Simon's 52 in 2022

Another fixer-upper :D

Well spotted.
Puts me in mind of an old Commer or Bedford.

Nicely spotted. Funnily enough I've been on the Monsal trail a couple of times in the last year and didn't see it either time.

Once from Wyedale to Hassop on the bikes (and back) and once walking from Hassop to Bakewell and back.
Another fixer-upper :D

Well spotted.
Thanks Dave!

Puts me in mind of an old Commer or Bedford.

Nicely spotted. Funnily enough I've been on the Monsal trail a couple of times in the last year and didn't see it either time.

Once from Wyedale to Hassop on the bikes (and back) and once walking from Hassop to Bakewell and back.
Thanks Kell! It’s between Hassop and Bakewell stations on the Mondale trail, at the back of the Bakewell MOT centre.
The remains of a vehicle then. I have seen lots of abandoned vehicles on my travels but when I need to shoot one I can never remember where they are! Well spotted and nicely composed.
The remains of a vehicle then. I have seen lots of abandoned vehicles on my travels but when I need to shoot one I can never remember where they are! Well spotted and nicely composed.
Thanks Helen. I’m always looking for potential shots, but similar to you, I can’t remember where when the need arises. Perhaps I should start making notes…..
I will keep an eye out for it, will be close by parts of the trail in a couple of days. How are the colours and leaves holding out?

I will keep an eye out for it, will be close by parts of the trail in a couple of days. How are the colours and leaves holding out?

Not bad Pete, but its blowing a gale here today and we’ve had some very heavy rain in the last few days, but hopefully some colour left for you
What a great find. I really like the colours of the decaying vehicle against the colours of the woodland.
Week 44 - Autumnal and Tech: Leading line(s)

A little bit of a rush (again) this week. I had a shot in mind for both theme and tech, but a combination of horrible weather forecast for the rest of this week and a busy calendar means that's out of the window. Luckily, I'd taken this shot on of my wife walking a path on Stanton Moor in the Peak District on Thursday, just after this week's theme and tech was announced, so hopefully it fits the bill.

Stanton Moor by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Thanks Bee. It was a weird day. Bright but not bright. The exposure of the original of this shot looks a better than it does on this site for some bizarre reason, but I’m just glad the sky isn’t 100% flat
Nice typical november scene - well got.
Good one for the theme Simon.
I like humans in shots like this as it gives it perspective.
fits the theme and the tech, nicely done.
Not been to Stanton Moor, which looks good and your photo has good leading lines.
I did see your vehicle today at the start of the Monsal trail while out walking Dudley this morning, you did well to miss out all the cr*p around it.

Not been to Stanton Moor, which looks good and your photo has good leading lines.
I did see your vehicle today at the start of the Monsal trail while out walking Dudley this morning, you did well to miss out all the cr*p around it.

Thanks Pete. Stanton Moor worth a visit.
the vehicle shot was improved by some judicious cropping…..
Week 45 - Snapper's Choice

Hamstrung by time, opportunity and the weather yet again, so here are a couple of shot's I've taken this week that were never intended for my Snapper's Choice submission but make the cut out of necessity.

The first was taken from Penarth seafront just outside Cardiff in a rare moment of sunshine at the weekend, in late afternoon. Most fishing boats in the channel were coming into port, but this one was bucking the trend and going out. I like the light in this one on the boat and it's wake. Clevedon peering through the haze in the background. I sometimes like increasing the canvas size on my shots in PP to give a nice white border, and that's why there's a white surround here.

The second one is a fisherman on an extremely low tide in Sully the following day also in late afternoon. The light was much flatter, and there was little worth shooting, but there were a number of fisherman on the water's edge. I deliberately shot this to capture just the one fisherman to make it look like a lonely spot, although there were a few other fishing not far out of shot to the right.I deliberated converting to mono, but kept it colour and just lifted the shadows a touch as the muted colours reflected that this was mid-November on a dull day.

going fishing by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

P1010212 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Two nice shots Simon :)
Nice light in both images, for me it would be the guy fishing on the beach as the, almost, silhouette works really well and the large foreground and background really give a sense of scale.
Nice light in both images, for me it would be the guy fishing on the beach as the, almost, silhouette works really well and the large foreground and background really give a sense of scale.
Thank you Jim!
Autumn.. fits the bit and we've all had to struggle with the drab weather recently.
Snappers choice. Two interesting minimalist shots. The fisherman has the slight edge for me as I like the layers it creates.
Autumn.. fits the bit and we've all had to struggle with the drab weather recently.
Snappers choice. Two interesting minimalist shots. The fisherman has the slight edge for me as I like the layers it creates
Thanks Helen! Just hoping for some dry weather next week. Rodding down here again
A nice couple of images Simon, I prefer the second one just because of the sense of scale and the moodiness of it.
Week 46 - Destruction

Two quick ones this week.

The first a bit of a shoehorn. On a brief walk down at Barry Island this morning, saw a crow that had found a golf ball, presumably thinking it's an egg and was trying to "destroy" it for it's dinner....

Secondly, secure destruction of a document.

DSC02384 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

P1010386 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Two interesting shots - the shredder fitting the theme better.