weekly Dave's 52 Week 52 Showcase and Finished

Three from me today, the Elephant was taken on Thursday after theme was set as I like it thought I'd throw it in. The two Egyptian ornaments are just two of my many pieces I own from Egypt I have collection over the years in auctions.

King Tutankhamun by Rohan, on Flickr

Nefertiti by Rohan, on Flickr

Elephant by Rohan, on Flickr
Nicely done ornaments - no Elephant showing for me though.
I prefer the Nefertiti shot. The lighting and bokeh make it interesting.
I think the gold against the black background suits it well.
Great set Dave, you've definitely chosen the best of the three. Love the perspective and the leading line of the path leading up to the lady and further to the structure in the background. Really well done.
Great set Dave, you've definitely chosen the best of the three. Love the perspective and the leading line of the path leading up to the lady and further to the structure in the background. Really well done.

Thank you Bill, glad I managed to get the tech done with the main shot.

Three well spotted images Dave. I like your chosen shot with the woman in just the right place :) Nicely exposed too.

Thank you Bebop.
Nice images all round Dave. I prefer the one you've chosen as there is plenty of interest and it fits both the theme and the tech. Great job
I like industrial architecture so the stainless steel seat is the winner for me, but I like the way the walker is leading me through the curve of the path.
Nice set of pictures there they all suit the theme really well.

Thank you Simon.

Nice images all round Dave. I prefer the one you've chosen as there is plenty of interest and it fits both the theme and the tech. Great job

Thanks Jim.

Some good Curves Dave.

I'm glad you are out and about again, keep warm


Thank you Pete.

I like industrial architecture so the stainless steel seat is the winner for me, but I like the way the walker is leading me through the curve of the path.

Thank you Alan.
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On catch up: Ornament - lovely mono image with some great tones and textures.
Curves. I'm for #1 but then it's mono ;)
All on theme. I really like the tones in the mono shot, and the timing is perfect on the path shot, with the figure in just the right spot to pull your eyes down the path.
I thought that it was a crimper of some sort. Great shot Dave, really like the low-key processing.
A good low key close up that had me looking hard to work out what it was. Looks good in mono too.