weekly Tracy's 52 challenge 2015 - Heat added.

Still here, not too sure how as the beginning of the year is filled with hospital visits :(
The weather is not that good and haven't had a chance to really focus on this weeks theme so am guilty of just grabbing a photo last night so im not behind, not my best but it will do ;)
This is Willow, my son Jacob's cat, she has a habit of climbing up on his shoulder as he walks around - they have been companions since the days she arrived at our home :)

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I really like the eye contact you've captured of the cat, makes me wonder what it's thinking. I also like the sharpness you've got on Willow and your son's back, balanced by the grain/noise you've got on the coving in the top left of the photo.
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Hi tracy, sorry to hear about your recent weeks with your son, hope it gets better for you.

Nice shot, nice and sharp and perfectly fits the theme, I like the conversion too, nicely done
Good focus on the cat, unfortunately the GB is not doing the image any favours.

Thanks David, I do realise the BG is not very good and I would have much preferred a cleaner one but it was a grabbed shot as I was running out of time lol I might try again if the cat cooperatives ;)
Nice and sharp on the cat's face. I'd crop in close to the cat and the head and get rid of the curtains.
Love the detail you've captured on the cat and the expression on its face. reminds me of Professor McGonagall in Harry Potter, just a shame about the BG, but, as a cat owner I know how difficult it is to get them to cooperate :eek:
Ok hard one this week ;) I managed to persuade my friends daughter to stand outside for all of 10 minutes to try and get the photo I wanted, its didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted but im reasonably happy! this young girl I always think looks elegant :)

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Love the composition and the contrast between the different surfaces. Also, the mono conversion works very well. I think you may have lost her legs a little against the dark wood of the door, but that's a very small point. Nice shot.
That passes the "Elegant" test. (y)

There's something not quite straight about it ... a shame. Personally I would use a Perspective Tool (I use Gimp for that) and drag the Top Right corner up a little.

But yes Tracy ... a nice image.
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Definitely elegant Tracy :)
I really like the lines involved in the doors and stonework too.
Also, a lovely BW conversion :)
Agreed with Sara about the lost legs, but I too like the contrast - dark door, dark legs, light wall, light upper body...

For me there's a tad too much space in the frame and I don't get the "Elegance" theme. Don't get me wrong, the shot is a lovely shot with that contrast, and your model has found something un-awkward to do with her arms which I like. It just doesn't shout "Elegant" at me, Perhaps a closer perspective might have changed that. But it's all my subjective opinion at the end of the day. You're certainly comfortable working in B&W.
Great image for the theme but slightly off angle as others have said. Love the mono conversion.
Companions: Love the photo but as been said, the BG distraction of the curtains is a shame because it takes my eyes away from the cat's stunning expression.

Elegant: Doesn't really work for me. Looks a bit too staged and, as has been mentioned, the door blends into the legs a bit too much - sorry :(
Hi Tracy :)

Scenic - A lovely colourful shot, I feel it needs a focal point other than the tree line, but still liking your chosen DoF :)

Companions - Aweeee that's excellent, a very unusual shot, great DoF and eye contact, really like that (y)

Elegant - Really like your composition here, the lady is totally dwarfed by the doors yet you bring her to the centre of attention perfectly, good DoF again and nicely lit !!

Some great shots from you again (y)
Hiya Tracy

Sorry to hear you have other (very important) things competing for your time and emotion right now - hope all's well.

Scenic is a nice shot but I'm afraid you've made the beginner mistake of being so bloomin' good that your own bar is so high nowadays ;) So it's a good shot, but I prefer your previous ones. Nice colours and DOF choice but personally I'd probably prefer to lose some sky (which isn't doing too much for me) and get more rapeseed using a higher vantage point?

Companions - nicely grabbed shot and works in the homely environment behind which is busy enought to suggest real rather than staged but not unattractively so. Would be great if you could have managed more catchlight in the eyes, but that's a small one (and may well not have been possible). Great definition on the whiskers!

Elegant - well I'll agree with you that she is. Nice pose and framing... only crit is that on my laptop IPS her dark tights blend a bit too much into the dark door behind. Shame as the dark door works really well with her coat!
Hi Tracy [emoji4]
Scenic: beautiful colours in this one, the turquoisey tint of the sky really brings out the yellows nicely - love the blurred FG too.

Companions: really love that cat - a proper little character I expect![emoji23] as said, maybe the BG isn't perfect, but then that's all part of candid shots I guess! Nice capture [emoji6]

Elegant: certainly is! Love the big ol' doors and the grand feeling of the BG. The B&W compliments both the building and model equally - feels stylish[emoji4]

A cracking image Tracy, well captured. I was thinking about popping down to London zoo, its years since Ive been.


Lovely image Tracy. Wet surroundings...wet food...predominantly wet critter.
Love it.
Hi Tracy

Watery....liking that, lovely low POV with the subject nice and sharp (y)

Elegant.....very elegant door way & surrounds , not 100 % on the model's pose but I do think she looks elegant.Other's have mentioned her lower half blending in to the doors & it does seem a smidge on the squiff, maybe due to the angle you shot it at ?
Companions - I have two cats, a tom and a she, and the she cat looks just like this one. Also if I pick her up she will climb on my shoulder too lol. Nice capture with the cat looking at the camera and I like the DOF. I also like the grain that shows more on the background than the subject IMHO making the subject stand out more. I think a crop off the left and top just to tighten it a little may have helped, but that personal preference.

Elegance - Look at the size of those doors :jawdrop:. I like the idea and think that it works well for the theme. I think a crop off the bottom of about three slabs would help bringing us closer to the model but still letting us see those doors. I like the conversion to mono too.

Watery - Brilliant. As said it fits straight into the theme. I like the crop and the colours and that the otter is looking at you. The low POV works very well IMHO.
