weekly Rowee's 52 for 2016 Week 8 - Topical added

Good grief - that must be costing a small fortune to be left idle like that. Good take for the theme.
Interesting one for Abandoned, like the bright colour on the digger but as others have said could perhaps do with the shadows lifting
Abandoned is a little dark, but it does has that "abandoned" look about it.
Boom, straight in there this week!
Think this guy's pretty camouflaged in this scene


ƒ/2.8 | 115mm | 1/250 Sec | ISO400
Interesting one for Abandoned, like the bright colour on the digger but as others have said could perhaps do with the shadows lifting

Abandoned is a little dark, but it does has that "abandoned" look about it.

Thanks both, I know, I had real trouble getting the lighting right in pp, to be honest I had similar issues with the recent shot. I spent about 40 minutes just trying to get the colour balance, temperature and contrast levels right, really need to calibrate my monitor I think
:clap:Quick off the ... um ... starting line Mark. Terrific shot for Camouflaged, spot on. Beautiful animal and excellent taken.
Yep thats pretty awesome for sure. Shouldnt have looked at the thread nothing quite like ths in Newton Heath Manchesterr :)

Yep thats pretty awesome for sure. Shouldnt have looked at the thread nothing quite like ths in Newton Heath Manchesterr :)


This guy is in Chester zoo #justsayin' :)
Hi Mark, well done on this week!

Skipping back, Abandoned is good although as others have said, the shadows would benefit from a good lift. If you use lightroom, it's easy to do by pulling the Shadows slider up (you might even be able to shift-double-click it to have LR guess the right amount of shadow boost).

Camouflage is a belter and about as perfectly on theme as we're going to get this week! Really well done and so quick too - just like your subject :)
Goodness your quick off the mark almost as fast as the subject :)

Great effort for camouflage, amazing pose from the animal and well placed in the frame.
Think this guy's pretty camouflaged in this scene
:thinking: nope I give up, I can't see the crocodile :D
Nice looking Cheetah Mark (y)
Absolutely spot on with camouflage.....Marvellous!
Hi, nice shot of the Cheetah, very familiar with them I live quite close to Chester zoo
Abandoned - the photo's no longer there. Is that some sort of postmodern irony? ;)

Camouflaged - great photo of the cheetah, camouflage in its purest sense
Abandoned good find nicely taken I can’t believe it’s still all there, Camouflage very nice Dof spot on and the colouring works very well.(y)
Hi Mark,
Abandoned - Quite like that, but I do agree with the comments about raising the shadows a tad. Nicely positioned on the 1/3rd giving it space to move into (if it ever moves again).
Camouflage - Spot on with that one. Good positioning in the frame too.
Abandoned - can't see it no longer available
Camouflage - lovely picture of a beautiful creature spot on theme.
Hi Mark, well done on this week!

Skipping back, Abandoned is good although as others have said, the shadows would benefit from a good lift. If you use lightroom, it's easy to do by pulling the Shadows slider up (you might even be able to shift-double-click it to have LR guess the right amount of shadow boost).

Camouflage is a belter and about as perfectly on theme as we're going to get this week! Really well done and so quick too - just like your subject :)

Goodness your quick off the mark almost as fast as the subject :)

Great effort for camouflage, amazing pose from the animal and well placed in the frame.

:coat:Boom Boom!

It's nice the way he is looking across the frame into the reeds.

:thinking: nope I give up, I can't see the crocodile :D
Nice looking Cheetah Mark (y)

What a wonderful pose and couldn't be more perfect for the theme :)

Happy - great image - how long did that take to set up ?!

Abandoned - great interpretation

Camouflage - lovely capture of a lovely animal - well done :)

Absolutely spot on with camouflage.....Marvellous!

Nice one Mark. Nice DoFs and framing. (y)

Camouflage, what a magnificent animal.

Perfectly camouflaged.

Is it's tail missing??


Super shot Mark ...I was hoping to get to the Zoo this weekend but the weather is blowing a gale so I wimped out. Yours is perfect for the theme ....that's a beautiful animal.

Great shot of a majestic animal :)

Hi, nice shot of the Cheetah, very familiar with them I live quite close to Chester zoo

Abandoned - the photo's no longer there. Is that some sort of postmodern irony? ;)

Camouflaged - great photo of the cheetah, camouflage in its purest sense

Abandoned good find nicely taken I can’t believe it’s still all there, Camouflage very nice Dof spot on and the colouring works very well.(y)

Hi Mark,
Abandoned - Quite like that, but I do agree with the comments about raising the shadows a tad. Nicely positioned on the 1/3rd giving it space to move into (if it ever moves again).
Camouflage - Spot on with that one. Good positioning in the frame too.

Abandoned - can't see it no longer available
Camouflage - lovely picture of a beautiful creature spot on theme.

:agree: With the above comments.

Wow, thanks for all your comments everyone!! Sorry, I've been working away so haven't really had much time this week :(
Unfortunately I am now behind with Dangerous, although can I just submit the Cheetah shot again?
In an attempt to keep up with the weekly topics, I am going to use a lifeline and post an old shot for Dangerous.

This was taken last year at Barrow Hospital in Bristol. The hospital has been closed for years and has actually since been demolished for housing. It was abandoned when this shot was taken, a very eerie place, luckily for me all concrete walls and floors so the structure was still stable, no real roof to it though, all the electrics hanging out everywhere, presumably disconnected but who knows really. This is a simple but I think quite effective shot of the dangers lurking in these old buildings.


ƒ/1.8 | 50mm | 1/3200sec | ISO500
Good effort Mark, even if it is from last year. I like the dof and nothing says dangerous more than a dodgy electrical connection
Nothing a bit of insulating tape wouldn't fix ;)
Question... Did you really intend to use ISO500 and 1/3200th sec? Seems a bit odd for something that isn't moving, or were you deliberately attempting to add noise in order to add a grimy feel to the shot?
Definitely dangerous from all manner of viewpoints but Yes, you cannot assume electrics have been shut off. Excellent submission for the theme.
Dangerous.....Dangling electrics is definitely right on theme!
Hi Mark :)

Happy - Just love the simpleness of this image, a nice tall image with great shallow depth of field, the rear sad faces blend into infinity and that bright smilie is picked out beautifully;y, really like this (y)

Camouflaged - Now again a good DoF, he sure does blend in a treat, nature working it's wonders for sure, such a great pose captured :)

Dangerous - I thought this was a reflection at first, and wasn't so sure with the background, but seeing this outside which the background portrays adds to the danger, it is nicely oof and the front cable block is picked out well too :)
Definitely potential danger there Mark. As someone who's electrocuted themselves twice with mains leccy, I don't like the stuff ;)

Personally, I'd prefer a tiny touch more DOF or at least a bit more sharpness on the connector. It's 99% there, but just leaves me wanting a touch more edge to it. I do like the lighting and composition as well - it's a really good shot.
Nothing a bit of insulating tape wouldn't fix ;)
Question... Did you really intend to use ISO500 and 1/3200th sec? Seems a bit odd for something that isn't moving, or were you deliberately attempting to add noise in order to add a grimy feel to the shot?

Well spotted Tim, no I had just been taking some picture in a pretty dar room, I had forgotten to change the ISO and Aperture. Rookie mistake, got a little carried with all the excitement. And by excitement, I mean fear :)

Hi Mark :)

Happy - Just love the simpleness of this image, a nice tall image with great shallow depth of field, the rear sad faces blend into infinity and that bright smilie is picked out beautifully;y, really like this (y)

Camouflaged - Now again a good DoF, he sure does blend in a treat, nature working it's wonders for sure, such a great pose captured :)

Dangerous - I thought this was a reflection at first, and wasn't so sure with the background, but seeing this outside which the background portrays adds to the danger, it is nicely oof and the front cable block is picked out well too :)

Thanks for the comments DK. Camo is definitely my favourite shot this year so far!

Definitely potential danger there Mark. As someone who's electrocuted themselves twice with mains leccy, I don't like the stuff ;)

Personally, I'd prefer a tiny touch more DOF or at least a bit more sharpness on the connector. It's 99% there, but just leaves me wanting a touch more edge to it. I do like the lighting and composition as well - it's a really good shot.

Twice!! Didn't you learn the first time?
Agreed, a much smaller aperture would have improved this shot a lot I think.

Camouflaged - perfect shot, Such a lovely animal and perfectly taken against that background.

Dangerous - Looks slightly soft but a good choice for the theme.

Thanks Steve!
Twice!! Didn't you learn the first time?
Agreed, a much smaller aperture would have improved this shot a lot I think.

The first time was a proper accident - using an iron which had a hidden (but not hidden enough) piece of exposed wiring :eek:

The second was rewiring a light switch when two things went wrong: the original sparky had not used standard cable colouring and - the bigger issue - I thought I'd isolated that circuit already :oops: :$ Now I always use a voltage tester to confirm live circuits are no longer live BEFORE working on them...