Talk Photography Day 2013


I just have, and I still can't see it. You owe me 2 minutes of wasted life.

Or I need to get some new glasses.....:shrug:

Or I need to read it again properly....:thinking:

This is all getting too much for me!!! :crying:

What happens afterwards

Point 1

deadline will be about 3 weeks in total, so 3rd week of september-ish... I need to get the email account set up [or rather, admin do] and then can start asking for the emailed versions. Obviously the pics still have to have been taken yesterday :p
I had a wedding yesterday, so mine will be something weddingy.....just wondered if I needed to get a move on or not. Thankfully, I don't!! :D
Marvellous, I forgot all about this and spent the day scanning negatives because I've got a backlog to work through.

Or, if I'm feeling cheeky later, I really took a picture of my desk while scanning (photos within a photo) on a film camera and have to wait until it's been developed. Honest.

deadline will be about 3 weeks in total, so 3rd week of september-ish... I need to get the email account set up [or rather, admin do] and then can start asking for the emailed versions. Obviously the pics still have to have been taken yesterday :p

3 weeks, I better hope I manage to recover my hard drive loss by then! Eek.
I did take some pictures but haven't had a chance to get them out of camera yet. It was the last day of holiday (got up early... ish) and since then we've been manic getting back to work and getting the kids ready for new schools.

Hopefully I'll have some time at the weekend.
What do you mean by full size/res? Are you looking for a certain pixel/dpi.

If you can send the image at 300dpi [in case we manage to get something printed sorted out] and at whatever size it was when you finished any cropping but before resizing for the forum, that would be excellent. (y)

As an aside, I have now organised how they will be displayed initially[more about that later] which wont be at full size/res, but so that people don't have send two versions, and create even more work from those that forget to resize, etc, this is the easiest way. I am currently looking at a few possible book options, but I do need to know how many we have in total before I can do any serious negotiations ;)

As an aside, I have now organised how they will be displayed initially[more about that later] which wont be at full size/res, but so that people don't have send two versions, and create even more work from those that forget to resize, etc, this is the easiest way. I am currently looking at a few possible book options, but I do need to know how many we have in total before I can do any serious negotiations ;)
Oooooo sounds intriguing :D
Just need to get my film developed then I can post my photo.
Just finished uploading and sorting holiday pix (including TPDay ones) so am square eyed! Need to select one for submission.

Any particular format preferred? Are pans acceptable? Bet you don't really want a 24" wide pan at 300DPI!!!
The problem with a pan Nod is that when it's displayed, you really aren't going to be able to see all the detail, so whilst you can submit a pan, it might not be best choice for this. {given I am assuming you mean one from the X?? ;) ]

Just a reminder to people to get emailing their submissions and if you haven't submitted yet, gerronwivit!! :D
Very true Yv.

Still going through the holibob snaps (and photos!) but will sort an entry later today when J's teaching.
Sent mine :)
Are we going to have over 150 posts of "Done", "Sent", "Emailed", etc......please let that happen!! :LOL:

Film developed. Had a look at negatives on lightbox and have chosen photo to submit. Just need to print and scan now so should be submitted by the end of the week
My humble apologies, I've had three weeks from hell... I'll get the photo sorted and sent by this evening