My Braun Super Paxette project


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My grandfather recently gave me a lovely 1950's Braun Paxette camera, with the 45mm lens that he bought with the camera in Dixons in the 50s.

Since being given such an awesome gift (I was just getting into photography having recently bought my first DSLR) I decided to track down some original accessories for the Braun. Luckily they are relatively cheap and can be found on places like eBay and I have found some really cool vintage camera shops on my travels.

Here is what I started with:


45mm lens, prints taken in Dorset with Ilford FP4

Loved using the camera - feels so tactile and mechanical. I was using my DSLR to help me with light readings and so forth, but started to guess as I got more used to it.

Next I found an 85mm lens in a nice photography shop in Warwick for the princely sum of £35


I wasn't able to use it right away because I didn't have a correct viewfinder to use with it. Next came a 135mm Enna lens:


...which came with the leather lens case shown here:

So naturally next I wanted a viewfinder. I ordered a Russian turret viewfinder but soon after managed to find a proper Braun one!


And finally I managed to find a book about the camera written in the 50s and a magazine cutting with a review of the same model. Also found a box and case (My granddad gave me a case too but it was quite badly worn along the edges so it didn't function)


And this was joined by a second lens case, so now I can wear them both on a strap and carry the 45/85 in one and the 135 in the other.

I have a foam case to store all the gear, so it will be in perfect condition when I hand it down in 50 years or so - though I plan on using it, too.

Also on my list (let me know if you can help!!)
*29.5mm lens hoods, chrome, X2
*Filters, again 29.5mm
*Original manual for camara (on order)
*Any other lenses or paraphernalia

I really enjoy collecting this stuff!

Nice collection you are building there.
You need a wideangle next.
I am sure there was a flash gun too.
Yes there should be a cable with the bulb flh as they did not have hot shoe connections in those days.
I have never seen the mains flash a strange beast indeed. The size of the reflector was quite normal then.
That is a very nice looking bit of kit.

You'll have to post some images up when you start using it.
Couple of updates on the way - here is a smallish one for now:


FINALLY! I found the size of the thread. 29.5mm inside and 34mm push fit outside. Here is the f2.8/45 lens with a lens hood. it still amazes me to think what this lens has seen - my mother was five when this was first used by my granddad.

Thanks! I have a few lens hoods, filters and other bits coming, so my next update will include:

Russian universal viewfinder (not as nice as the Braun one but technically better as a viewfinder
Green and orange 29.5mm threaded Kodak filters
Chrome and black lens hoods, push fit 34mm
Possibly a Kreznauch f2.8 lens
Braun PXM flash
Braun proximiter

And a few other lil things!

I'm going to need a new case!!!!
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I have one of those universal viewfinders and they are pretty good.

I also have a couple of proximeters but neither are Braun, good luck with your searching for the items you want.
OK a few more updates:

With flash (bulbs + battery on order, and a very kind Talkphotography member is sending me a shoe for the flash!)

I found this Braun 'Universal' zoom viewfinder on eBay very cheap (when there is a BIN one for over £100.. I paid about £20). As you change the focal length by rotating the front element four blades reduce the viewable area over the viewfinder, like a clip on mask but automatic, sort of. Nice to have in the collection....

And finally, the Proximiter. Not sure I have this on correctly but can't see another way it would fit? Looking through the viewfinder you can see the extra window perfectly in alignment so it MUST be right - I'll try it out with my current roll of film and spend some time working it out! In this pic you can also see the zoom finder and a metal hood and yellow Kodak push filter on my 80mm lens.

..And here's a view showing the proximiter

So now I DEFINITELY need a new case, and I still have some filters and lenses on the way... watch this space!!

Dont do that. You are setting me off again. I think the magic of 35mm is the mechanics of the cameras and equipment.
Thanks for the comment. It really is a pleasure collecting these bits. Not only are some of the things very cheap (if you look carefully!) but they work really nicely and feel as good as the day they were made!

Here is a picture of what is an almost complete collection. You can see the image at Flickr where I have added notes to show what each item is.


What next??? To be honest I think I'll take a bit of a break, my eBay account has been given a LOT of exercise recently. I'm going to concentrate on shooting these rolls of film I have and will post the results here for you to see.

..and I really need to get the flash going (just need the right cable!!! - thread about that here )

Brilliant thread Ped, I look forward to seeing the results.
Some pics taken with the camera, the scanner isn't much good so it makes them look a lot more contrasty then the actual prints.







Most of these are a bit underexposed - I quit like that effect and tend to do the same on my DSLR. Mainly though I was using a shutter speed which was too fast - something I am still learning about this camera. The light meter I just bought will help me get the correct exposure at different apertures though because at f2.8 with a 135mm lens your focusing has to be spot on!

OK I finally found the front filter size of my 38mm lens, turns out to be 40.5mm. I just put a vented hood on it and a new strap (thread about that elsewhere on TP)

I have DEFINITELY fallen in love with Ilford XP2 film, comparing it to the FP4 I love it's brownish pink overtones, it's so rich looking and has lots of depth.


Thanks guys! It really is a great thing to own with so much sentimental value, and so much fun to collect the accessories which are relatively cheap but really well made. That pleasure is magnified by the fact that it all works superbly and is improving my photography in general no end...

...more pics to scan in shortly!


P.s for those wondering how I attached the strap (the camera has no strap lugs and I didn't want to put it in a half case) I'll tell you how later ;0)
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I agree with the other comments, you've taken the camera and made it into a fantastic set. Its something I've taken inspiration from and would love to do similar with a Leica M2 that I inherited off my Father.

Trouble is its going to cost me an awful lot more!
Thanks guys I am glad you are enjoying my humble thread about this humble little camera. Here is a thread I made about my new strap, which suits it really well.

Those who are wondering how I attached the strap - well, I took the bolt from the bottom of an old leather case which screws into the bottom of the camera, and around that threaded the two loops from end pieces of a compact camera strap. They are thin rope shaped rather than flat material shape. You can just about see them in the pic below. To those small end pieces I threaded the leather strap, which fit like a glove - the measurements of the leather strap were supplied on the listing from the auction.

When I wear the camera it hangs upside down, but that works nicely because the viewfinder is out of harms way and the lens doesn't make the camera droop forwards. It balances well and is totally secure. Quite neat, really - and importantly it didn't require me to modify the camera in any way.


I agree with the other comments, you've taken the camera and made it into a fantastic set. Its something I've taken inspiration from and would love to do similar with a Leica M2 that I inherited off my Father.

Trouble is its going to cost me an awful lot more!

Yeah I must say this whole process has left me wanting a Leica or similar - but then I look at what I have, consider how much more it means to me personally, and look at the fantastic quality photographs it can produce (perhaps I don't do much to help that, though!) and I realise this is the film camera for me - despite what anyone says about them being cheap imitations, which I guess, by definition as an exported German post war product, they are.

That was quite a long sentence, wasn't it! Well, it's late.

What a great shot. This is what I like about film, the fantastic tonal quality and depth to the image you can get with what amounts to a cheap camera. Brilliant.
Thanks Andy. It's very rewarding to get pics back from the lab that are usable. On my Epson R-D1 digital rangefinder I enjoy using it with the LCD flipped backwards and I avoid looking at my shots until I get home. I treat it lik a film camera, and it helps me get better pictures.

Now there's a negative I'd like to make a print out of. Top work.
Heathen. I meant a proper print, perhaps with a bit of toning.