weekly Cowboys 52 in 2013 Done and dusted

nice simple shot for pattern, straight clean lines made interesting by the perspective.....

I may be developing an OCD for left to right leading lines, but I think it looks better flipped horizontally. ;)
Greed: brilliant self-portrait... is that what you're really like? (;-) It must be very hard to get a shot like that framed when you're not in it, as it were. Excellent.

Angles. just great, spot-on. A degree or so either way and it wouldn't have worked.

Rustic: the black and white one for me, but your clouds are a bit blown there. Would it work better with a yellow filter in the conversion? (It would with a black and white film!)
Kind: not for me, in this case. It suffers from being chopped at the bottom and I'm not sure the out of focus face adds much.

Vertical: brilliant colours, like the way the line of cloud echoes lines from the building. Foreground a bit dark but this one definitely works well.

Pattern: yes, like it, well done there!
Thanks everyone.

I know what you mean about the blown sky Chris, I took quite a few and they all had similar problems.
hi Mark

Pattern....simple but very effective...I'd not have thought to shot at that angle so well spotted & thought of :clap:
Below I like... Think someone else did this type of shot and likelihood is I'll do similar! Like ow you have the actual underneath of the bridge in focus rather than the other side of the river though.

Waterfalls/movement...I dunno. Nothing constructive really to say, on theme but they don't grab me...
Movement does seem to lack something not sure what though prefer 2 though if I had to choose
below what can I say.......snap
seem to be a few common ideas for below... can't fault the composition and symmetry on yours Mark, let doen a bit by the sky, but we should be seeing more blue around now. (y)

Movement I'm also going with the second, saw it in your flickr before I realised you;d also posted it here. Dunno what it is about either, maybe the second just has a greater sense of scale and power, and the lines in the rocks all point in to the fall :shrug:
Maybe if there was a person shood on the tops of the rocks in the first it might help to scale it.. :thinking:
Hi Mark :)

Below - A great commercial landscape there, good light/detail under the bridge and the curve leads really nicely into the picture (y)

Movement - I think a bit more detail/depth needed in the rocks, but No:2 for me too... I like the changes in direction of the flow - bang on for the theme :)

I knew I was going to take the bridge as soon as I saw the theme.

The waterfalls look a lot better on my monitor for some reason but they do seem a little lacklustre, maybe it's the light as they were taken late afternoon.
Hi Mark,

Below: Good detail below the bridge and I like the reflection in the water.

Movement: Well done on the movement in the water. I'm not a fan of waterfalls personally, perhaps they would be more interesting to me if they were wider and I could see the setting. Both seem a little dark in the rocks.
Hi Mark,
Vertical, like this, an interesting building highlighted against the blue sky. The shadows and clouds provide some nice leading lines, well spotted.

Pattern, a simple but effective take on the theme which doesn't half make my eyes go funny looking at it as I scroll up and down the screen :LOL:

Movement, the second waterfall gets my vote but agree it needs a little something more, different lighting maybe, I dunno :thinking:

Below, I thought of this but didn't get the time in the end. Its certainly on theme but again I think it needs a little something more. Maybe a longer exposure would lift it or maybe again different/later light.
Hi Mark

Below.....wish there were some interesting bridges round here!

Nicely symmetrical , great focus & sharpness (y) shame about the sky...is summer ever gonna get here ??

Movement....can't decide between the two as I' quite partial to bit of milky water....nice n calming to look at with just the right amount of milkiness for me at least :)
Morning, Below, I do like ths one, and I've seen others. Symmetry all, IMO, and you have done a cracking job. High contrast so you've kept detail in the underside of the bridge but lost it in the sky. No big deal really because the sky covers a small area of the photograph.

Movement #2 for me. Nic low angle and on theme. Crit, well just the bit of rock peeping in lower righ and possible lack of detail in parts of the rock.

Well-done mark. Brave tackling this with only the 50mm prime. Great focus on the eye and details on the loose strands of cotton. Is it cropped much already? I reckon it might take a bit more?
Very nice. Good detail, composition and nice clean BG.

Wonder what a subtle vignette would look like :thinking:


You seem to like borders and vignettes ;)

Well-done mark. Brave tackling this with only the 50mm prime. Great focus on the eye and details on the loose strands of cotton. Is it cropped much already? I reckon it might take a bit more?


Ok, a tighter crop and a slight vignette which does work (y)

Size by cowboy72, on Flickr
Thanks for the comments, I should take another one now but this time large size, as in my head at the moment :D
The crop works really well, but you could lose the vignette for me dont think it adds anything, nicely done (y)
Hi...sorry its taken me a while to comment. Trying to catch up now

Pattern:well spotted...or should that be striped?

Movement: my preference is for the second waterfall

Below:great picture :clap:

Size:liking both but think second is better, great detail :clap:
The crop of size works great. The light and dark sides of the thread, the sharpness of the eye, and the falloff of focus just makes for a really nice image. (y)
The crop works really well, but you could lose the vignette for me dont think it adds anything, nicely done (y)


Hi Mark

cropped version works soooooo well...cracking amount of detail ,focus spot on as is placement in the frame.....really good work mister :clap:


Great focus on the eye of the needle, cracking shot.


Hi, have it say I prefer the original. Mainly because if the space around the needle and thread.


Much appreciated.

Hi...sorry its taken me a while to comment. Trying to catch up now

Pattern:well spotted...or should that be striped?

Movement: my preference is for the second waterfall

Below:great picture :clap:

Size:liking both but think second is better, great detail :clap:

Again, thanks.

The crop of size works great. The light and dark sides of the thread, the sharpness of the eye, and the falloff of focus just makes for a really nice image. (y)


Thanks for the comments guys and guyettes it's really appreciated. (y)
its a bit busy but bang on theme, not sure how you would improve it though