SiblingChris' TP52 in 2016 - weeks 9-11 added

That's a great smiley image Chris, crystal clear .......... "Sweet" ( :D )
What a great happy shot, love it
Maybe next week I won't do a close up! :)

Same as me, although I like a good close up shot and yours have been great so far.

A bit of a catch up as I seem to have missed your since metal.

Captive - Good job lining it all up and getting the focus on the writing behind the gate, says captive very well.
Miniature - lovely shot of the little bear, set off well against the big one.
Happy - Lovely colourful shot, perfect focus on the ball and really like the out of focus sweets in the background.
Happy's spot on ... with the props you've got.

Miniature ... you need comparison, and you've got it.
Captive - strong Image spot on theme .
Miniature - The teddies are great and spot on theme I would have cropped the white at the bottom off.
Happy - vibrant colours and very happy and you get to eat the props when you tidy up
Good start to the '52 - 4 engaging images - well done!
A bit of monochrome HDR thanks to Photomatix Pro on this one.
It was taken peering through some bushes and at first I decided I like how the branches framed the picture and gave a sense of distance.....

Week 5 - Abandoned by Sibling Chris, on Flickr

...then I started in Photoshop with the context sensitive healing brush. the edit is not perfect by any means, but now I'm not sure which I prefer!

Week 5 - Abandoned (edit) by Sibling Chris, on Flickr
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Abandoned - of the two I prefer the second image more. to me it give a more deserted look. processing is good too.

Camouflaged - good find, perfect for the theme.
Hi Chris,
Abandoned - I like the framing of the first one, the HDR is perhaps a little OTT, but gives it an otherworldly feel. Is it abandoned because it blew up? The silo on the left looks ripped apart...
Camouflage(d) - The hide is definitely on theme (esp in a photography forum) but I don't think it's your strongest work.
Definitely the edited version of Abandoned Chris. Great subject and well selected treatment in b&w. Camouflage works for the theme and I do like the textures in the stonework.
Abandoned. I prefer the second edit with the branches cloned out.

Camouflage....Well, it's what a hide is all about, is it not? The textures on the stone walls is great.
Hi Chris :)

Glad to see you keeping in here !!!

The first Abandoned for me, I actually like how the branches frame the large tanks, has a real eerie feel to it that I like :)

Camouflaged - Nice idea for the theme, would have been great to capture somebody in there looking out of the viewpoints :)
Abandoned -- both good pictures I think I like the first best
Camouflage - good take on the theme
Hi Chris definitely the second abandoned shot for me as I found the OOF branches really quite distracting as some of them cut through the subject. However, if you could have just moved that branch that passes nearly vertically through the warehouse on the right of the frame and one on the left in the middle, the rest actually frame the image nicely.

Good job to keep up though - time to crack on with the next themes!
So for Dangerous I wanted to do something not quite so obvious and picked out something that was potentially dangerous to me as I'm a type 1 diabetic

I tried to give it an olde worlde feel with the Sepia and vignette to go along with the shoppe itself and I also managed to get it without any modern paraphernalia in view. I'm not entirely sure it works, but I'm going to post it and move on :)

Week 7 - Dangerous
by Sibling Chris, on Flickr
I think it fits the theme well Chris. Dangerous for everyone really in the light of general health warnings of over-consumption of sugar. Shop is a terrific find and I love the conversion to suit that era. Excellent :clap:
Dangerous to waistlines too.
Vignette feels a little strong on the right hand side, but all in all, a good shot for the theme.

I know what you mean. I think the photo was already naturally darker down the right hand corner. I did try to balance a bit more by using some exposure gradients at the top left but perhaps I should have done a bit more.....think about it, perhaps I should have brightened the right hand side before doing the vignette
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Nice work ... olde sepia, nice POV, but I agree the vignettes a bit strong in places
Chris Hi, dangerous, bang of theme especially for your condition. not sure of the sepia I personally prefer B&W