Critique required Kell's 52 in 22 - week 52. Showcase

Some lovely shots from Cuba for your last two theme submissions. Looks a great spot to have a camera handy!

Small - great catch to get this between the two Chelsea tractors!
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It is nice to see some colour Kell and you've done a fantastic job capturing it.
Had something in mind for this - and it's something I've been thinking about for ages. But the end result was not how I pictured it.

High Wycombe is built across a valley, so at certain points, you can get a view of the houses on the other side. But this view didn't really work for me.

I can't decide if I went out before it was dark enough, or left it too late and it should have been a bit lighter.

But here's that one.

5D3_1480 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

So as I could see in camera that this wasn't doing it for me, I thought of another spot where from one road going down to town, you can see the other road climbing out of it.

These also weren't really doing if for me. I took a longer lens with me, but the shots from that were very blurry - I think the vibrations from passing cars and wind rush might have buffeted the camera more than I realised. So these are from a shorter lens and as such, are wider than I wanted.

5D3_1486 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

We went out for a bike ride on Sunday. And while I took my little camera with me, the landscape was all a bit featureless. This was probably the best one to demonstrate that (6 shots IIRC)

IMG_2095-Pano by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

I had hoped to get something with this windmill, but the trail goes the wrong side of it, and I didn't have time to cycle off and go the other side to see if there was a shot there.

IMG_2088 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Anyway, part of the trail crosses the trainline where a group of volunteers run old-fashioned carriages.

When we first arrived, they were being pulled by a diesel engine (which I just missed and which isn't very evocative).

But we chatted to the guys manning the crossing and they said that they'd be running a steam train later on.

IMG_2091 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

We were lucky in that on the way back, we were there at just the right time to catch it. So in the end, I'm going to go with the one below.

IMG_2110 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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A great set of shots Kell - I love the one of the traffic on the hill.
I know what you're getting at with the houses across the hill - sometimes the camera can't quite capture what the eye (or the mind) can see.
Your chosen pano of the train is superb.
That moment at sunrise or sunset when the balance of the various light sources works is surprisingly fleeting, I have found. I like the two different leading lines in your train shot, but I also like this one immediately above, the headlight highlights and the square patterns of the lit windows in the middle distance works well for me and given me some thoughts for a future photo shoot.
Good set Kell. Gotta be thr train for me - and I do like a saddle tank. I do like a diesel too. At least they always face the right way :D
I also like this one immediately above, the headlight highlights and the square patterns of the lit windows in the middle distance works well for me

I must admit, that is more how I saw it in my head.

given me some thoughts for a future photo shoot.

Glad it's been of some use... ;)
Great commentary walking us through your thought process Kell. I think that you chose the right one. I also like the windmill shot. If you crop from the right to just to the left of the house and bring the left side in a bit, I think that that would make for a good shot. But that might be just me squinting at the screen and using my hand up to try to block out both sides... 1663115580721.png
Thanks Bill - I did do a version similar to that where I cloned out the van and the red car too.

But, for me, it left the windmill a little too close to the edge.

(Although, in fairness, on that version I think I tried to crop the fence out too. )
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Nice set Kell and I like your chosen shot best with the pylon and train shot 2nd best as I like the composition of that one. It feels very balanced and has a lovely sky.
An interesting set. I have the same issue here with lots of wide landscapes that look great to the naked eye but are featureless as far as capturing an interesting image goes.
Nice take on the theme :)
An interesting set. I have the same issue here with lots of wide landscapes that look great to the naked eye but are featureless as far as capturing an interesting image goes.
All I can say is that you’d never tell.

I love your landscape shots.
Made me smile, I liked the interpretation,
That's a fun one Kell, made me chuckle. Is it four shots blended?
Landscapes - good viewpoint for the train.
Looking Up - great idea and well executed.
Week 38 - Electrical (and TECH shadows)

Struggling with the exact word this week. Electrical, rather than electric or even electricity.

But this caught my eye in the shed.

ELECTRICAL fire waiting to happen...

TP52 - 2022: Week 38 Electrical 01 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

As an aside, I saw someone selling waht looked to be a fairly good copy of my first ever Digi camera (a Pentax Optio 550).

This was a pretty expensive camera back in its day - which was 2003. £550 for a 5MP point and shoot. So to find a pristine one for just £22.50, I thought it was worth a punt.

This is clearly not an exact test as I didn't really try and match specs, was just curious how it stacked up against my little Canon G5X. Didn't do too badly...

So I took a similar shot on both...

TP52 - 2022: Week 38 Electrical 01 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

What is funny is how many extra pixels you get and how much of a difference it makes comparatively - brought two photos in to PS and this is how it overlayed them (just added a glow round the Pentax shot so you can see how much smaller it is...

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How many items do you have in use in your shed??
The irony of the electrical "passed" sticker just visible adds some humour (for me anyway).

There's a washing machine, a tumble dryer, a (beer) fridge, a wine fridge, a small freezer, an electric cooler box, two inspection lights (with hive bulbs that are triggered by a motion sensor so the lights come on when you enter), two sets of twinkly lights...

Can't think of anything else at the minute.

In fairness, some things MAY have been plugged in for the shot. ;-)
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It's a good take on the theme and I like the gritty mono conversion.
Sounds like a great shed with both a beer and wine fridge.
Sounds like that shed is your man cave, a good idea with those fridges.

Nice and gritty plugs.

Liking the idea of beer and wine fridges... must have a look at space in my shed :)
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Twice as sweet as sugar...

Agree with the choice of tonality - the grittiness of the monochrome suits it best (IMO).