Carl's 2016 TP52 Challenge **Completed**

Hi Carl, I was convinced I'd commented on covered already!! I like the second one - works really well for me, but the tomatoes lose a bit being covered. I think @alsjazzera has put into words exactly what I think. Love the second shot, mind. Colourful is exceptional :clap: The background works perfectly (in terms of composition and colour) and it's just a brilliant image! Care to share how you did it?!

Hi Paul. Strange I know but with Covered, I was taken with how the light fell on stretched cling film and focused on that rather than the toms which were in a way subsidiary to the main subject ... to my muddled way of thinking anyway. I did take a few "normal" shots of toms under cling film which were ok but I preferred the more abstract. It was a simple set-up for Colourful: Upended washing-up bowl in Kitchen sink with a small plastic container placed directly below the tap. Camera on Tripod level with the top of the plastic container. A very vibrant tea towel as the bg draped down from the window sill above the sink and the Speedlite set to TTL off to the lhs and aimed at the tea towel. Tap set to drip into container and then just a question of timing the shot. Thanks for your encouraging comments.
Hi Paul. Strange I know but with Covered, I was taken with how the light fell on stretched cling film and focused on that rather than the toms which were in a way subsidiary to the main subject ... to my muddled way of thinking anyway. I did take a few "normal" shots of toms under cling film which were ok but I preferred the more abstract. It was a simple set-up for Colourful: Upended washing-up bowl in Kitchen sink with a small plastic container placed directly below the tap. Camera on Tripod level with the top of the plastic container. A very vibrant tea towel as the bg draped down from the window sill above the sink and the Speedlite set to TTL off to the lhs and aimed at the tea towel. Tap set to drip into container and then just a question of timing the shot. Thanks for your encouraging comments.


FWIW, it works brilliantly - and thanks for sharing the setup!
Very good indeed if I could suggest an improvement it would be a closer shot of the splash as all the colours are reflected in it and you have the focus on it perfect
Very good indeed if I could suggest an improvement it would be a closer shot of the splash as all the colours are reflected in it and you have the focus on it perfect
Thank you Allan. Yes, you are absolutely right - much better if I got closer up. This was with my 50 prime and was as far as I could stretch over the sink. Need to get a zoom or set-up with a dropper to avoid the stretch.
Great capture / shot Carl.
Thanks Tim

Love that reflection Carl, well reflection may be the wrong terminology, but you know what I mean, also think that is a very interesting background and works well but wonder on the crop and composition, all in all very nicely done mate (y)
Thanks Dean. The bg is a design by an aboriginal artist - only a tea towel not the painting itself.
Hi Carl

Great image for Colourful the background colours are brilliant and the colours in the water droplet are simple stunning
Colourful is an amazing shot. Thank you for sharing how you did it.
Great work great image, Carl, all round, a real good 'en (y)
Hi Carl ....really well captured, water drops aren't easy ....I do like it cropped though, there is so much detail in there that's easy to miss, it's like stained glass, smashing choice for the theme.
Thank you Susie. Wish I had one of those exposure triggers - having to rely on judgement when to click the shutter, meant a high ratio of failed shots to every successful capture of a droplet. Can be quite frustrating.

Hi Carl Great image for Colourful the background colours are brilliant and the colours in the water droplet are simple stunning
Thanks Mark. All I had to do was capture the droplet, the rest was down to that wonderfully vibrant artwork used for the bg.

Colourful is an amazing shot. Thank you for sharing how you did it.
Thanks Bernd. You're welcome - I enjoyed the experimentation and being asked to share is a high compliment.

Great work great image, Carl, all round, a real good 'en (y)
Thank you Mr.C. TP52 is certainly making me experiment more and drawing me out of my comfort zone.
colourful ... wow ... you've gone that extra mile again Carl. Amazing.
Hi Carl - great shot, love it! Good to see the explanation write up too. I really enjoy doing these high speed shots, burning through SD cards with all the 'miss-timed' dud shots!
Great execution here though. If you don't mind me asking, what was your hit rate on this shot? i.e. how many shots did you take to get this one? :)
Hi, Colourful, indeed. Looks like a peacock. Nice detail as well. Cheers.
Ha ha - thanks Andy - see what you mean against the pattern in the bg.

colourful ... wow ... you've gone that extra mile again Carl. Amazing.
Kind of you David - thank you.

Hi Carl - great shot, love it! Good to see the explanation write up too. I really enjoy doing these high speed shots, burning through SD cards with all the 'miss-timed' dud shots!
Great execution here though. If you don't mind me asking, what was your hit rate on this shot? i.e. how many shots did you take to get this one? :)
Thanks Matt. Can't remember exactly but it was quite a good hit rate this time around, just down to better coordination (counted out aloud between drops rather that simply pressing the shutter when I thought the water was about to fall ... if you know what I mean). It seemed to work better and managed to capture water droplet of some form maybe 3-5 out of every 10 .... ish. Some droplets were better or offered a more interesting shape than others of course.
Hi Carl.

I tried for a B&W 'colourful' shot but gave up in the end. I do like the tomato / vice combination and it works well with the nice clean background.

Entry is spot on theme but the image doesn't do much for me. I almost want to peek around the corner a bit and see what that entrance looks like! :)
Hi Carl. I tried for a B&W 'colourful' shot but gave up in the end. I do like the tomato / vice combination and it works well with the nice clean background. Entry is spot on theme but the image doesn't do much for me. I almost want to peek around the corner a bit and see what that entrance looks like! :)

Thanks Ian. It was the only "interesting" entrance I could think of nearby. I did also like this unconventional shot of the entrance to the Town Hall building but was unsure about the converging verticals.

Town Hall by Carl Ayling, on Flickr
I like the squashed tomato, really good idea.

First entrance shot for me, I like the angle/composition as it leaves me wondering what it is the entrance to, what lies beyond.
Carl, what a shot it would be with the tomato exploding under the pressure of the clamp !. Entrance nice, how sinister early evening and B&W. Just my thoughts

I like the squashed tomato, really good idea. First entrance shot for me, I like the angle/composition as it leaves me wondering what it is the entrance to, what lies beyond.
Thanks Chris. It's worrying really to have such random ideas

Wow you've been busy Carl ...I love your tomato shot's fabulous :clap: I think the castle entrance wins for me it's just a really lovely shot.
Thank you Susie. Such a lovely day on Sunday, had to get out and about with the camera.

Carl, what a shot it would be with the tomato exploding under the pressure of the clamp !. Entrance nice, how sinister early evening and B&W. Just my thoughts Chris
Thank you Chris. Good idea about the tom - wonder how I can make it explode ... hmmmm ... got me thinking now.
Hi Carl

Love your image for Colourful having the rest of the image in B&W really makes the red tomato stand out.

Te first entrance for me
Well done with that tomato shot. :clap: love it.

Entrance #1 for me. But it seems a bit tight in the frame, any chance of a bit more greenery RHS? ;)
Hi Carl Love your image for Colourful having the rest of the image in B&W really makes the red tomato stand out. Te first entrance for me
Thanks Mark. Quite enjoyed the experimentation to get the tomato shot. May try a few more.

Well done with that tomato shot. :clap: love it. Entrance #1 for me. But it seems a bit tight in the frame, any chance of a bit more greenery RHS? ;)
Thanks David. Know what you mean about the tight crop. Why don't things like that occur to me at the time? Ho hum.

Hi Carl. The castlated entrance is a good shot but I think I prefer the second shot you posted. Nothing wrong with the converging verticals, but it's not quite centred.
Thanks Tim, Yes, I see it now - not quite centred as you say. Another trip to the Town Hall methinks.
Definitely the castle for me, Carl.
Lovely colours, great textures and a lot of history too no doubt.
Definitely the castle for me, Carl. Lovely colours, great textures and a lot of history too no doubt.
Thanks Mr.C. Liked the wild flowers - now sadly all trimmed back.

I really like the funky angle of #2 but would like a little more of the entrance. Cheers.
Thanks Andy. I know, the ceiling of the porch is quite ornate too.
The tomato shot certainly makes me think 'Go it!!' - very vibrant and sharp :clap:
I like both your entry shots - the prettiness of the castle (though I agree with @d00d about the tightness) and the oddness of the overhead light and angles in the town hall shot which jarred in a good way.
Hi Carl

Entrance is an interesting idea - you've gone for shooting at an angle and sacrificed the leading line which the path would make. It'd be interesting to see both as I'm not sure which would be the stronger composition? Nicely spotted and well captured.

Size is great! Converging verticals are a must in this sort of shot as they convey the sense of size/scale. At least for me :) I think despite being a bit noisy/grainy, it works really well. Nice one!
The tomato shot certainly makes me think 'Go it!!' - very vibrant and sharp :clap: I like both your entry shots - the prettiness of the castle (though I agree with @d00d about the tightness) and the oddness of the overhead light and angles in the town hall shot which jarred in a good way.
Thank you Emma. Will have to try and get an action shot of that tomato - it would be quite an image I should think. Can't imagine though how many tons of toms I'll get through to get that one shot !

Hi Carl Entrance is an interesting idea - you've gone for shooting at an angle and sacrificed the leading line which the path would make. It'd be interesting to see both as I'm not sure which would be the stronger composition? Nicely spotted and well captured.
Size is great! Converging verticals are a must in this sort of shot as they convey the sense of size/scale. At least for me :) I think despite being a bit noisy/grainy, it works really well. Nice one!
Thanks Paul. The path was the obvious but quite uninteresting, too straight on - I was quite taken with the wild flowers so got that angle instead.
Hi Carl, catching up missed some decent images.

Rough - Really like both images for the theme for different reasons, I think I prefer the first, more thinking behind the image than the second. Really cool idea.
Covered - two super images and well thought out again. Number one again for me, feels more covered and slightly more sinister than the second.
Colourful - Well done, loving the background and good timing with the water.
Entry/Entrance - like the second the best, a cleaner image if that makes sense.
Size - its a Mini so its a win for me, great timing and a cool driver and passenger, I have done the LB once in my 97 plate sworks 90bHP Cooper, that were my purplepleaser moniker came from. I miss that Mini.
Size love it brilliant shot that shows the joy driving a mini brings.

I was there on the run! But I was in my big MINI Countryman as I didn't want to leave my classic at the tube station when we went into London
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Happy and enjoyable photo for size, the embankment makes a good background.