weekly d00d's 52 in 2016 ... week 52 celebration

Thanks for your comments guys. OK I admit to working on 1 or 2 other -more on topic- things including long exposures of people at the British Museum looking somewhat spooky.

Walked down to Covent Garden hoping to see the witch with the elongated nose ... nowhere to be seen, but thought this guy fits the bill.

HERE is a portrait I like and HERE is one for Shirley of him getting his trousers down.
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Nice bit of street photography, works well and fits the theme. Kind of. :cautious:
Ooo Er - definitely Spooky. (I think I prefer the second one David - the lighting and facial details are better).
know what you mean Carl ... first one's more Spooky tho.

More scary than spooky from what you say but works with the explanation, you are a strange lot down south :exit:
You're probably quite right. :cautious:

And "They" say I'm mad :D
Perhaps he was making a film, did he shout "its a wrap" ? :D
Nicely spotted David even if it a bit of a shoe horn.

Well... that certainly through me to say the least, and the box ticked... sort of :LOL:
.... sort of :cautious:

It had me wondering, good photo but I guess you had to be there to get spooked, my first thought was that he was going to be leading some kind of ghost walk
I was a bit bemused d00d, the explanation definitely adds to the photo ...he does have a slightly manic look o_O

Nice bit of street photography, works well and fits the theme. Kind of. :cautious:

No probs shoeing that chap in to horn't us ;)
Other than the whistle and lanyard, he does look a bit Victorian, so could be a ghost.
Nicely captured.
Cheers Tim (y) .... did you see the one of him in his brown bowler ... looks Victorian.
Week 45 Pose ... it's amazing what you see if you hang around the British Museum for five minutes.

Ah yes that'll be one of those Narcissi'sticks then :D

Well spotted and captured David
They seem to be enjoying the experience. Some expressions eh! - like the guy's pout ha ha. Well taken and nice capture David.
Very good David, ideal for the theme and I like the placement with the stairs and banister leading down to the subjects. Anyway, what else is there to do at the British Museum?
Ah yes that'll be one of those Narcissi'sticks then :D

Well spotted and captured David
Nice one d00d ....spot on for the theme :)
They seem to be enjoying the experience. Some expressions eh! - like the guy's pout ha ha. Well taken and nice capture David.
haha ! Nicely done.
Very good David, ideal for the theme and I like the placement with the stairs and banister leading down to the subjects. Anyway, what else is there to do at the British Museum?
Spot on, that is all (y)

Thanks all (y) I make it sound easy ... 5 mins at the BM. My original idea was one of those human statues but they seem to have packed up for the season. Hotel doormen in colourful coats .... didn't prove easy. So it took a while to realise the selfie says pose like nothing else really. But it's difficult to position yourself, unlike with a street performer. I stayed out of trouble but I now feel that I should go easy on the amount of street I serve up.
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but I now feel that I should go easy on the amount of street I serve up.
No reason too, if that's your thing :)
lots of pictures since my last visit I was a bit confused but spooky but hey its your interpretion, and then I read the comments and it made more sense. I like the cracked crackers, and I really like the liquid shots the 1st fits the theme better for me but my favourite is the second with the reflections.
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Love your crackers shot - the background works well and the continuity of the line is spot on.
Very nicely caught for pose as well - the expressions are brilliant :)
If limiting yourself on street is for self-preservation...then fair enough. But otherwise please keep it coming David - you've got such a great eye for it!
Spooky - When I first saw this image I didn't get the spookyness of it but thought it was a song image with the explanation it works well for Spooky.

Pose - Great find fits the bill for me would anyone else been tempted to of photo bombed them given the chance........:angelic:
Ahhh good thinking a candid pose of sorts... like it :)
Very apt David.
However, unless you took the stick from them and beat them to death with it, then you've done us a dis-service ;)
(y) dontcha just love tourists with selfie sticks!
lots of pictures since my last visit I was a bit confused but spooky but hey its your interpretion, and then I read the comments and it made more sense. I like the cracked crackers, and I really like the liquid shots the 1st fits the theme better for me but my favourite is the second with the reflections.
Thanks minx ... it seems you like something loosely fitting the theme. ;)
Love your crackers shot - the background works well and the continuity of the line is spot on.
Very nicely caught for pose as well - the expressions are brilliant :)
If limiting yourself on street is for self-preservation...then fair enough. But otherwise please keep it coming David - you've got such a great eye for it!
Thanks Emma ... I'll keep 'em coming. :)
Spooky - When I first saw this image I didn't get the spookyness of it but thought it was a song image with the explanation it works well for Spooky.

Pose - Great find fits the bill for me would anyone else been tempted to of photo bombed them given the chance........:angelic:
Cheers Mark (y)
Had a bit of free time this morning before the rain came, though I'd try something BBC News related, went up to Broadcasting House, the old bit now called Old Broadcasting House, with a long history of broadcasting News. Tried a few different takes, decided on the original deco doors.

No great shakes so I'm backing it up with a pub with a new menu I saw just round the corner.

46 News #1

46 News #2
I like the BBC one David fits the theme for me as Susie says its a shame about the keep clear signs but not a lot you could do about them!
Both on theme d00d but I like the BBC one, it's a shame they have those big blue signs on the door, it looks so much nicer without them.

Good to see you're in for next year :)
I like the BBC one David fits the theme for me as Susie says its a shame about the keep clear signs but not a lot you could do about them!
Thanks guys

Thought I was going to be able to clone them out, but not easy. o_O
it's a shame they have those big blue signs on the door, it looks so much nicer without them
My thought exactly. but as you say difficult to remove I imagine with them being so prominent and in a way they are very much part of the image. I like the counter-point of "old-broadcasting house" and "news"
Second one for me, mainly because the wonky welcome sign makes my teeth itch!
Its a shame about the wonky sign, but nice old doors, both on theme David (y)
Great shot for pose, well composed. And who wants to see 4,000 year old tomb-paintings when you can take a selfie!

I prefer the first one for news, wonky sign or not...
#1 for me, don't mind the sign or the Keep Clear signs, add to a somewhat quirky image. I like the space on the left for the arrow to point into.

No crit here.

I like the space on the left for the arrow to point into.

No crit here.


Now you say that, it does make the image balance better.Before you mentioned that, I wasnt a fan of the framing - and now I am......
Hi David,
The crooked sign on the door kind of spoils it for me, but at least it's a properly produce sign and not a laminated A4 sheet taped to the inside.
I think I prefer the shot of the table and chairs, I mean Menu ;) Nice bit of street, though a shame about the bin in the background.
I love the art deco of #1 David so that for me. Glad you're keeping up with street photography - #2 is excellent too.
As above really, can't add anything BBC for me, though both work
My thought exactly. but as you say difficult to remove I imagine with them being so prominent and in a way they are very much part of the image. I like the counter-point of "old-broadcasting house" and "news"
Second one for me, mainly because the wonky welcome sign makes my teeth itch!
Its a shame about the wonky sign, but nice old doors, both on theme David (y)
:oops: :$
Great shot for pose, well composed. And who wants to see 4,000 year old tomb-paintings when you can take a selfie!

I prefer the first one for news, wonky sign or not...
And who wants to see 4,000 year old tomb-paintings when you can take pictures of tourists doing selfies!:D
All sorts of newsy ideas. :)
I imagine cloning on a glass surface with reflections like that would be near impossible! i quite like the wonky sign - with the brown palette it somehow reminds me of dodgy tv studios/sets long gone :)
near impossible! and yes I too quite like the wonky sign.
#1 for me, don't mind the sign or the Keep Clear signs, add to a somewhat quirky image. I like the space on the left for the arrow to point into.
Quirky :)
Hi David,
The crooked sign on the door kind of spoils it for me, but at least it's a properly produce sign and not a laminated A4 sheet taped to the inside.
I think I prefer the shot of the table and chairs, I mean Menu ;) Nice bit of street, though a shame about the bin in the background.
You know ... I thought the menu sign said next week not some time last month ... making it not very on topic.
No: 1 for me David, Simple but love the nostalgia and the twist that the doors are not used, new news on the old news building, like it (y)
You're too kind DK
I love the art deco of #1 David so that for me. Glad you're keeping up with street photography - #2 is excellent too.
Thanks Carl ... gives me incentive to carry on. :cool:
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Dusted off my young angels put them out in the rain, put towel over camera .... click ... abandoned the idea of making a nuisance of myself in Hamleys.

Week 47 Young

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