weekly Mr.Si's 52 Week Challenge - Final Photos Added

Thank you both. Yeah it is a shame about the clipped wing. It was the best I had as the head was the sharpest, which I felt was most important.

I have to say, I don't really understand the costumed thing. Please could you explain Andy?
Thank you Susie.

Here's one that was taken at Longleat a while back and I thought it would fit nicely with this theme too. Taken on a compact Panasonic TZ30 by Mrs. Mr.Si

Cheetah by Mr_Si, on Flickr
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Nice catch on the falcon, not a problem with the cropped wing, eyes are sharp and to have all the wings would give less detail in the head. Very well done given the movement in the wings.

Hmmm, cheetah.. Not only an old pic but not yours either ;)

Nice enough shot though, big in the frame and no distractions around it, direct eye contact is about the only thing that would better this.
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Hi, cheetah is an ok shot needs a little lift its a little dull exposure wise
Nice shot of the cheetah, although it could benefit from being a little brighter/contrasty.
:)Hi Si

can't see your Clouds image ? seem to recall it was nice though :)

Wild....yup, you've done well to get the motion in the wings with a sharp head
Hi all,

Thanks all for the comments, the Cheetah was submitted because I thought it was framed well. Regarding the colour, "that's auto mode for ya!"

For week 24, I wanted to a photo of Dream (our little one dreaming of milk or something) but I couldn't pull that off practicably in the time available, so maybe I'll work on it for a reshoot week.

I've decided just to submit a wild card. Three different flower shots from the weekend:

1 - playing with flash to light the foreground whilst keeping the background also sensibly exposed

Rose by Mr_Si, on Flickr

2 & 3, some close ups of flowers that I thought looked pretty as an "open garden" event on Sunday. Just taken in the natural light with the kit 18-105 on my D7000

Flower by Mr_Si, on Flickr

Flower2 by Mr_Si, on Flickr

No comments required, but always welcome.
Your images for your wild card are nice beautiful flowers.

The first image I would be tempted to do a different crop, to hide the dead flower buds on the bottom rhs of the image. The second image I like the best, my only small niggle is it's a tiny bit to tight in the frame. That said it's an excellent shot of a beautiful flower. The third image the composition is good and the crop works well, my only crit would be to clone out the little black spots on the flower.
Texture - Nice fluffy cloud for the theme

Wild - I like the blur of the wings. It's always difficult with these displays not to get a distracting background.
Wild#2 - I'd agree about the lighting comments on the Mrs Si's entry

Dream - I'd go with #2 as the stronger of the three this week
Hi Simon

your 3 flower shots for wildcards ....1st one , unusually for me I knew it was flash , something about it shouted not natural light...a bit harsh maybe ? On the plus side there's no heavy shadows,the color looks good & the blue sky compliments it well (y) I agree a bit of a crop maybe ?

The Lily type one I love....perfect focus on the staemen and interior of the petals , nice DOF & good color :clap: If you get the chance for a reshoot of this subject ' look to remove the bud that's just behind the rh petal

Yellow rose....slightly awkward angle & the oof one gets in the way of it being a nice clean image. On the plus side....lovely use of DOF & good yellow color (y)
Hey Simon :)

Texture - Nice deep blue sky, white and grey fluffy cloud and the composition works well, I think you have managed to pull out a bit of depth from it, not tried it before myself in such detail, so bang on theme :)

Wild - Nicely framed shot, shame the bottom wing is clipped but no biggie... Crit wise, I would be tempted to clone out the two posts in the top of the frame, works easily on grass type surfaces, other than that, I like the motion blur too, good for the theme ?? yes of course, works several ways, 'Should be/Born to be Wild' Etc (y)

Wild 2 - As said, shot by Mrs Si and an archive shot... although it fits the theme, the auto mode makes it a typical point and shoot image, not the best of colours :)

Dream/Dreamy - 1) you have handled the flash well, a little shine on the petals that also still look very delicate, my minor crit would have been to deadhead and a slightly tighter crop :) - 3) To me just needed a different PoV, the shot shows a very fine flower, looks very delicate, nice DoF but the background lets it down for me, the purple dappled sections are perfect, either re-position when composing the shot or clone the other yellow out and that would be great... - 2) By FAR my favorite, a lovely tight crop but still enough room around it, good focus on the pollen, nice background and super colours, no crit from me :clap:

THANKFULLY this is another thread caught up with :)
Lily for me too, colours, dof, detail (y) but as mentioned by Lynne, the one still to open just to the right is a little distracting :)
Hi all, wow, that's a lot of comments - I wasn't expecting so many. Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. Certainly something to think about in terms of composition next time I shoot something similar.

In the meantime, here are a couple of shots for my Vertical week 25.
I'm not particularly happy with them to be honest, so I might try something else tomorrow evening...

Vertical 1:
Trying to play with my new yn568ex but not getting the lighting right yet and the WB is off too.
Vertical1 by Mr_Si, on Flickr

Vertical 2:
Shameless Bokeh in a friend's garden on Sunday after church
Vertical2 by Mr_Si, on Flickr
Hi Simon... both shots fit the topic, I would have been tempted to get the cactus against a clear blue sky and aim upwards ...if you know what I mean o_O

I DO! Thanks for the comment.
I should have done that, I just shot that at about 10pm yesterday!

Might try it though if I get a moment tomorrow.
cactus is a tad dull tbh - agree with both your comments too.

I'm always happy to be a bit harsh on one shot if there's another MUCH better one in the same set!! And here the little red ferny plants are much better....

who doesn;t like a bit of sparkly bokeh? :), the colour of the BG works well with the red of the plants, DOF looks too be a bit shallow, with quite a bit of teh foreground distractingly OOF, did you try any with smaller apertures, or just go all out at f/1.8?? (It's very tempting and easily done if you did!!),
Hi Simon... catcus doesn't pop that much and the shadow on the rear wall is a bit distracting. If you bring the subject a lot further from that rear wall you may be able to darken out the wall and you're far less likely to get a shadow. Also, the closer your flash is to the subject, the greater the effect of the inverse square law, so minimise flash-subject distance and maximise subject-wall distance to concentrate the light just on the subject (also keeping your shutter speed at flash sync and choosing a smaller aperture should help reduce the balance of ambient).

But having said all that, I could be talking mince as I'm pretty new to flash photography as well!

Second shot for vertical is nice - I really like the colour contrast, POV, lighting is good and DOF chosen well. Only thing for me is the bokeh is a bit "ringy" - not sure if that's just the nature of the lens used though? Good shot and perfectly on theme for me.
Thank you all for commenting.

Sorry it's late... but the new oven has now been successfully and officially tested by baking these.

Week 26, Yum / Yummy

3 crops of same image, not sure which I like most at the moment, please help me choose!

Yummy3 by Mr_Si, on Flickr

Yummy2 by Mr_Si, on Flickr

Yummy1 by Mr_Si, on Flickr
Hi Simon, yum bang on theme, I like the contrast of the cakes against the black background.
Small crit, the white balance appears a little too warm but other than that good work (y)
Hi Simon, yum bang on theme, I like the contrast of the cakes against the black background.
Small crit, the white balance appears a little too warm but other than that good work (y)

Thank you. Yeah I had it on auto on camera but had to change it in darktable to incandescent, but yes, still slightly off.
Oh forgot to mention, #3 gets my vote, I prefer the crop on that one as opposed to the more centrally positioned first two (y)
Hi Si

yummy looking cupcakes there,love the decorations on the top (y)

WB has been mentioned though strangely it 's less obvious viewing on my netbook ? Of the crops I think I'm preferring 3 but I'vd maybe be a little more severe with it