weekly Mandy's first 52 challenge 2014 week 52 added and all finished now

H, #2 doesn't really hold my interest, but I like #1, especially the shadows. I'd like a wider DOF to get the near steps in focus and feel a crop would work to loose the upper step.

First certainly has more interest Mandy, good angle, like the conversion to B&W/ mono? (are they the same?) I never can tell :oops: :$

If anything, I might have been tempted to crop a bit off the bottom, just putting the bottom edge of the top of the step into the corner ..............does that make sense :confused: :)
H, #2 doesn't really hold my interest, but I like #1, especially the shadows. I'd like a wider DOF to get the near steps in focus and feel a crop would work to loose the upper step.


First certainly has more interest Mandy, good angle, like the conversion to B&W/ mono? (are they the same?) I never can tell :oops: :$

If anything, I might have been tempted to crop a bit off the bottom, just putting the bottom edge of the top of the step into the corner ..............does that make sense :confused: :)

Thanks for the comments.
Steps, first one is more interesting, but looks like the DOF isn't quiet big enough. Prefer the colour of the second though.
Hi MAndy

your copped & edited version for Linked works loads better for me...better color , well exposed (y)

Step.....hmmm......not sooo taken with either image though clearly both on theme........the light area's in the 1st one...I wish they were more " all across " the image or not there at all if that makes sense ?

2nd image....good detail ,textures & tones but not particularly eye catching....

Sorry !
Hi MAndy

your copped & edited version for Linked works loads better for me...better color , well exposed (y)

Step.....hmmm......not sooo taken with either image though clearly both on theme........the light area's in the 1st one...I wish they were more " all across " the image or not there at all if that makes sense ?

2nd image....good detail ,textures & tones but not particularly eye catching....

Sorry !

Thanks Lynne no need to feel sorry.
Hi Mandy have to agree with Lynne I'm afraid, but then again not a lot you can do sometimes with the subject matter
Hi Mandy

The close up for linked is MUCH better for me, the warmth you have added works well, and the crop now brings the bracelet to the forefront of the image :)

Step - I'm liking the exposure/Light of the second but the composition of the first, would like to see a foot or even a piece of litter to add a little something to capture my attention :)
I prefer the angled shot but a much wider DoF is needed. Feels a bit dark as well. The angle is working for me hence the preference over #2

Thank you for comments.

Hi Mandy

The close up for linked is MUCH better for me, the warmth you have added works well, and the crop now brings the bracelet to the forefront of the image :)

Step - I'm liking the exposure/Light of the second but the composition of the first, would like to see a foot or even a piece of litter to add a little something to capture my attention :)

Thank you very much.
linked: The cropped and warmed edit works really well Mandy....a lesson to us all on the merits of white balance adjustment?

Step: Without a doubt number 1. The angled POV, diaganol lines, mono conversion and sunlight patches make this one feel much more engaging and interesting. Nothing to fault on it at all. well done! (y)
linked: The cropped and warmed edit works really well Mandy....a lesson to us all on the merits of white balance adjustment?

Step: Without a doubt number 1. The angled POV, diaganol lines, mono conversion and sunlight patches make this one feel much more engaging and interesting. Nothing to fault on it at all. well done! (y)

Thanks very much for the comments and for taking the time to look.
Well onto week 14........ Where do the weeks go? Anyway for this theme i have chosen to take a photo off one off my roses. Which was not easy to do as i couldn't get anything right with my composition or lighting, not to mention i kept pricking my fingers on the thorny bits. None the less i am fairly happy with this image, i also went in search of a nature related poem to include on my image.


Nature by pinkbikerbabe 1, on Flickr
Hi, Mandy, lovely colours, especially the greens. The composition works well, although I feel it would suit a slight crop top and left. The BG colours suits the colours of the rose.

Shadows...hmmmm, well I've seen harsher, but I'd like to see them slightly a little more diffused.

The poem is a nice addition and reminds me to stop, look and take in the beauty of nature.

Hi, Mandy, lovely colours, especially the greens. The composition works well, although I feel it would suit a slight crop top and left. The BG colours suits the colours of the rose.

Shadows...hmmmm, well I've seen harsher, but I'd like to see them slightly a little more diffused.

The poem is a nice addition and reminds me to stop, look and take in the beauty of nature.


Thanks very much for the comments, I agree the shadows could be much softer. But I have been having a nightmare couple of days, with my insomnia.
OH Yes ... really quite striking, interesting BG colour too.

Nicely composed.

.... prepared myself for cheesy wordage but found something quite original ... googled it and ... a Spanish translation! hmmmm
OH Yes ... really quite striking, interesting BG colour too.

Nicely composed.

.... prepared myself for cheesy wordage but found something quite original ... googled it and ... a Spanish translation! hmmmm

Thank you very much.

The rose is lovely and sharp plus the background colour compliments it nicely. I agree with Andy regarding the shadow though.

Thanks very much for taking the time to look and comment.
Lovely crisp shot Mandy - as mentioned above the shadow is the only slight critique - I'd also move the text slightly further to the top right corner so's not so close to the leaf and correct the missing space between the words are and buzzing.. thats just my OCDness though.. lol

Lovely crisp shot Mandy - as mentioned above the shadow is the only slight critique - I'd also move the text slightly further to the top right corner so's not so close to the leaf and correct the missing space between the words are and buzzing.. thats just my OCDness though.. lol


Hi Mandy,
Nature.... I think a little bit of a crop on the left to make the rose come out of the corner but lovely sharp shot the colours are nice together (y)

Lovely sharp shot and nice idea to add the poem.

Cheers for the comments.
You either like the shadow or you don't.

And I like it.
Great shot Mandy (y) Your panning technique certainly looks better than mine :p :Ddetail looks good and plenty of blur in the bg and wheels (y) ...........if anything, could have done with a little more space on the left to move into :)
Great shot Mandy (y) Your panning technique certainly looks better than mine :p :Ddetail looks good and plenty of blur in the bg and wheels (y) ...........if anything, could have done with a little more space on the left to move into :)

Thanks very much, I agree on the little bit more space on the left. Thanks for taking the time to look and comment.
great panning technique Mandy, slow enough to still have movement in the wheels but keep the rider sharp. agree with needing a little more room on the left but still a great capture.