weekly Stuart Pearson's 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase (completed )

I like this a lot Stuart. I was wondering at first if it might look better with a little less contrast but l suspect it might not be as effective.
Nice colours in the sunset accentuating the branches of the trees.
Images like this are only available for a few minutes and you were in the right place at the right time.
An excellent tree silhouette photo.
For a grab and go picture it is very good Stuart. Well done.
Nice, great use of the light and silhouette, bang on theme too.
Week 17 - Hole

A camera club outing to Edinburgh Royal Botanical Gardens provided me with plentiful time to get images for the "hole" theme. Some of the following might have a questionable association, I will leave that for you to decide.

First up is my chosen image which was not setup in any way, I've no idea how the feather got there.

Feather by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

Next up is a squirrel who as far I'm concerned is looking down a "hole" and failing that there is a nut (not the edible type) which has a hole!!

Squirrel by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

The final image is titled Road Runner which has an implied "hole" which anyone familiar with the cartoon will remember being painted on the wall.

Road Runner? by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

Just by luck, my three potential theme images are taken with three different lenses on my Panasonic G5 camera.

Feather - 12-60mm Panasonic lens
Squirrel - 42.5mm Panasonic lens
Road Runner - 7.5mm 7Artisans fish-eye
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Last image is lovely! Would be worth taking the picture again on different light set up
Great set Stuart. I might have been tempted to crop in to the bottom of the last one to make more of the reflection.
Great set Stuart. I might have been tempted to crop in to the bottom of the last one to make more of the reflection.
Thanks for the suggestion, the image is slightly cropped already but I tried to keep the transition from water to land. A tighter crop might make the drain?? at the right more evident.
I like them all, and very good use of the reflection in your last image.
Nice set Stuart - I love the squirrel shot. You've captured it's (food driven) inquisitive nature perfectly!
The first 2 are quite different. The squirrel shot is my fav. but that feather makes you think.
Nice set Stuart, I like all of them but I probably would have gone with "roadrunner". The red really captures my eye and draws me in.
An ahh for the squirrel. However, your chosen shot is an interesting composition as it wasn't "composed".
Well you spotted a few good ones for this theme. The squirrel does seem an opportune moment captured, but your chosen shot is definitely different. I wonder whether a person did it, or some animal was trying to pull it into it's hole - an ambitious bit of nest building??
Week 18 - Sunset/Sunrise

I did actually take this picture in the designated week but as we heading off on holiday the following day it never got uploaded. There wasn't many opportunities at the time to capture a sunrise/sunset image, with one taken on a local walk "Chasing The Sun" which kept getting further away and covered by objects.

Chasing The Sun
by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
Week 19 - Sports

I'm now on holiday with the family in the sunshine state of Florida, although as I "write this" it is actually raining heavily. For the first time we are staying in a villa which fortunately for my TP endeavours has a games room for the sports theme. So this is my chosen image showing the focus on ball number 1 and falling away as you move to the right.

Point of focus
by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

I did make the mistake of not leaving enough space around the edges of the frame which given it was staged should have been sorted at the photo taking stage, however it has only been "fixed" in post.

There was other "sports" available that I tried to get a suitable photo from but I either didn't have a fast enough shutter to freeze the action or in a long exposure the critical object (ball/disc) wasn't visible.

Here is one attempt playing the basketball game:


And here is the camera at one end of an air hockey table:

I love air hockey :) I really like your chosen shot. Perfect colour combination. It's great that you tried a few different things too - one thing that I enjoy about the 52 is the way you end up trying different things.
Good fit for the theme but I'm not a fan of the intended focus arrangement.

Do you think it works better with the centre ball number 3 being in focus, this was another photo taken at the same time:
I much prefer that one, mind you the cliche shot is the balls in a triangle with the closest in focus.

I really like your chosen shot and how you arranged it. I might have had ball number 2 a little more in focus before fading away but that's just me. Given I play pool quite often (still rubbish at it) it never occurred to me to take a picture like this.

Enjoy your holiday in not so sunny Florida!
Really like your sunset shot Pete, it could work for the current theme as well.

I like the pool shot but I don't think the challenge is with which ball is in focus. I think that that the challenge is that you've set the balls up too close to being in a straight line. For me, for the shot to work really well the balls should have a very definite progression away from the viewer, then using a wide open aperture really makes the DOF stand out.

I think from your set of images, I agree with Bebop about the air hockey image. I would probably have gone with that one as my chosen one but this is really just my own tastes showing up.
I like the sunset shot, and the pool ball shot. Focus fading from the left doesn't is OK for me, I can see why you did that.
Week 20 - Parallel

Arguably one of the most photographed parallel set of tracks in the world, Main Street USA leading to the castle in The Magic Kingdom, Disneyworld in Florida. It's luck more than anything else that I managed to get the empty space in the foreground.

Main Street USA
by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
Week 21 - Metal

More photos from my trip to Florida, this time it's the vintage cars outside Mel's Diner in Universal Studios. Took lots of photos around them trying different angles. This was my favourite but one thing I'm guilty of that doesn't help my images is zooming in too close. This image would have benefitted from more space especially at the left.

Form Over Function by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
Week 22 - Treasure

This photo should never have been taken, as it's from Madam Tussauds in Orlando dated 2 days after we were due to have arrived home from our holiday in Florida!! However adverse weather conditions at Newark airport where we were due to catch a connecting flight to Edinburgh threw a "spanner in the works". Our plane made it as far as the taxiway before we were advised Newark airport was closed and we're delayed indefinitely. This meant we missed our connection and had stay a further 3 days and fly back via Frankfurt.
If I knew the theme in advance I would have taken photos of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme park ride and gift shop!!

Wax Lyrical - Aaaarrr by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
Week 23 - Solid

I was through working in Edinburgh so what better example of solid than the castle and its imposing foundation. Although getting the photo proved more tricky than expected. I was initially hoping to have spare time to walk near the castle with my compact camera, but the best laid plans came to nothing. So my submitted photo is a quick grab shot while sitting in my van around the side of the castle trying to make sure I didn't get clamped! I also had the best intentions of taking a couple of different photos but the battery dies taking the second photo.

Firm Foundations
by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
Works for me (solid), quite a change from the USA for you Parallel, metal and treasure shots.

Perfect for the theme. You wouldn't have known you hadn't had lots of time to find a viewpoint. Such an imposing fortress and the gloomy sky adds to the atmosphere.
Week 24 - Beginning With A P

I had a plethora :) of potential photos to consider for this theme. I've gone with this one titled "Peeling Paint" for my main image which was captured on my iPhone 8. It is a considerable crop from the original, I'm pleased with the level of detail achieved for a small section of the photo.

Peeling Paint by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

Other photo captured during the week that I considered was this panorama image created showing the iPhone built in function. It looks accurate until you zoom in and see the stepped sections between success captures to create the finished image.

iphone panorama by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

Seeing the distortion on the iPhone panorama I tried using my compact camera to take multiple photos of the same scene and used the stitching panorama function in the Affinity Photo IPad app. This was the end result, which doesn't suffer from the stepped differences but would have benefited from being zoomed out to capture more of the area.

panorama - stitched by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

In my job I was called out to Queen St station, on one of the strike days which by the time I left was "Passengerless" where normally it would still be busy.

Passengerless by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

The following day I was as Glasgow Central where my eye caught the leading lines of the "Pneumatic Buffers"

Pneumatic Buffer by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr

Earlier in the week I achieved my best alliterative photo with "Pay here for parking on a pole in Paisley"

Parking by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
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Great set Stuart. I like the pneumatic buffer one the best.
A really good set of image Stuart. I love the commentary and your alliterative attestation had me chuckling.

The shot of the train station was very interesting. It made me think of our airport during lockdown. I had to pick my daughter up and the terminals were largely deserted. Very eerie.
I really like the shot from the buffers, the lines are great.