weekly JohnN's 52 project for 2013 - Week 39 - Sweet

Many thanks, I actually had four shots of the same web (about 40 various shots of webs if I recall), that one seems to have the best background.

Speed - Good comp and lighting. Like the reflections and the 'spotlight' effect ass mentioned by Andy

Steps - really good comp and well handled where the slabs overlap to form the stepped effect.

Mono - both good shots. Prefer #1 because of the subtlety of the lighting and the texture in the handle and the name. Unlike Lynne, I find the label a bit incongruous.

connection - good comp and colour and excellent separation of the b/g from the web - that really stands out

Beginning - I get the connection to the theme but it is not doing anything for me , sorry. I am not sure whether it is just a shot of light bursting thro cloud or whether I am supposed to see some form of shape in the cloud as in the Turin shroud.
Cheers Alan - originally for beginning I was just going to have a totally black picture, perhaps that would have been better as the sort of big bang cloud just doesn't work does it?

Perhaps a reshoot candidate.. hmn :thinking:
first mono for me - really good use of lighting (and lack of) to have a black item agaisnt a black bg and still retain the necessary details... the colour in the lable with the (deliberate ?) placing of "PROFESSIONAL" to the front really makes it look just that.

great connections shot with the web - well worthy of an explore. lovely background to it and a great "sparkle" to the dewy web.

beginning, is lacking something - but I have absolutely no idea what!! maybe some lightning??

Well done - back up to date and fully caught up...
Hi, Mono #2 for me. Very clean and good contrast.

Connection, had a similar idea but could not find any decent webs. Good one here: good detail and colours. I might have been tempted to go for one shooting down to exclude the sky.

Beginning, on theme, but doesn't grab me compared the the other 2.

Cheers chaps - I'm feeling no love for beginning :( lol, not my best!

I did have a connection without the sky but it didn't look as punchy if you know what I mean, it was just sort of drab and really darkened the tone so I didn't do much work on that one.
Have to agree with everyone else, sorry I think its a light thing wether the PP is not helping but its not really working though I can see what you were getting at
Without repeating the above John, I am afraid I have to agree :(

I like the concept behind it though, creative thinking and not a literal take are all positives to take away (y)
Good catch up John

Really like the monopod images.. Superb lighting but number one stood out for me.

Spiders web, what a super web, highlights the fragility ..great photo.. Well worth getting up for....
Thanks guys :)

Do you know I ever got on with mono\tripods - I just find they get in the way - I really must look up using the monopod properly at some point.
Hi JOhn

I'm with you on early mornings.....love my bed far tooo much !

Connecton......good bit of thinking there , fabulous detail in the dew covered strands , great background & nicely placed in the frame :clap:

Beginning....with the others comments on this one I'm afraid...sorry
Connection - love it.

Beginning - I didn't get what you were trying to do until I read your explanation, slightly off target? oh well, dust yourself off... onward and upward!
Really liking the first mono, the little bit of colour makes a lot of difference.

The web is spot on, well done on making explore (y)

I have to agree with the beginning comments, a finger with lightning coming from it would've made a hell of a difference but you don't get that very often ;)
Speed is a lovely shot, there's a real art to getting an interesting image from a simple subject, and that's demonstrated here. The lighting and composition is spot on, and the reflections work really well.

I like the tones and composition in steps, and the sharpness of the carving really draws the eye to the words.

I think I prefer the second mono shot, purely because the finish makes more of the lighting, whereas the foam section in the first kind of sucks the light up... if that makes any sense?

I really like the web idea, it's a nice take on the theme. Well executed too, with the light in the dew really popping out, and the blur and muted tones of the background really making the most of that.

I think I see what you were getting at with beginning, and it's on theme, but I'm struggling to enjoy it as an image, particularly in the company of your other shots.
Cheers Nick, I really chuckled when I read the beginning line :)

Okay lets put that sack of horridness behind me and see if this one is more on form, as usual not exactly what I had in my head but frankly I'm knackered and have a busy day tomorrow, plus the locusts... erm I mean kids will have eaten all the fruit by Monday :)

Week 34 - "Still" Life by magsnorton, on Flickr
I love the deep reds into the purple, nice colours all working well together.

Just enough light in the glass as well.

Great colour and light, not too sure on the composition cropping the apples sort of spoils it a little.
I like everything about this, I think it is outstanding in every way. :clap:

Lovely work. A real "framer" (y)
Good work John, a traditional still life IMHO.

Small crit would be as Allan mentioned, cropping the apples distracts a little but other than that (y)
it;s on theme for sure, the glass is nice and sharp, and contrasts nicely with the background, the limited colour pallette of the purples in all three items works super well...

well done.
Thank you all :)

In hindsight I do now wish I'd kept the full bowl in frame, but at the time was trying to do a leading lines (well curve) using the table - which you can hardly see.. oh well one for next time.

BTW according to a comment on flickr it went to explore... no sign of it though and scout doesn't pick it up (nor do I have 1000+ unexplained views :D)).. odd..
Love the colour, really work for me. Nice lighting and good detail.

I'd agree re the crop, IMO, would look better if all wee in the frame.

Cheers guys - I had hoped to be posting my whimsical but I totally ballsed up the shot :(

I'll get something, but it was a shame, took a day out with my daughter, found something but just fluffed it - still these things are all a good learning curve.
Cheers Nick, I really chuckled when I read the beginning line :)

Ever the diplomat!:D

Still is a different kettle of fish altogether, a beautiful shot. A great take on a classic theme, but without looking worn. The colours and lighting are beautiful. I do agree about the cropped apple, but it'd take more than that to spoil this shot.
Bah, four weeks behind - damn that whimsicalness!
Apologies for the substandard image but I really have to get past this one!

A snapshot I know (much less noise on my copy at home, got to love Flickr!!), but still a funny face

Week 35 - Whimsical by magsnorton, on Flickr