rpn's 2011 Project 52 + Bonus Nature Added ***FINISH***


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Rekindle my photography hobby a few years ago and just before this time last year I felt I’m not using the camera enough so I decided to jump in the deep end and committed myself to do a 365 which I’m happy to say that I complete it although missing three days over the whole year. So this year I want to try a 52 instead and will try to follow the theme.

Bonus Theme - Nature
Week 52 - Glass

Week 51 - Light
Week 50 - Weather
Week 49 - Talk II
Week 49 - Talk I
Week 48 - Cute
Week 47 - Light III
Week 47 - Light I & II
Week 46 - Living
Week 45 - Safe
Week 44 - Pair
Week 43 - abstract II
Week 43 - Abstract I
Week 42 - Weave
Week 41 - Rapid
Week 40 - Explode
Week 39 - Volume II
Week 39 - Volume I
Week 38 - Fun II
Week 38 - Fun I
Week 37 - Mix
Week 36 - Time II
Week 36 - Time I
Week 35 - Blur
Week 34 - Work
Week 33 - Record
Week 32 - Evolution III
Week 32 - Evolution II.a & II.b
Week 32 - Evolution I
Week 31 - Wind
Week 30 - Weird II
Week 30 - Weird I
Week 29 - Smell
Week 28 - Celebrate
Week 27 - Elaborate II
Week 27 - Elaborate I
Week 26 - Sensual
Week 25 - Rescue
Week 24 - Bright
Week 23 - Broken
Week 22 - Hidden
Week 21 - Twisted
Week 20 - Promise
Week 19 - Divided
Week 18 - Power
Week 17 - Tropical
Week 16 - Paradox II
Week 16 - Paradox I
Week 15 - Wrong
Week 14 - Object
Week 13 - Empty II
Week 13 - Empty I
Week 12 - Moderation
Week 11 - Knowledge
Week 11 - Re-Shoot [Chaos]
Week 10 - Trio III
Week 10 - Trio II
Week 10 - Trio I
Week 09 - Finish
Week 08 - Chaos I
Week 07 - Delicate
Week 06 - Clutter II
Week 06 - Clutter I
Week 05 - Hard
Week 04 - Open
Week 03 - Style II
Week 03 - Style I
Week 02 - New
Week 01 - Accommodation
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Thanks (y)

Got a few ideas and locations and was up early yesterday try to take some photos. Anyway driving along the road and noticed the morning sun shone directly on the side of this building.


Hi rpn.

You're right, the morning sun on the side of that building has given it a lovely glow (y)
Good spot with the repeating pattern of the windows too - it gives it a strong abstract dimension. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of quirky angles in architectural shots, but in this case I think it works well and enhances the patterns.

Personally, I'd crop some off the RHS though - that right angled part of the building doesn't add anything IMO and the rest of the image is stronger without it.
I like architectural shots, but would have preferred the verticals to be at 90 degrees.

interesting composition, and beautiful blue sky :)

best of luck with your 52 ;)#

Thanks for the CC.

Personally, I'd crop some off the RHS though - that right angled part of the building doesn't add anything IMO and the rest of the image is stronger without it.

I was thinking the same when processing the photo but thought it might be a bit boring with only just straight parallel lines and decided to included the RH portion!

Now for Week 2 - NEW

:thinking: :thinking:
One of the main aim for doing the 52 is to go out more with the camera. With these long dark evenings and working hours that only leave the weekends to play. So after finding out this week's theme on Saturday evening my brain been working overtime and come up with this one.

Week 3 : Victorian STYLE architecture bandstand.


My thought behind this photo is rather than the usual boring side on view I decided to get down low with a wide angle lens (Sigma 10-20mm) for the distorted view.

cc always welcome.

Week 3 - Nice idea... although I don't really like distorted shots in general. Are the trees in the background a little purple??
Nice idea! I didn't notice the trees so much but think the concrete (?) at the bottom of the bandstand looks purple.
I didn't notice that until you said it, but it does...

I like seeing unique points of views and perspectives on otherwise normal things - for example I can imagine this being the bandstand as seen by a small child.
I'd like to see a tighter crop in #1 to remove the right hand side bit of the building. Makes me feel toasty warm looking at this one.

I also prefer the second #2 photograph, but I'm not sure about the perspective, yet.

Might improve if you had move to the right and got a bit more symmetry??

Second version for week 3 is much better.

I noticed on the first one that the background trees seemed to be over-powering the piece of railing at the front, but whatever you changed in the second one seems to have addressed this.
Good call with the WB too.

:thinking: I'm not quite sure what I think about the perspective in it. Part of me would like to see it distorted back out so that it's all parallel . . . but part of me quite likes the strange angles.
I think it's the trees that aren't quite working for me. While the bandstand looks interesting with the distortion, the b/g trees leaning in at either side are disorientating.
It's certainly a good take on the theme though, and an interesting result that keeps calling me back to try to make up my mind - and it can't be a bad thing if it makes me keep looking (y)

I really do like your Chinese New Year shot though :clap:
Strong diagonal composition, good DoF but the lighting is what makes this for me. It would have been so easy to shoot this in flat, uniform light but what you've done really elevates it to something far more interesting.
Absolutely love it - you can almost hear the pop of the cork. You've captured the moment brilliantly, (or did you have to open a dozen bottles to get it right :LOL:)

Well I'm not rich to afford a dozen bottle of Champagne just for a photo or own a Pro level camera capable of taking 12fps in order to capture the moment! :)

It was my birthday last weekend and after emptying that bottle of Champagne with the family an idea came to mind for this week's theme.

The photo is actually two separate photos merged together with Photoshop. One of the empty bottle and one of the cork with lemonade/Irn Blu (Scotland's other national drink!) squirt by a water bottle. Notice the cork is slightly bigger than the neck of the bottle!
Excellent! :)

what a brilliant idea for this week, and a very inspired set up to capture it :)
So thats what they look like.

Good focus, good dof and I'm loving the colours on it, would you mind sharing how you lit it?
I really like that, colours are great! Nice DOF too!
Got a couple of ideas for this week's theme. But the problem is finding the time to take them and having to work 7:00 to 6:00 for 6 days a week in the past few weeks don't really help my cause. The other difficulties is trying to keep up with my main aim of taking on this project of going out with the camera as much as possible. So decided to take the camera to work and try to go out at lunch break to turn the ideas into photos.

Anyway I drive along this road often and always find it quite amuse with all these..... CLUTTER of satellite dishes

blimey...pleant of Jeremy Kyle action on that street! Don't think i've ever seen anything like that before! :)

traffic light and 30 sign are a bit of a distraction, but not much...fantastic image (y)