What's your 'pet-hate' in a photograph?

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Mine is........Blurry rushing water.

It only works for me if the blur is the absolute minimum.
Mine is........Blurry rushing water.

It only works for me if the blur is the absolute minimum.

Thought I'd best quote it in case you withdraw it. :)

I don't really have a pet hate about in photographs. What I dislike are the sycophantic comments you get on Flickr about some decidedly average photos.
Thought I'd best quote it in case you withdraw it. :)

I don't really have a pet hate about in photographs. What I dislike are the sycophantic comments you get on Flickr about some decidedly average photos.

why would he withdraw it?
out of focus eyes especially when ISO 2000 is used as the reason :LOL:
hdr, i just don't see the attraction
not so much the photograph, but when others add comments without first finding out what the photographers objective was.

things like you havent got it on the golden spot or crop much of the right out etc.

find out what the photographer had in mind then add criticism on the final picture.
I have a huge list of things that I hate :nono:

1. Shots of people
2. Shots that are a cliché, but then which aren't :shrug:
3. Weddings
4. Useless & Rude comments
5. HDR
6. Any post processing (opens a huge can of worms)
7. Photographers who think there are fixed rules
8. Photographers who break all the rules, get crappy results and then argue how artistic their results are!
9. When someone asks me to evaluate their shot from the camera's LCD
10. People who use SLRs are a P & S
11. People who have money to buy expensive equipment but can't be arsed to learn how to use them
12. Trigger happy junkies
13. People who post all their crap, and I ache my hernia holding back my comments
14. People who drag politics & religion into art & science
15. People who don't clean their equipment (camera equipment, I mean)
16. Sand, when it gets in my equipment causing a huge £££ repair bill
17. People who go to all acrobatic manoeuvres to shoot something that could be taken while standing happily on two feet
18. Rain, when it gets in my equipment causing a huge £££ repair bill
19. Service centres who tell you it would take them 2 days to repair what ends up a 2 week job
20. Equipment that I want, but can't afford
21. When I go shooting without my partner
22. My partner not letting me shoot Glamour and Nude (hence, cause of point number one)
lack of forethought. (I've been guilty of it often enough :))

Lovin No 7 Wail! :)
not so much the photograph, but when others add comments without first finding out what the photographers objective was.

things like you havent got it on the golden spot or crop much of the right out etc.

find out what the photographer had in mind then add criticism on the final picture.

mostly thats the posters fault, they post asking for crit without explaining their objective, shouldn't need to be asked.
out of focus eyes especially when ISO 2000 is used as the reason :LOL:

Sometimes I think you only post things to wind people up...but having read all of that thread, I have to applaud this one...:LOL:

In another photographer's images? Well Gordon Brown annoys me when I see him in any photograph, but maybe that's just because he's a bloated slug...he looks no better in real-life either BTW...

Dogs in hats...?

Fake smiles...?

Cheesy sunsets...?

Really bad glamour photos that everyone raves about when all they're looking at is the tits, not as to whether the image has any photographic merit - or lack thereof...

In my images...? Initially everything - I'm never entirely happy with anything I shoot when I first view the images, though inevitably time softens the blow...but I always sit there thinking 'if only I'd done this or that, or moved a bit to the left' etc...

Mostly anything that's a 'bone' mistake - technical errors like mis-focussed shots, exposure being slightly off, composition being not quite perfect...

Anything else is just subjective really...
The excuse that it's ok, poor work can be put right in Photoshop, resulting in over processing of images - learn to get it as near right as possible in camera and then just tweak in photoshop.
HDR Halos.

I've nothin against tonemapping, but when it's just stuck through photomatix on default settings, it looks bloody awful. Doesn't take much experimenting to get decent results, where the trees don't look radioactive.
Photos that are just technically bad for whatever reason where it could so easily have been avoided

A great HDR, blurred water, baby, nude, Wedding, etc. shot is always going to be a great shot - I can't imagine why anyone would want to dismiss shots out of hand for being a certain 'type' :wacky:

I'm not a fan of studio shots which have that "underexposed to rescue a hilight" look...

They appear flat, generally bland & lacking in "pop".

I have done plenty of them, don't like them one bit...

I also don't like blown hilights being seen as a bad thing if it does not really effect the look and feel of a shot...

I don't need to see any more, long exposure, night shot, car headlights.
Grey skys :)

People who are so far up their own arse they can fart and burp through the same hole
Extreme over-saturation of skin tones, grass and other 'reference tones', when it's done just to "liven things up" and missed focus points (i.e. portraits with tack sharp noses/ears but not eyes, bird shots with sharp leaves and blurry beaks).

Just the usual stuff, really and I've been as guilty as anyone of producing these in the past :shrug:.

From a 'stylistic' viewpoint, rather than a technical one, I always cringe at 'bad' street photography - you know, the kind of timidly taken, blurry, long distance shots of a perfectly ordinary stranger, doing nothing of any interest whatsoever :(. I've posted a few of those myself before now, though :D.
Gimmicks like live-view and GPS or face recognition. (I know where I took the bloody picture and I know how's in it FFS)
Arty lighting that leaves heads floating around in the dark without bodies and the odd floating hand thrown in for good measure is also a nono too for me :D
My pet hates and things thats stand out a mile are:
* Uncorrected colour casts
* Poor photoshopping - weve all done it but i can spot it a mile off
* Lack of interest in a subject (i.e. most of the snow pics)
Just remembered my other one.

Badly processed B&W's!

When the photographer can't be bothered to get the exposure right or the colour balance and you can almost see the bubble "Oh well, I'll make it a B&W" Fair do's but a black and white should have tones in it that go from black to white. Not just a muddy mushy grey. Learn to process B&W well or please don't desaturate at all! (y)
A great HDR, blurred water, baby, nude, Wedding shot is always going to be a great shot

I'd agree with that! Although I didn't think babies were allowed to get married, naked or not, where the blurry water would come from I don't know, and I'm not sure you'd want to HDR all of that lot. :wacky: :D
Sometimes I think you only post things to wind people up...but having read all of that thread, I have to applaud this one...:LOL:

I'm sure I have no idea what thread you are referring to. Must be some kind of crazy coincidence ;)
I'd agree with that! Although I didn't think babies were allowed to get married, naked or not, where the blurry water would come from I don't know, and I'm not sure you'd want to HDR all of that lot. :wacky: :D

Babies leak all the time!
What I dislike are the sycophantic comments you get on Flickr about some decidedly average photos.

Why limit it to Flickr? It's endemic on the internet and this site certainly immune from it. I agree though, there's too much appreciate for the average, but maybe the problem is that there are too many average shots being posted?
blimey - not a big fan of the 'nice shot' type comments they don't help anybody, but even a really bad mono conversion doesn't have me reaching for the shot gun
1 People who think you need to be trained to be an artist.

2 My makes better than yours.

3 Shots of kids that look like you are standing on a pair of steps.

4 People who think you are a pervert if you take a camera within 200 yards of a park or playing field.

5 Iconic shots of the famous that would by ordinary with Joe Bloggs as the subject.
Wow I'm thinking perhaps I should give up as I must be guilty of most of these things. :)

The only one I can really think of is people who 'sign'/watermark their pics with text in a really cheesy font.
camera clubs

rig shots

most of the people featured on that photography program on BBC

people that arse lick

use of the words strobist & strobe

huge watermarks over images

the constant canon V nikon, the canon is loosing the ground on nikon arguments

dpreview forums

people thinking glamour is porn

people calling me a perv for taking pictures of ladies

people calling HDR photography

the list goes on TBH