weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Straight - long and straight although the verticals make it look lop-sided
Letter - on theme, plural even
Loads of contrast to look at, shapes, colours etc
Mineral - definately on theme

Doing well to keep up Nick
hi Nick

Straight - well handled difficult lighting conditions. Good shot for the theme altho i agree with others that it is a little off kilter. As Mark says, tiny bit of CCW

letter - good colours and definition . On theme for me

Contrast - great shot notwithstanding the theme. Anothere difficult exposure handled really well. Contrast in instruments electric/mechanical, contrast in clothing/hairstyles and contrast in dark pavement and white shop background. They all look as if they are having a good time.

Mineral - on theme but shot looks a little too green on my monitor. Also would have liked to have seen the oil rather than just the container.
Hi all,

Once again I find myself apologising to all you remaining '52ers' for not getting around to comment on.

I remain on the ship and trying to be creative and keep up with the 52 which is extremely challenging. The internet connection is very hit and miss and I have to squeeze all this in between my Watchkeeping.

At the moment Im working 6 hours On, Twelve Off. I also have to eat, sleep, dhobing (laundry) and exercise during time my 12 hours off.

Week 32 Dark

I found this subject in particular quite difficult. The red light is used on Ops to preserve our night vision when we 'Darken Ship'


Week 33 Time

I really didn't want to photograph the obvious this week as it would have been to easy to take a snapshot of my watch. Instead, I give you an image of the 'Timing Gear' which keeps the Diesel Alternators (Generators) in check, which in turn produces all the ships lighting and electricity. I have tried to capture the 'gritty' industrial look.


Well all things considered I'm pleased to have kept up. Now what on earth am I going to do with 'Body' ? That's some title to deal with.......

Best wishes,

Hi, Nick really don't like missing posts but just returned from holiday and logged onto TP straight away: wife's giving me 'that' look so it a comment on your last 2 I'm afraid :shake:

Dark: like it. Minimal, eerie, nice colour and negative space.

Time: great angle and liking the processing.

Dark - Good take on something connected with work and safety. A clear crisp shot
Time - thats a great bit of gear and well shot in composition and DOF
:) Great improvisation Nick. Especially like the 'dark' idea. Mineral...yes that works. Never knew such a vast amount of opportunities a metal body can hold!!!! There you go...body :)

Great that you are still keeping up with the challenges :clap:

Love the work!!!!
Hi Nick

glad to see you're still with us :wave:

You're image for Dark is a great abstract for me & a good take on theme (y)

Liking the pp on Time...very gritty & in keeping with the image (y)

Keep going mister ,you're doing a great job of finding stuff suitable for the theme's in such a confined space , happy sailing :)
Sorry it's brief - I'm lagging behind again! :(

Mineral - Shame the yellow spout isn't quite in focus.
Dark - Nice take on the theme, perhaps an off-centre composition would have worked well?
Time - Lovely shot, very gritty. Fabulous colour on it, too. Nice interpretation!
I like the Dark shot of the light I understand it, I used to work in theatre where we used blue lights backstage to stop the light spill.
Hi Nick

Dark - really like this. Good focus and capture of the colours. It works on the theme very well for me. Somehow the contrast between the bright red light and the dark black is better at conveying the darkness than white/black would be :clap:

Time - good shot, focus and processing. But without the explanation i would not get the connection to the theme.
Many thanks for all your comments :)

I'm really stuck for an idea this week. There is nothing on this ship that I can come up with. I'm also going to play this as a 'Joker' because it was taken a few weeks ago before this weeks theme was announced.

Week 34 - Body

23,482 Tonnes......

I think it works the body of the vessel as it where it looks enormous I dont think it will get very far without any water ;)
Where's the harm in a joker for a theme ;)
I look on them more as guidelines than rules :LOL:

Onto your submission, it is certainly on theme as far as body is concerned. What I particularly like about it is that it gives us viewers a different perspective on the vessel. One that very few of us I assume would never have access to.

Only a small crit, I find the sky a bit bright and a little distracting but not a lot you could have done about that I am guessing?
A different take on body and works for the theme. The men and crane emphasis the size. As above, what ship is this?
Dark – Seems to say light to me but with the explanation fits the theme

Time – You’ve definitely captured the gritty industrial look you were after. Nice one. The toning also works well.

Body – That’s a big beast and taken from an angle most of us wouldn’t be able to get to. Bang on theme.
Good take on the theme. Do you have any shots from further back, or were you right back against the wall? I'd like to see one with that rudder slap bang in the middle.
HUGE body of a ship - great perspective giving excellent sense of scale - love it :clap:
Week 35 - Re-shoot & Liquid

The weeks are flying by....... :)

Re-shoot - 'Letter'

I wasn't ever really happy with my submission for 'Letter' so here is my second attempt which on reflection isn't much better, Image is of my laptop keyboard taken in my cabin.


Another epic failure I fear ! :bang:


Plenty of water around me but I immediately thought of washing liquid. Nice bright colours too! I wanted to include the washing machine to help with the context. Plenty of adverse comments from various shipmates "have you lost the plot?", "you must be really bored" etc etc :LOL:

Taken onboard in one the self-help laundry rooms.


Thank you all very much for your comments and messages of support :love:

Body - Definitely on theme, and like others, I like the angle and perspective, and the person gives a sense of size. Personally I would have been tempted to enhance the colour somewhat and try to bring back that sky - but that's me.

Letter - A pretty simple shot, but well executed and it's nice to see a clean keyboard!

Liquid - Great idea, nice composition and colour, and I love that you've specifically included the washing machine. Bravo. Only minor criticism is that the cap in the foreground looks a little wonky to me (not sure if it actually is though).
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Hi Nick,

letter - A good shot using your limited resources onboard. I'm not sure if a tighter crop loosing the bottom where its a bit brighter might work better.:)

liquid - I can almost smell the flowers from here!!:LOL: It was a good idea to include the washing machine to give more context to it!:)
Hi NIck

Body - that is a good shot, certainly on theme. Terrific perspective with the chap and the blu crane in the shot. Would probably lose the yellow machine at the right hand side which doesn't really add to the comp.

Letter - nothing wrong with that in my eyes.

Liquid - bright and cheerful. For me I would want the whole of the tumbler in focus, bottom bit as well. But a nice gooey liquid for the theme
Letter - Nice one. Interestingly my eye is drawn to the I

Liquid - I'm with Alan wanting the tumbler to be fully in focus. Otherwise a good shot - almost an advert style.
mmm sorry not sure about the liquid shot - can't put my finger on it, it's almost as if I need the liquid to be doing something, like spilling out of the tub, sorry I can't really critique it cos I can't interpret why it doesn't work for me :( shot itself is good tho, lol...
Hi Nick,

Letter, mmm I think it is a bit of a fail for me, the K is the most prominent letter and it looks a little soft as well as the bright area at the bottom of the shot. Sorry but I think I prefer your original letter shot!

Liquid, :LOL: I can so imagine the looks and comments from other sailors! I though this was some dodgy Naval alcoholic shot! I would maybe crop down to the top of the washing machine:thinking: Nice splash of colour though.

But I sort of expected someone sailing around on the ocean would maybe be spoilt for liquid!!!
Week 36 Up

Just time to grab a quick picture and post it before we sail. Taken in Liverpool at the Tall Ships Race 2012. apologies, I can't remember the name of the ship I took this on.

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Says Up and Tall. As Alan says the toning suits the image. I just couldn't imagine myself climbing up the rigging if this was in port let alone on the high seas.
Hi Nick - where did 'Tall' come from?

Anyway,on the basis that it really does show'Up' well, I think a success. I like the pov and the detail captured. Also the sepia tones are very apt. Good shot against the light(y)

I mean 'Up' as in up the rigging ! - riggings and rattling's ! - I did say 'Tall' Wanted to capture the grand old days of sail hence the sepia tones. Halcyon days. I love the smell of the salt and tar.

I'm happy with this shot but it it will never, ever, convey the sense of pride, tradition, humour, passion, adventure, dedication and commitment of life on seven seas or five oceans (y)
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My only crit is the building on the left could without that, but it probably couldn't be avoided
Hi Nick, I'm with Peter on this! Climbing up that at sea would not be my idea of fun! I sailed in the RAF's teeny tiny yacht and hung on for dear life!

It fits with the theme though, I like the sepia tone but I agree with Alan and would have tried to cut the building out!