grunge and grind
Of living, and with respect and friendship
We can make a fresh start and begin to enjoy
Life with a passion long forgotten

But, like a fish out of water
Life can seem out of context for a while
As we break out of our bubbles
And get the low down on what our life could be

It's not all about doom and gloom
But without communication
we can feel trapped
by our sense of self

And in trying to get organised
we can end up in a state of confusion
Not knowing what to do, but music helps me through
Easing the pain that life can bring

In sickness and in health
Whether physical or mental
Attempting to change for the better
Can add texture to our life

So here we are at the end
Of my thoughts about last year
I hope you all enjoyed them
But if not, why should I care

That life was mine
And mine alone
But shared with you
And now ...... I'm gone​



As this is where I've spent most of my time since Christmas Eve I thought I'd give you another little peek into my life :D

And this poem is a tribute to all who took part in the 2009 52 challenge :clap::clap:
Jill that's just amazing :notworthy:

It must have taken hours to put all of that together . . . not only have you got all the themes in order, there's actually a logical thread running through it and the sentiments are spot on as always.

Lovely shot to go with it - your SPs are always good, and this is no exception. The focus on the book works perfectly and the B&W conversion fits.
I approve of your reading material too. I do like a bit of old Edgar, even if he does ramble on a bit too much sometimes.

Sorry you haven't been well since Christmas, I hope you're on the mend soon :hugs:
Jill...marvellous idea for a poem and a marvellous poem as well :)

That is clever stuff!!!

A woman of many talents :) And the self portrait is a winner and keeps nicely to the theme! Good conversion with lovely contrast in the B&Ws :)

Very very nice indeed :D!! (y)
Jill that's just amazing :notworthy:

It must have taken hours to put all of that together . . . not only have you got all the themes in order, there's actually a logical thread running through it and the sentiments are spot on as always. Just took me a couple of hours once I'd listed all the themes. I tried to do something humorous but this came out instead

Lovely shot to go with it - your SPs are always good, and this is no exception. The focus on the book works perfectly and the B&W conversion fits. Thanks Sarah
I approve of your reading material too. I do like a bit of old Edgar, even if he does ramble on a bit too much sometimes.

Sorry you haven't been well since Christmas, I hope you're on the mend soon :hugs:

Jill...marvellous idea for a poem and a marvellous poem as well :)

That is clever stuff!!! Thank you kind sir

A woman of many talents :) And the self portrait is a winner and keeps nicely to the theme! Good conversion with lovely contrast in the B&Ws :)

Very very nice indeed :D!! (y)

Down Boy :LOL::LOL:
Love it! I'll be honest, it was only half way through I realised why words were in italics :LOL: but in fairness, I only joined in half way through myself. Very clever I have to say, and a cracking photo to go with it (y)
Well my thread took some finding. There are more than 3 pages of us this year which is impossible for me to keep up with so apologies in advance if I miss you out, it's not personal. :shake:
Same here, Jill - I totally missed out on your week 1, despite actually looking for it! Big apologies. :( And some well-organised people are posting so early in the week, I'll never see theirs unless I peek before I've done my shot for the week. :eek:

2. I still have a white balance problem when using natural light and shooting against a white background. I've tried AWB, sunny, shady and cloudy with varying degrees of success and this was the best I got
I presume you've tried the obvious things like Levels or Curves? Do you shoot RAW or Jpeg?

4. A JD is still my best motivator, and it's an hour later here so :wave:An hour later! Is that an excuse I detect? Shame on you. :LOL:

So, apologies made - and hopefully accepted :) on to Week 1:

Week 1: Wow - what fabulous colours. I had no idea an ammonite could look like that! Have you painted and varnished it specially for the theme? :LOL: I agree with all the comments about how it becomes mesmerising - and of course, totally spot on theme. What a fantastic start to the year. :clap::clap:

Week 2: Unlike Karmagarda, I've no excuse for not cottoning on to the words in italics. :bonk: But I was nearing the end before I realised! But when I thought about it - it's a compliment to you, because the poem flowed so well and expressed such a range of emotions. Absolutely brilliant! What's the Spanish for 'Resident Poetess'? (for your user title!)

I do admire your self portraits, Jill - and this is no exception. Beautifully composed and processed, and you manage to glance at the camera as though it's someone just coming into the room. The sp I did for the 52 last year was one of the hardest shots I've ever taken - but you make it look easy. Definitely top marks again. :clap: (claps rationed because I keep running out of my 12 smilies limit - admiration for the shot = unlimited.)

I do hope you're feeling better - and didn't miss all the various festivities going on in Spain. Big hug. :)

Curved a superb shot Jill, lovely and vivid...

There you go you see... that's what I was talking about for poetry... Superb...

It took me a little while to work out that the italicised words were last years themes... very well written. And an excellent image to go with it too.

Hope you're up and about and back to normal soon.
Week 1 : I feel I can mention the flash/light bleed on the lower part of the fossil, but only because everything else is spot on. Well done.

Week 2 : I think that is the best post and picture combination I've seen in any of the 52s since I started mid-way through last year. Absolutely fantastic.
Love it! I'll be honest, it was only half way through I realised why words were in italics :LOL: but in fairness, I only joined in half way through myself. Very clever I have to say, and a cracking photo to go with it (y)

Thanks a lot KG, and don't worry, even those who were there from the beginning took a while to get it!

I'm liking your work jill.Great poem. Like the shot for curved especially.

Thanks Martin and thanks for popping in :wave:
So, apologies made - and hopefully accepted :) on to Week 1: Definitely accepted

Week 1: Wow - what fabulous colours. I had no idea an ammonite could look like that! Have you painted and varnished it specially for the theme? :LOL: I agree with all the comments about how it becomes mesmerising - and of course, totally spot on theme. What a fantastic start to the year. :clap::clap: Thanks Jean

Week 2: Unlike Karmagarda, I've no excuse for not cottoning on to the words in italics. :bonk: But I was nearing the end before I realised! But when I thought about it - it's a compliment to you, because the poem flowed so well and expressed such a range of emotions. Absolutely brilliant! What's the Spanish for 'Resident Poetess'? (for your user title!) Oh wow, I tried to make it flow but it felt a little artificial having to include words in a particular order, so I'm glad you think it worked. (ps, have you had the dictionary out for my current title?)

I do admire your self portraits, Jill - and this is no exception. Beautifully composed and processed, and you manage to glance at the camera as though it's someone just coming into the room. The sp I did for the 52 last year was one of the hardest shots I've ever taken - but you make it look easy. Definitely top marks again. :clap: (claps rationed because I keep running out of my 12 smilies limit - admiration for the shot = unlimited.)

I do hope you're feeling better - and didn't miss all the various festivities going on in Spain. Big hug. :) And a big hug back at you


Jill, that is amazing. Not only a wonderful photo but your own poem, too! You are a lady of many talents.

I hope you are feeling better now. A little thanks and glad you liked it and thanks for dropping in

Curved a superb shot Jill, lovely and vivid...

There you go you see... that's what I was talking about for poetry... Superb...

It took me a little while to work out that the italicised words were last years themes... very well written. And an excellent image to go with it too. Well it seemslike a big hit so far :D

Hope you're up and about and back to normal soon. Day by day it gets better, especially after getting bread thrown at my head :LOL: but for more on that you'll have to look at my Spanish week 3

Week 1 : I feel I can mention the flash/light bleed on the lower part of the fossil, but only because everything else is spot on. Well done.

Week 2 : I think that is the best post and picture combination I've seen in any of the 52s since I started mid-way through last year. Absolutely fantastic.

Wow, what fantastic praise. I certainly seem to have hit the high spot this week, I hope it doesn't go downhill from here :D
can only echo what everyone else has said.. week 1, bang on theme.. my daughter used to collect fossils and rocks so made me smile remembering her little collections.. love the colours!

wow, the poem is fantastic.. very well written and suits your wonderful SP, sorry to hear you have been under the weather, take care :)
Well my first thought for this week was a tin of Spam because it's chopped pork and ham :D, but I couldn't find any out here in Spain.

Then I thought about chopped fruit, chopped vegetables, a chopped up chicken or a pile of mince, an egg in an egg cup with the top chopped off, but as I usually end up resorting to a set up still life when I can't get out because of my MS, I decided I wasn't going to do that.

My next thought was a chopped image, landscape orientation with just a small part of a person's face showing against a light background and in b&w, but I couldn't be bothered :( so I finally went out into the garden (in my jammies :D) and took this shot. Ironically I used the same plant in week 2 of last year's 52 for exactly the same reasons except I used a leaf that time.

Last year I started the challenge to get me out of bed to take photos and if I hadn't done that I would never have realised there was a pattern to my life. That for 2 years in a row January has been a month of mostly bed rest with the odd excursion (Like going to the sales with my electric scooter ;)).

But I survived last year and continued to the end and I'm damn well going to see this year through too. :D



It's the trunk of a fan palm where the old leaves have been removed. You can also see some of the very sharp sawlike 'teeth' that go all the way up the stem of the leaf and can chop holes in you if you aren't careful :eek:

ps please pop into my Spanish 52 if you have time as I'm feeling very lonely over there, and this week it's the bread throwing festival

This is a lovely colourful abstract but I would never have guessed what it was, so it does not fit the theme without some explanation. I really like it, though.

Sorry to hear about the MS, but it's great that these photography challenges give you some incentive to get out and about as much as you can. January is nearly over, so hopefully you will feel fitter in February. A friend of mine with MS always had problems with September - not sure why.

lovely bright picture there Jill
I wonder how many of this year's themes will use the same subject(ish) as last!
Lovely textures there.
In your commentary your egg cup idea sounds like it could be very appealing too. I completely understand your desire to get out for some photography so well done :)
Lovely light, colour and textures in this week's image. Not such an obvious link to the theme without your explanation, but a very nice image nonetheless.