Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

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Great shot.
That's a brilliant shot! I'd love to get one of these tracking mounts to do this kind of thing- can I ask if this is all you need, or does it need to be hooked up to a laptop?!?
Great shot. I spent ages 'scanning' the skies on a few cloudless nights and couldn't find it:(
Great shot. I spent ages 'scanning' the skies on a few cloudless nights and couldn't find it:(
I couldn't see it with the naked eye, I picked it up with a pair of binoculars as a faint smudge, and could only get any form of image with a >5 second exposure.

It's still around for the next few days - tonight follow orions belt to the pleiades (cluster of stars), then look 90 degrees clockwise - it's quite close to the pleiades at the moment.
Thanks all. I think I'll have another go at processing it as the background looks a little too light and the stars have dark halos around them.

It was taken on a Goto mount but I think I might try it again on a static tripod to see what I get. Using the same 90mm lens, I am thinking of taking 60 or so shots at 2 to 4 seconds long at my highest ISO (6400). Then, a further 20 or so exposures with the lens cap on. Put it all into Deep Sky Stacker and see what comes out...

Best of luck if you have a go at capturing it on camera (y)
Two different shost here, but both good ones. Fortunately Lovejoy is going to be around for a while, unfortunately it is not going to be as spectacular as Hale-Bopp, but it is always good to see any comet.

The HeavensAbove site is very useful for following its progress and as a guide to spotting it (and the progress of many other objects).

Wow --- nice shot
Thanks (y)

Two different shost here, but both good ones. Fortunately Lovejoy is going to be around for a while, unfortunately it is not going to be as spectacular as Hale-Bopp, but it is always good to see any comet.

The HeavensAbove site is very useful for following its progress and as a guide to spotting it (and the progress of many other objects).

Good call on Heavens Above. A one stop site for positions of a lot of interesting stuff. Great for finding out when the next International Space Station pass is. That's always a marvel to see :)

Truly excellent
Many thanks (y)
Excellent (y) worth the wait