Nod's attempt at a 52 for '22. 52/52 - Showcase.

Great shot. How can that be a street? Someone on the council is having a laugh. They will be putting double yellow lines down there next.
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According to the Wiki link, the name was changed from Alley to Street because Alley was deemed "too common"! Long before Exeter City Council existed.
I think you chose the correct one for the main thread. I like the TIN CAN ALLEY* gag, but the claustrophic feeling I get just looking down that street makes it the clear winner for me.

(*I thought you were going for the game rather than the music as there used to be a game called that when I was a kid)

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I have a vague recollection of that game, mainly because I wasn't allowed it :(. Got an air rifle instead! :D
Looks like I chose the right shot this week!
I like the image, you get the sense of how narrow it is.
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Ha, that's ridiculously narrow! Wouldn't like to squeeze down to change the bulb in that lamp.
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An interesting collection of images. I know quite a few people that probably couldn't even get up that alley sideways!
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The first one gets my vote, I want to enjoy the second more but think personally it works better zoomed in to the edges of the wall so my only option is to look through it.
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I get what you mean about the second one, had it been a bit less busy, I'd have spent more time on the composition to get better symmetry but I'd 1/2 decided that the far end was older and more interesting anyway!

Duncan, until you see the "street" in the flesh, you really don't get an idea as to how narrow it is! Quite claustrophobic to sidle down sideways!!!

Simonbrown16, It's possible (although not for me these days!!!) to climb the alley like a rock chimney. When drunk. Allegedly!!! :whistle:

HelenC, I almost certainly couldn't do it in my sheepskin flying jacket. And I deliberately only tried it from the narrow end so I didn't get stuck half way down!
Still being pretty much housebound, I was a bit stuck so looked at others for inspiration. The only shot that did appeal was the feather on the scales one but it would be pretty hard to take inspiration from that and not rip it off completely, so I shelved that idea.
Next thought was HEAVY rain on the window but by the time that had occurred to me, it wasn't really heavy enough and certainly didn't look it once shot!
As I was walking downstairs yesterday evening, I spotted a model of the Titanic I made during lockdown so I set up the yellow mini studio again... Not 100% convinced but needs must!
Finally, as I was setting the lappy up upstairs while Mrs Nod is on a Zoom workshop downstairs, I spotted "Clunk", an earring I use to restretch my 10mm hole when it gets a bit tight (no sniggering at the back!) Not easy to do the framing, taking and checking focus but I think it's close enough.

Here are the best of the results - my final choice is the close up of the name on the Titanic, warts and all!





It was a toss up between the 2. The wiggly antennae strung along the top have bugged me since I made the thing so being able to lose them by cropping was a bonus!

THIS is the model - I have a Tie Fighter as well (ordered at the same time). Not the easiest of things to assemble with fingers as fat and fnurked as mine! Got lots of the UGears wooden kits which are much easier, although getting them to run properly is a challenge...
Certainly fits the theme. A very different set of alternatives.
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It's heavy enough for Mrs Nod to have named it "Clunk"! I occasionally forget to put anything back in the hole after a shower or a bike ride so it closes up a little. A drop of BioOil and a couple of hours of wearing that is enough to get the usual flared plug through!
Some really good studio shots Nod. I like #2 the best "wiggly antennae" and all...
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They all work, but I like the earring shot the best for the theme.
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First Titanic image works for me
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An interesting set! The earing works best for the theme I think.
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Some really good studio shots Nod. I like #2 the best "wiggly antennae" and all...

The "studio" is literally a sheet of yellow A4 paper taped to a windowsill giving "effectively" an infinity cove and a smooth coloured background. The reveal of the window faces North so the lighting is more even there than it was in the conservatory where I used a similar setup for the first few themes. I would have used a sheet of blue rather than yellow but Mrs Nod nicked the last sheet a few years ago! (We inherited a load of paper when her Dad passed away about 20 years ago and I'm still using some of it up!)
Sounds like that same type of studio that I have...from MacGyver Inc.
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Can be a bit restrictive but it can work reasonably well (and the tape I used peels off without leaving a mark so the setup costs 10mm of tape!)
An interesting image selection. Personally I'd go for the first Titanic shot.. nice dof.
With the X-30, it almost goes from no DoF to loads of it, especially at its widest setting. Close ups tend to get shot wide open and landscapes at f/8-11. Really enjoying getting back to basics with it.
Alley: Wow what a narrow alley. I like both one and two best, and would have found it impossible to choose.

Heavy: The earring speaks heavy to me more than the other shots for the theme, but of the Titanic shots, the first gets my vote.
3 ideas occurred to me (well, 4 or more but they had already been done!) so here are the results. One that got rejected was a double exposure but IMO the single shot of a similar idea worked better so I binned the DE.

First thought was a play on someone's feather shot for heavy - simply done, using the tare function on the scales and a penny to add 0.1oz (used imperial units to "weigh" metric weights) to the display.


I wasn't 100% happy with the result and after a few tries, the above was the best of a mediocre bunch.

Some nice early morning clouds and contrails with an obliging bird prompted me to take the camera upstairs with Mrs Nod's first coffee of the day (and mine!) to catch the next one.


And after playing with the DE function on the X-30, I felt that a single exposure simulating the LIGHTer being ignited (it was a gift about 30 years ago and I had given up the coffin nails between seeing the giver and my birthday so it's never been filled, let alone lit!) worked better. The yellow paper got (yet) another outing as a backdrop.


Of the 3, I think the Zippo one works best, although I do quite like the dawn shot (almost Homeric in the "Rosy fingered Dawn" sense, especially with the contrails.)
One of these days, I'll pick the popular choice!!! :p
Aaahh Nod, you stole the idea I was contemplating,,,:oops: :$. I've got to be faster on the draw I guess.
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Makes a change for me to get in first!!!
They all fit the bill. I'm with some of the others and like the soft dawn light.
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Heavy - the earring one conveys to me the theme best. The titanic build does look fiddly to say the least

Light - the dawn image looks very calm and peaceful. I want to like the lighter image more but feel the simulated flame needs to be smaller or further away from the foreground. I liked the reference to "coffin nails", thankfully something I've never tried
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Like the first one. Total the opposite of my last week's heavy feather shot. :)

That was one reason for taking it. I was going to do similar to your feather shot but without PP - using the tare function to get a large negative weight then positioning the feather over the - . Doing it the other way (light, heavy weights) seemed more fun!
Heavy - the earring one conveys to me the theme best. The titanic build does look fiddly to say the least

Light - the dawn image looks very calm and peaceful. I want to like the lighter image more but feel the simulated flame needs to be smaller or further away from the foreground. I liked the reference to "coffin nails", thankfully something I've never tried

Fiddly starts to describe the Titanic model! It sits quite happily in the palm of my hand and is about 5 1/2" long. If I hadn't already bought the Tie Fighter, I wouldn't have ordered it - it was even more fiddly than the Titanic!
