Simon's 52 in 2021

All the wall images are interesting in their own way. Number 3 is my favourite, i like how the line are leading almost to a vanishing point.

A drink I’ve never tried, i don’t know if with your choice of lighting you could have lost the highlight at the bottom

Well spotted snails, i agree the stone does take your focus slightly from the seedling image, but it does have nice light on it

I wouldn't bother with the's not especially memorable, but it did say "smooth".....:)
Nice idea, it's a little dark for me, but I like the pov.

Love the snails, great little scene you've caught.
Smooth... nicely lit and fits the bill - can't say the same of John Smiths personally ;)
Alive... very well spotted. Kids eh - want carrying everywhere!
I was going to say alive and not kicking for the snail [emoji4] two on theme pics [emoji106]

By the way, did you know that you can link direct to the relevant post rather than the thread? You get the link by right clicking on the post number.

I only mention it, because it’s the third submission on the trot that I’ve clicked on that takes me to the front page [emoji4]
I like both of these Simon. Perhaps a less central snail might have worked better, but thematically it's bob on.

The green shoot has some nice colour contrast going on too and the DoF separation works really well.
Perfect - tick, tick
Nicely presented Simon.
What lighting were you using? The reflection at the bottom hints it was something other than natural light (though it could have been).
Smooth - fits the bill nicely for theme and technique [emoji4]
All the wall images are interesting in their own way. Number 3 is my favourite, i like how the line are leading almost to a vanishing point.

A drink I’ve never tried, i don’t know if with your choice of lighting you could have lost the highlight at the bottom

Well spotted snails, i agree the stone does take your focus slightly from the seedling image, but it does have nice light on it
Love the snails Simon, the little baby snail really makes it interesting, they’re so tiny aren’t they!

Good choice for smooth and it works well for the lighting challenge, you’re all up to date now :)
Nice idea, it's a little dark for me, but I like the pov.

Love the snails, great little scene you've caught.
Smooth... nicely lit and fits the bill - can't say the same of John Smiths personally ;)
Alive... very well spotted. Kids eh - want carrying everywhere!

Thank you all, as always for your comments and observations. :)
I really like the snail picture, it fits the theme perfectly. Are you sure you didn't put the baby snail there deliberately? :ROFLMAO:
I think that just about covers it (y)

I like expression of surprise on the rabbits face :D
Nice lit and captured collection of Easter associated items.

By the way it is definitely a ‘feature’ of the iPad app that it sends you to the first page, so sorry about that!
Nice lit and captured collection of Easter associated items.

By the way it is definitely a ‘feature’ of the iPad app that it sends you to the first page, so sorry about that!
It's the Apple way, or no way...... :rolleyes:
I’m on iPad @beebop and mine’s okay ... it’s a mystery!
Oh that's interesting - and yours doesn't always go to the front page? How strange! Do you use the app or the browser on the iPad? I'm on the app.

Perhaps a glitch in the matrix here? I do need to update my iPad - maybe that would help.
Last edited:
Oh that's interesting - and yours doesn't always go to the front page? How strange! Do you use the app or the browser on the iPad? I'm on the app.

Perhaps a glitch in the matrix here? I do need to update my iPad - maybe that would help.

Ok just tested on my iPad, an iPad Air 2 that’s about 6 years old but software up to date. Using the app, like @Bebop it takes me to the start page.
However, using the browser, it takes me direct to the post.
Go figure...
Made me chuckle that's for sure. And that is a bright yellow background!
I think you've pretty much covered all bases there. It certainly made me smile.
I like it. It's a good composition, simple but very effective. I do prefer the edit, it has a bit more punch.
Yes indeed, it doesn't get much more 'spring' than that. Lovely image.
Totally Spring!

The hard light and shadow works well, and I like the depth it has.
Nice shot - too many legs haha!
Week 15 - Snapper's Choice

A quadruple offering (well a double really with one photo the same but twice tweaked differently) - well, it is snapper's choice!

The horse chestnut leaves I spotted on a woodland walk this week. I was taken by the softness and droopy way they looked just like new board leaves - which is exactly what they are. The dappled sunlight made for a nice shot. I'm cropping a few of my photos lately into square - I kind of like the way that looks.

The snakehead fritillaries were shot on a walk to Dyffryn Gardens a local National Trust place. The original shot is at the bottom of the set, but again, given this is snapper's choice week, I've played a bit. The two photos on the middle were converted to B&W in Luminar and then the saturation and luminance tweaked - first to bring out the magenta only and then to bring the yellows and greens, but leave the flowerheads in B&W. Whilst the magenta flowerhead are probably a more obvious tweak, I'm more taken with the B&W flowerheads which look almost gothic.

Early horsechestnut leaves
Early horse chestnut leaves by Simon P Hiscocks, on Flickr

Snakeshead Fritillaries 1
Snakeshead fritillaries 2 by Simon P Hiscocks, on Flickr

Snakeshead Fritillaries 2
Snakeshead fritillaries 4 by Simon P Hiscocks, on Flickr

Snakeshead Fritillaries Original
Snakeshead fritillaries 1 by Simon P Hiscocks, on Flickr
Easter shot, very appropriate and on theme.
Spring shot, nicely captured.
Snappers choice, think i prefer the original probably because that`s the more natural viewpoint / colours.
Could you crop in slightly on the right hand side to lose the darker snakeshead.
Easter shot, very appropriate and on theme.
Spring shot, nicely captured.
Snappers choice, think i prefer the original probably because that`s the more natural viewpoint / colours.
Could you crop in slightly on the right hand side to lose the darker snakeshead.

Thanks. Good point re the crop
Hi Simon

New green leaves at this time of year, what's not to love.
I like the 1st Snakehead shot with the B&W background.
On the 2nd one with the B&W flowers I reakon a really big crop onto the bunch just off centre would work well apart from the bush in the background just clipping the top of the flowers.
Interesting idea.

Hi Simon

New green leaves at this time of year, what's not to love.
I like the 1st Snakehead shot with the B&W background.
On the 2nd one with the B&W flowers I reakon a really big crop onto the bunch just off centre would work well apart from the bush in the background just clipping the top of the flowers.
Interesting idea.


Thanks [emoji4]
Nice fritties - the original colour works best for me.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Here's the crop version a few of you have suggested. Works well, although I looking again I could have got the original DoF a bit better to get all the main subjects in focus (rushing again!) :snaphappy:

Fritillaria Crop by Simon P Hiscocks, on Flickr
Spring - that looks like such a lovely spot. On theme and they have posed nicely for you :)

Snappers - I like the original colour one best (fritillaries) and agree the crop works - really brings them to life - gorgeous colours. I'm not sure which one is your submission for the week. I do love horse chestnuts, but to me the tops of some of the leaves look a little 'hot' and there are some bright highlights in the background that detract a little. The fritillaries are the winner for me :)