Nod's attempt at a 52 for '22. 52/52 - Showcase.

Cool light :)
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Good picture! Strange that they are on during the day.

It was only that one that I noticed. I can only assume that either the timer was set wrong or a seagull had "made a deposit" on the light sensor. I'm erring toward the latter explanation.
This week was a bit different for me, I knew exactly what I wanted to catch and when it needed to be shot. Luckily, I had rearranged my tee time so I was home in time to get the weekly visit of the collectors of discarded stuff! The first is the shot I wanted and the second was purely for fun after I spotted a camera manufacturer's name on the truck. Not the best shots in the world - shot through double glazing that could do with a proper clean - but I think the one I'll use fits the brief!

Ticks the box Nod, challenge complete for this week :)
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I'm just glad I'd taken the camera upstairs just in case the bin-men came while I was changing from g*lf kit to mufti!
Aah hence the reference to Tee time .... and I thought it was a typo :D
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Unfortunately, I do (try to!) play g*lf...

One thought I did have was to shoot the discarded tees and balls I pick up on the way round - I have about 1/2 a gallon of assorted lost things and that's after I've fired some into surrounding fields, ditches and ponds!
At least your bin men seem to be picking all the rubbish up, round here they leave a trail behind them -- although they are not as bad as the recycling people who have plastic bacon trays flying out of the sides of the wagons between pickups.
It's all wheelie-bins here so fairly fool proof. There's sometimes a piece or 2 that escapes but it's usually picked up pretty quickly, either by the bin-men themselves or one of us residents. Our recycling all goes into a single bin too and gets sorted at the depot. I sometimes get stuck behind a recycling truck on the way back from g*lf and that's sorted as they load -"One for the truck, one for the road..." Well, not quite that bad but they do seem to leave a trail.
Fits the theme Nod and the timing had to be right.
Were you still wearing your plus fours when you took this?
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Fits the theme Nod and the timing had to be right.
Were you still wearing your plus fours when you took this?

The gospel truth is... NO! I could tell you exactly what I was wearing as I took the snaps since I could count them on the fingers of a worm's hand... (It was a complete change!) Luckily, we're not overlooked!!!
Never thought of the "bleedin' obvious". Good idea!

I try to look for easy options whenever possible, otherwise I get distra... Oooooh! Tea time!!!
Definitely captures the theme Nod. We have much the same setup in our complex and the guy that picks everything up also seems to leave "presents" on the ground...
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I grabbed about half a dozen shots in an attempt to get the bins at a suitable angle - only one worked for me. They did stop 10 metres or so further up the hill to deal with other bins but there were 2 number plates visible in the potential shots so I didn't snap them (can't get PSE installed on the main machine so PP is non existent!)
Since our friend Flora is with her parents in New Zealand, it's all flowers from me this week. Although the Sun's been in full blaze, there were a few minutes when it was behind a cloud so I could get non-blown highlights on the white Hyacinth and Cherry. We now have a small bank of hyacinths, having started with just 2 that came as Easter gifts several years ago and were replanted into an empty area after they had finished flowering. Not sure if they've just expanded from the original bulb or have self seeded but I would guess that they're expansions since they're all either white or pink, with no variants in between! The Primrose is another guest (uninvited but welcome!) but the Lilly-of-the-Valley and Snakehead Fritillary were bought (although there are rather more LotVs than we originally planted!)
Not chosen the final one yet, I'll keep looking at them before picking one...
Decided on the solo Cherry blossom since for me, they're the harbingers of Spring and it's on a tree that we've had for 30+ years, having been given it as a bare root sapling by (IIRC!) the Woodland Trust at the Devon County Show on Mrs Nod's 22nd birthday.
I lIke the image of solo cherry blossom Nod ... nice back story with it as well.

My old cherry tree died last year, I'm leaving it to rot atm as it will be a home to insects etc. keeping to my aim of having a diverse wildlife garden. I will plant a couple of new ones in the autumn
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Good choice Nod. The pollen just wating to be collected by a passing bee says Spring is here.
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Nice shot Nod. Lovely execution.
I like fritillaries - we have a a couple of clumps and there's a great show of them at the local Nat Trust place, Dyffryn Gardens.
Lily of the valley is nice too, but once established it starts coming up everywhere!!!!
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A lovely image Nod. Well exposed (not always easy to do with white cherry blossoms). I think that it was a good choice.
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Nice shot Nod. Lovely execution.
I like fritillaries - we have a a couple of clumps and there's a great show of them at the local Nat Trust place, Dyffryn Gardens.
Lily of the valley is nice too, but once established it starts coming up everywhere!!!!

Luckily, we wanted the LotV for their spreading as well as for the smell that a couple of heads of them bring indoors. The Fritillaries come up through/with them; there's usually a white Fritillary as well but I think the slugs got to the flower stem this year. Keep hoping that the Frits will spread like the Hyacinths and LotV but not so far!

A lovely image Nod. Well exposed (not always easy to do with white cherry blossoms). I think that it was a good choice.

I can take almost no credit for the exposure other than for using the best metering mode for the job - almost always centre weighted. The little X-30 is remarkably capable for an aging compact!
A selection this week.

First up, a pair of parallel paper cuts sustained when I was ungluing a cardboard box! Stung like hell for a minute or 2 but I think I'll live... (Rejected because it's a massive crop from a fairly poor image due to missed focus.)


An unusual image of an unusual image - a pigeon selfie!!!


Not a common sight these days. Not sure if it works.


Unusual to get as close to a cormorant as this.


and Beavers aren't a usual mammal, although their sign is spreading up and down the Otter from the original release site.


An extremely unusual mower - and I can't imagine it's a particularly efficient one either in time or fuel.


Rhizocretions (fossilised roots) are fairly unusual, especially exposed as these are on the cliffs at Budleigh Salterton.


I've decided on the mower as my selection for this week since I've never seen it done that way before (although the Rhizocretions run it a close second because it's a much better photo!)
Yup, it's got a flail cutter on the end of its "backhoe" arm and was mowing the field. We walked up past it earlier in the day but it was too far away to see what it was doing - we thought it was doing what diggers usually do but it was close enough too see properly on the way back down.

The (unintentional!) lining up of the beach hut rooves in the phone box shot look like a horizon that's in the wrong place - wish I'd spotted that before we left the scene so I could shoot from lower!
Goodness, you have been busy. I had to read your comment for you chosen shot but it definitely fits the theme.
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Not really! Other than the first 2 which were shot at home as "bankers" for this week's theme, they were all shot on one walk from Budleigh Salterton Fire Station car park up to Otterton Mill and back. Just lucky that there are plenty of photo ops along the route.
Like many, there was always the selfie option should all else fail!!! :p
I like your phone box shot the best. It's not clear that the machinery was mowing, so harder without that context to see how it fit the theme (although I know now you've told us!)
Snapper's choice...

Like many, I have a fair bit of choice so decided to snap a selection, with most major groups represented. I chose to stick to the digital selection since the film stuff hasn't been used in an age.

DSLR is a D700, bridge a P9000, mirrorless a V1, compact a TZ100 and the action cam is a semi disposable one from 7dayshop in its waterproof case. Snapped on the duvet cover!

That's a literal translation of the theme. It puts my collection of one to shame :)
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That's just one of each "class"...
Too many cameras lol, nice image.

No such thing as "Too many cameras"! There's "Not enough cameras", "Enough cameras" and even "More than enough cameras" but never "Too many cameras"!!! (Works for cars, motorbikes or indeed, anything that you have space and "want" for!!!)