Bruja's (Themed) 52 2010 Update

But I survived last year and continued to the end and I'm damn well going to see this year through too. :D

:clap: Glad to hear it Jill.

And if you hadn't mentioned it I would never have guessed . . .

a) what it is
b) that it was a "filler shot" because you weren't able to get out to do anything else.

Lovely colourful abstract, beautiful textures. I almost want to reach out and touch it (although maybe not after reading how sharp those teeth are)

And with the promise of bread throwing I'm hopping over to your Spanish 52 now!
I'm glad things are getting better Jill.. although having to duck flying loaves sounds intriguing.. I'll head over to the other thread shortly.

As for chopped, like Sarah, I'd never have known what it was. Excellent image, strong colours and textures.
Well my first thought for this week was a tin of Spam because it's chopped pork and ham :D, but I couldn't find any out here in Spain. How on earth would visiting TP members cope without a tin of the pink stuff. :LOL:

Then I thought about chopped fruit, chopped vegetables, a chopped up chicken or a pile of mince, an egg in an egg cup with the top chopped off, but as I usually end up resorting to a set up still life when I can't get out because of my MS, I decided I wasn't going to do that. I went through a similar thought process!

My next thought was a chopped image, landscape orientation with just a small part of a person's face showing against a light background and in b&w, but I couldn't be bothered :( so I finally went out into the garden (in my jammies :D) and took this shot. Ironically I used the same plant in week 2 of last year's 52 for exactly the same reasons except I used a leaf that time. I remember that leaf shot - it was really brilliant. (y)

Last year I started the challenge to get me out of bed to take photos and if I hadn't done that I would never have realised there was a pattern to my life. That for 2 years in a row January has been a month of mostly bed rest with the odd excursion (Like going to the sales with my electric scooter ;)).

But I survived last year and continued to the end and I'm damn well going to see this year through too. :D Well said, JIll. Roll on February by the sound of it. :)



It's the trunk of a fan palm where the old leaves have been removed. You can also see some of the very sharp sawlike 'teeth' that go all the way up the stem of the leaf and can chop holes in you if you aren't careful :eek:

ps please pop into my Spanish 52 if you have time as I'm feeling very lonely over there, and this week it's the bread throwing festivalI can recommend this thread - great stuff and Week 3 will make you smile.

Ok - I've finally got to the photo, Jill. I love the textures and colours. Lovely. The 'chopped' element sounds likely to be the fingers of anyone going near it. How on earth did you get the leaf shot last year? :)

Absolutely gorgeous colours and textures - I love it :clap::clap::clap:

I'm full of admiration with what you manage to achieve, and so glad that your photography is helping to inspire you and keep you going. :clap:

This is a lovely colourful abstract but I would never have guessed what it was, so it does not fit the theme without some explanation (You'll find a lot of my shots like that :D). I really like it, though.

Sorry to hear about the MS, but it's great that these photography challenges give you some incentive to get out and about as much as you can. January is nearly over, so hopefully you will feel fitter in February. A friend of mine with MS always had problems with September - not sure why.

Thanks Jenny

lovely bright picture there Jill
I wonder how many of this year's themes will use the same subject(ish) as last!

Thanks very much, and I guess quite a few of them as there is only so much variation on a theme. :)

It is a bright picture, and I love the textures in the shot

Cheers Nick (y)

nice colours and well lit

Thanks Ian (y)

Lovely textures there.
In your commentary your egg cup idea sounds like it could be very appealing too. I completely understand your desire to get out for some photography so well done :)

Glad you like it and thanks for your support (y)

Lovely light, colour and textures in this week's image. Not such an obvious link to the theme without your explanation, but a very nice image nonetheless.

Thanks, and like I said earlier, a lot of my pictures often need an explanation :D
And if you hadn't mentioned it I would never have guessed . . .

a) what it is
b) that it was a "filler shot" because you weren't able to get out to do anything else.

Lovely colourful abstract, beautiful textures. I almost want to reach out and touch it (although maybe not after reading how sharp those teeth are)

And with the promise of bread throwing I'm hopping over to your Spanish 52 now!

Thanks Sarah, and glad you liked the Spanish one too (y)

I'm glad things are getting better Jill.. although having to duck flying loaves sounds intriguing.. I'll head over to the other thread shortly.

As for chopped, like Sarah, I'd never have known what it was. Excellent image, strong colours and textures.

Thanks very much John (y)

Ok - I've finally got to the photo, Jill. I love the textures and colours. Lovely. The 'chopped' element sounds likely to be the fingers of anyone going near it. How on earth did you get the leaf shot last year? :)

Thanks Jean, I like abstracts, and as a few new 52ers have commented, the pic doesn't fit the theme without the explanation. But lots of mine were like that last year :D

Absolutely gorgeous colours and textures - I love it

I'm full of admiration with what you manage to achieve, and so glad that your photography is helping to inspire you and keep you going. :clap:

Thanks very much :D
Well I went down to our local market in Arboleas this morning to take some candids for my interpretation of street and here is one of the results.


Nice portrait Jill, I like the reflecting light on the face ;)
Absolutely stunning! You have captured lots of detail in the face and set it against a beautifully soft background.

:clap::clap::clap: You put the rest of us to shame!
Nice portrait Jill, I like the reflecting light on the face ;)

Thanks Alby, it's just natural daylight, and thanks for popping in. I'll return the favour soon ;)

Absolutely stunning! You have captured lots of detail in the face and set it against a beautifully soft background.

:clap::clap::clap: You put the rest of us to shame!

I'm not sure about that, I just try my best. As for taking candids, the majority of people don't mind or don't notice :D

Jill, that's beautiful. I love the light on his face. Is that the natural background or did you add him to the picture? There is a sort of halo around his face.


Hi Jenny, no, it's a genuine candid. He was one of the stallholders and obviously considering the meaning of life when I caught him ;). The background is some scarves tied to the stall, just blowing in the breeze.

I've posted a few more in People & Portraits.
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Nice - loving the harshness of the face against the soft background... did he come up for air do you know?

Lovely framing against the soft background pulls your attention firmly to where it's supposed to be. It's sharp and detailed and the focus is spot on and whilst you had no control of the light, you've caught it well. Excellent shot.
excellent stuff Jill :clap:
you can tell he's Spanish (hee hee or Moroccan!) as soon as you see the picture
you've managed to retain detail in the dark beard without blowing the highlights!
Lovely framing against the soft background pulls your attention firmly to where it's supposed to be. It's sharp and detailed and the focus is spot on and whilst you had no control of the light, you've caught it well. Excellent shot.

Thanks Darren (y)

beautiful light & DOF :)

Thanks Maria, the lens helps ;)

excellent stuff Jill :clap:
you can tell he's Spanish (hee hee or Moroccan!) as soon as you see the picture
you've managed to retain detail in the dark beard without blowing the highlights!

Cheers Mike, he's definitely North African. They call them the lucky lucky men as that's what they shout as you pass by, except they are saying looky looky and, if you check out the set in people and portraits there are a wide variety of North Africans working the markets, often selling copycat stuff :eek:
I really like that, he has a great expression on his face and the light has really emphasised his features. Perfect for the theme too I think.
hi jill i have only just seen your post and can say all the images so far are excellent looking forward to seeing some more
Love the expression on his face - difficult to tell whether he's deep in thought, trying not to laugh or what. Could cover a multitude of feelings.
hi jill i have only just seen your post and can say all the images so far are excellent looking forward to seeing some more

Thanks very much (y)

Bruja, awsome candid. I haven't plucked up enough courage to point my camera at complete strangers yet! Do you go up to them before/after as you must've been pretty close?

Thanks DM, no I just hit and run usually :D but, especially in the market, a stallholder will wave to catch my attention to take his/her picture.

Love the expression on his face - difficult to tell whether he's deep in thought, trying not to laugh or what. Could cover a multitude of feelings.

Thank you. I think he was just really bored and there was a really cold wind blowing through :eek:
That's a lovely portrait - was it done with your 70-200? I was using one last night (the f2.8 variant) and it doesn't half give a nice image - in particular those lovely creamy backgrounds like you've just demonstrated. :clap:

I now have to buy one myself :(
That's a lovely portrait - was it done with your 70-200? I was using one last night (the f2.8 variant) and it doesn't half give a nice image - in particular those lovely creamy backgrounds like you've just demonstrated. :clap:

I now have to buy one myself :(

Thanks Nick. Yes it was taken with the f4 version as I find that's wide enough for what I use if for (and cheaper that the f2.8 by a long way :D)

I would definitely recommend it, but I guess in your case you don't need any persuasion, just a bit more cash ;)
Thanks Nick. Yes it was taken with the f4 version as I find that's wide enough for what I use if for (and cheaper that the f2.8 by a long way :D)

I would definitely recommend it, but I guess in your case you don't need any persuasion, just a bit more cash ;)

I've got a few wedding bookings now - so I really need the f2.8IS version. Just as well I have an understanding wife and am due a rather large bonus at work in about 3 months :LOL:
excellent stuff !!
Sharp, clean, nice DOF and an interesting face too.
Really like this.
can only echo everyone else's comments.. great candid shot, the lighting is spot on.. love the DOF and expression caught on his face :)
Liking the composition of that very much, and an interesting looking character too. As ever, very well done!
Excellent Jill... that's a superb shot, it works so well...
excellent stuff !!
Sharp, clean, nice DOF and an interesting face too.
Really like this.

Thanks Rob

This is an excellent portrait, JIll. You've captured a good expression and the soft light reflecting on his face would have taken a whole battery of Bowens to replicate in a studio!

Lots of :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: from me. :)


Thanks Jean, I really like taking candids and I guess it shows

can only echo everyone else's comments.. great candid shot, the lighting is spot on.. love the DOF and expression caught on his face :)

Thanks Michelle
Liking the composition of that very much, and an interesting looking character too. As ever, very well done!

Thanks very much Keri (y)

Loving that street shot Jill! Excellent composition (y)

Thanks KG, and no crop :D

Excellent Jill... that's a superb shot, it works so well...

Cheers John

Well done Jill.

I think it's all been said on this one already, but you really do take lovely portraits.
Sharp in all the right places and a lovely background.

Thanks Sarah, the more I do the more confident I feel
Chopped: Thats almost abstract Jill - the detail, colour and texture are just great :clap: Very nice

Street: Now that is nice - full of character - great detail again and nicely framed - all adds up yo a very nice candid for me :D :clap: